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House of Tea

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What a poorly written article by the mail. It makes sense if you know the topic, but then you don't need to read it.

They don't plan, just churn out the words and hope for the best.
Yes, the comments below the article reflect that. Most people don’t understand what they are talking about in the item.

What would really be useful if a national newspaper did an in-depth report of the sales tactics and dishonest practices around influencers etc. And how they can suck in the vulnerable, and feed consumerism in a time of severe financial constraint. As there seems to be no regulation other than people commenting on their posts (and then getting blocked).
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Absolutely, my workplace is full of bitching , I’ve heard far worse on our breaks than I have in here .
I work in engineering and you'd think that, being stereotypically filled with middle aged men (me included lol), there'd be less gossip and bitching. Wrong! We're just as bad as anyone, if not worse sometimes 😅
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Chatty Member
Wake me up when there's any article or documentary with substance about influencers.

*old Rose gif*
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Chatty Member
It just makes me a bit sad for society that real journalism is dying out.

These people make up a few "facts" then write an article to fit the narrative. Are they young and dream of being an influencer?

They all seem to be making up this middle aged women thing as they think that will help push a point. Most people on here are in 20s or 30s, very few are middle aged. Not that it matters anyone's age, but how can any "journalist" that makes stuff up be taken seriously? So many made up things presented as if it's a fact. That's a thing dictators pushing propaganda do. 😳

The funny thing is the comment sections and their own social media when they post these articles pretty much mirror tattle comments and call influencers deceitful product pushers 😆
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Do these people ever read the advice forum. I have, i have read the ttc thread and the miscarriage one. ( I am currently not trying but have friends who are) they have helped me understand how people feel and what they are going through during this time....
but yeah sure this site is full of venom and hate.
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‘Everyone is on stage to a possible mass audience now all the time, and as someone who has spent a fair amount of time on stage, I can promise you that that in itself changes what you say and how you decide to say it.’

This bit of the article is interesting to me. He was always on stage, but now everyone can have a ‘platform’ and a right to reply. The thing is though - he and the people he interviewed still have a far larger platform than the people on these sites or Twitter or elsewhere. I don’t think the size of your ‘platform’ excuses abuse, but where is that line drawn? Should there be nowhere to discuss what we see from people with those larger platforms? I wonder whether the documentary will mention that the influencer world can be damaging to people consuming it too, that somehow illumination on the influencer industry can help people struggling with it.
This is the crux of it. The blueticks hate the plebs talking back to them and pointing out their hypocrisy and bullshit.

David Baddiel hates people shoving his own racist trolling which the media gave him a platform for right back at him. He has zero of value to say.
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Chatty Member
So much nonsense. Something along the lines of:
"it takes so much more effort to troll than to just reply with a heart"

Make it make sense. No one would dare have an accurate conversation of what the general gist of tattle is. Much easier to just present the 0.1% of messages totally out of context as if that's all tattle is about.

I just looked up this Matalan social media manager guy. I'll say nothing, but it totally backs up my point of view that these people in marketing are often desperate to be an influencer themselves and get giddy over "working with" someone from love island.
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All these articles are so lazy, they seem to run on the assumption that:

Most/all Tattle posters are middle aged, middle class white women, therefore they're probably just jealous and whatever they have to say is irrelevant anyway

Tattle is a misogynistic hate site and all the threads are about women. It's not like some of the busiest, most popular threads focus on men (Phillip Schofield, Joe Wicks, Stephen Bear, Ashley Cain, Simon Harris, Cleaning With Mario, Dan Wheeler ...) or a male and female couple (Harry and Meghan, Tim and Jenn Tracker, James and Carys, Sue and Noel Radford, Sarah and Brad Kearns ...)

Tattle is just like 4chan or the infamous fruit site where people are openly doxxed and blatantly hateful content is posted freely
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So women aren't allowed a space to discuss the media that is primarily targeted towards them? No one goes after reddit, that too basically has it's own American centered subreddit for beauty youtubers, youtube drama channels, or all the male dominated spaces. It's like women aren't meant to have "critical" opinions, and btw, most of the commentary on here is people discussing things like exploitation, poor content, how consumerist youtube and instagram have became, or how misleading content is, alongside general chit chat and some really supportive threads that aren't related to youtube at all.

Influencers can stretch out their legs to advertise clothes, put on filters to advertise skincare, not disclose that they have been gifted items, make uninformed comments, be performative, delete comments that question a double upload or why a once female led channel is now a couples channel, see viewers talk about influencers putting their kids online because they have ran out of ideas as "trolls".

As others have pointed out there are male dominated forums that are very blunt and bold, when it comes to discussion. Goodness the most popular online American news channel promotes war and had a disgusting segment where the male presenter spoke about how fuckable he thought women were and put up exploitative images of them. That hasn't been "cancelled" or seen as an evil cesspit of the internet... but heaven forbid women discuss something an influencer has put out online as content.

I also think tattle is fairly decent at modding, by users themselves. People will have disagreements, but even on the more heated covid threads I would say people are able to keep their cool whilst having debates and not resort to just censoring everything or name calling like you see on reddit.

*There is an American channel I watch about MLM's who sometimes posts global topics, and they have royally fucked up and shown their ignorance. This youtuber doesn't turn off the comments or just delete ones that call them out, they responded to them (not learning anything and just digging a hole for themselves, but still, they allowed the discussion). I can't think of many youtubers here who would allow such critical discussion in the comments, and have audiences who too would allow others to have a more critical opinion "good vibes only"
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It's a wonder it took almost 3 years of the piss poor articles that failed to actually grasp why people gossip about public figures before they stopped popping up.

Jack Monroe spoke about tattle on radio 4 last weekend. Apparently it's people here trying to tear down working class women that have done good :rolleyes:

Despite Jack not being working class herself and people are calling her out on her ever more complicated web of lies and constant rattling for donations because she claims her rent bounced, can't afford butter or something and is suffering from (insert one of 30+ different ailments she claims to have whenever she's trying to deflect from her fuckups)

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even if she was working class, why does she think that excuses you for exploiting the background you come from once you begin making money? Most of the threads here have a theme. They dislike lazy influencers moving taking advantage of lower income people and faking they still are”one of them” flogging fast fashion/home stuff whilst kitting themselves with designer gear and bespoke furniture. 🤡 it’s the pretending you still relate for me just to make money x
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Jelly Bean

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'The children always have the right to say no to appearing in vlogs'?
Don't believe that for one second. Plus how can a baby, toddler and small child give informed consent?
Why does this rubbish just go completely unchallenged?
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I wish I could tell the full story of our experience with “being known” online and the comment, banter, and abuse that comes with it but there’s an eternal fear of being doxed lol.

But we’ve been there, ridden the wave, and you know what… it’s really not that bad? We’ve had scary shit don’t get me wrong and we have internal cameras in the house, it’s changed me to an intensely private person on socials, but I couldn’t imagine behaving like this? Also why on earth would you pre warn the people you’re allegedly terrified of that you’ve got cameras so they know to pull the WiFi out or cover them up? Both of which are my biggest fears re: robbery (I also acknowledge we’re far more likely to be targeted based on shit my husband has & our vehicles than any weird beef someone has).

If these guys were honest with themselves they’d realise there’s different bands of content created off the back of theirs public lives. I’ve had to view this shit about my husband and it hurt, I wanted to go HAM on some of the cunts but I was but a duckling back then and have now grown up a lot. People will always pass comment on something, people love a gossip and a chat and it’s fine. We may not want to hear that husband looks like X or is a Y, so don’t go to those pages or forums or accounts? It’s ultimately none of my business and I used to go out actively looking for it - insanity! You then get the banter people who are actually hilarious and we still joke about their content however many years on or I pretend I’m having an affair with one prolific one. You then get the trolls who do it under their government name and just want to be like a rash, they’re weird and bored but not a problem. The anon scary shit is scary, but that has slowed down and tbh I think you just have a transient group of people clinging to any big moment and trolling whoever is in it?! I don’t think they’re really about that life? We’ve had ppl shout dumb shit in person but again, losers who want a big man story for their mates in the pub, dgaf. This is a realistic portrayal of what it’s like - but we can be honest because we have nothing to hide? We don’t grift or make a penny out of that shit, not exploiting that audience or trying to monetise them (actually he gives a lot of time to in kind causes and ~the youth~). When you keep your personal integrity in tact it’s probably a lot easier to see the wood for the trees and you don’t need to be so fiercely defensive of the cash cow you’re milking.
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Spotted this tucked away:

From the article:

'She [the tattler] sees nothing wrong in ‘doxxing’ – finding influencers’ addresses and other personal information and posting it online – or in tweeting abusive messages directly to them using an anonymous account.'

By not saying that both are against Tattle rules, the article would seem to imply that it's normal Tattle behaviour.
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Emma Barnett asked people that have gossiped about influencers to get in touch. Who the fuck would do that with such a 1 sided agenda?
I’d be fascinated to know what EB thinks influencing is. The way people go on you’d think it was a philanthropic endeavour. People are trying to sell shit to women (as per usual) and we’re not keen on it. We all need burning at the stake for not wanting to continue the excessive consumption cycles ruining our planet + many of our well-being!
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Chatty Member
Mumsnet has had articles about it, to be fair.
Have there ever been any negative very misleading articles about Mumsnet? I've only seen positive ones that are chucked together usually about some made up crap for attention like man on online dating sends a weird text.

Certainly never seen the onslaught of 100% negative press like tattle gets.

One that gets ignored is sports forums.
Boys will be boys! Heaven forbid women do the same. Saying that it's not even the same, many sports forums are worse than here.
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This is the crux of it. The blueticks hate the plebs talking back to them and pointing out their hypocrisy and bullshit.
Exactly this. I spent a few years working in a connected part of a well known national broadcaster and honestly, the sense of entitlement and "don't dare question me" among the 'talent' was unreal. Everything from passive aggressive emails if you dared question them, through to actually being blocked if you weren't in their little coven. They fucking hate anyone that they think is below them having a voice, hence the West London media in-crowd always looking for a way to poke at Tattle because the little people can hold them to account. And we should be curtseying as they waft past....... 🤣
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To be fair to the writers it seems like journalism these days is just regurgitating crap influencers post into articles for clicks and their editors don't want anything more than that. I suspect (or at least hope) that people who have applied themselves enough to qualify as journalists aspire to do more than just farm content for ad revenue.

Unfortunately the press as an entity always has a blind spot regarding it's own affairs and possibly doesnt want to risk alienating the next big thing with a critical article. Private Eye did a nice round up of the papers takes on the Russell Brand allegations highlighting how every single one, from right wing tabloid to left wing broadsheet, covered the allegations whilst glossing over their own working relationships with him.

There definitely needs to be more even handed, better researched press coverage of influencers but I can't see it happening any time soon.
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hard to justify as being in the public interest, as per the website’s stated raison d’être.
Hey guardian! Where has that ever been stated? It's a gossip forum. Nothing more, nothing less. Some of the stuff is in the public interest, some is tittle tattle as per the name 🤦‍♀️.

I think the guardian lists tattle just to get mentions and get posted here to drive traffic to them. Even though they linked to tattle I can see from the stats for every one that clicked the link from the guardian to here 6 times more clicked the link to go the guardian.

Best to keep all links on this thread and not give them the traffic they're looking for.
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