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makes no sense
no one’s said that here , then says about medical conditions. even if people were speculating that he may or may not have them that doesn’t mean anyone’s used that slur
is she dense?

also hi tasha 👋🏽
Absolutely no one asked her this, she’s asking them herself at this rate.
No one’s called your baby shit, a baby is innocent and 95% of us wouldn’t comment.

Get off tattle, it’s a choice to read it and if it’s affecting you then make a decision for yourself and get off. So annoying mate stop asking yourself questions online and go be productive
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She absolutely loves the attention she gets whenever she goes live on her reborn account and people constantly ask if she has a real baby. She finds it quite “funny” whenever people ask if she has a real baby, she absolutely loves people asking if she has a real baby.

I thought Sutton went to bed between 8/9? It’s currently 9:50pm and she’s currently sitting on live trying to get him to sleep so she can change the clothes on her other reborns. Why is she live whenever she’s trying to get her son to sleep? Do it privately, sing him some lullabies, rub his back, run your finger down his forehead and nose! You don’t need to be on live chatting loudly to people. I suppose this is better than last time, she actually has the light off.
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I still can’t get over how she keeps sharing photos of him knowing that pedos are everywhere. Why does she think blurring his eyes protects him from sick freaks? I don’t put pictures of my kids online at all and my instagram is completely private! Why on earth is she posting him to a public account?
And the worst thing is she almost exclusively posts his mouth!!! 😡 it’s like shes trying to encourage wronguns to her page. Either that or her or scab have a disgusting fetish 😡
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Chatty Member
that’s what irks me about her.
a hell of a lot of these threads have showed general concern for her.
she can choose to ignore the red flags but they’re out there and we all saw them.
she won’t dare share the screenshots where people were concerned about her safety when jordan got angry at her for doing something minuscule. she can defend him that’s her prerogative but she fails to see that if they were so hellbent on keeping his privacy then your dumb boyfriend shouldn’t of revealed his full name and then his face. he does not respect you at all!!
It’s because she knows we’ve always been right, she just can’t accept it
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VIP Member
I don’t think the pair of them know what an internet/digital footprint is. Tasha should know better about posting her baby online and about safeguarding given she worked in the care sector. The reason why threads on tattle exist is because these people put their *entire* lives online. Even on Facebook she’s publicly posted about her missing cat and the street name/area. Thinking of worst case scenarios a predator could easily find her and her son if they wanted to. Tasha is a good few years younger than me but we learned all about social media etc at school.
Let's talk about this in more detail, shall we Tasha...

Your full name is on your public social media accounts. It is the name you use on your private Facebook account. However, you post to public Facebook groups with details of your location. You also have an in depth video of your new rented home on your public Tik tok account.

It took me approximately 90 seconds to find your address from the information above (that 90 seconds included finding the information above too). The address your child lives at that you've stated you're so desperate to keep safe.

Your rent is £700pm if you don't believe me 😉 I won't post further details that could direct others to your location because unlike you I actually care for children's safety.

Do better, Tasha. Protect your kid.
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Chatty Member
Unfortunately I don’t think social services would even sniff round them, she’s got a nice well kept home, the baby is loved, fed and clothed, she takes the baby to classes to socialise
Not doubt she’d lie about Jordan’s temper or any MH
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VIP Member
That “come to the shops with us” video is so weird could you imagine seeing her with her disability glasses, trying to steer that pram whilst trying to film, out of breath with her Hotters stomping on the pavement 😭😂😂
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VIP Member
Whit the fuck is that photo I’m dying hahahahaha has she blurred out her grippers or has she blurred out her Hotter shoes?😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
Just saying what I personally feel from what I’ve seen, yeah fair enough TV 5/10 mins a day here or there but that kid is always either in front of the TV or in the pram, he’s clearly developmentally delayed cos of staring at the tv all the time. Clearly does nothing else with him, do we actually see him in any baby classes? Or is she just saying it? We never know, she never supports him like she should from lives and videos, that scab seems new, she doesn’t dress him right he always looks cold, all forms of neglect.
She’s posted numerous clips of him at baby class, playing with him, doing tummy time and outings. And unless you’re a medical professional you can’t say for sure what is causing developmental delays lmao.
He’s in a pram because he’s a young baby, what do you expect him to be riding a trike? 🤣
exactly! we all know jordan doesn’t seem like he does a lot of housework etc so if she needs to put him infront of the tv to get her shit done hen why begrudge her of that.
she’s don’t a lot of dumb shit but she isn’t abusing him. it’s quite vile to say that because she puts him infront of the tbh 😂
what mum doesn’t? it’s something that can be used and utilised to make our lives easier then why not. everyone likes to pretend to be perfect parents who limits screen times and blah blah but the reality is there’s not enough hours in a day. if someone catches a break for five minutes then let them do it. parenting is tough
Fully sounds like I support Tasha but I don’t lmao. No parent should have accusations like that said about them it’s vile and has made me cross tbh especially when he’s clearly loved but doesn’t excuse their idiotic behaviour like putting him on a swing and slide 😂
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VIP Member
I see she’s still reading tattle like the morning newspaper. Though I’m very glad she’s removed the after bath picture. Shame she then put yet another picture of his face after. But at least he has clothes on
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Chatty Member
Oh god can you imagine?! That poor child.

I must say though, I do like how she’s bought him a pink weaning set. Though I put money on her not waiting until 6 months to wean. She’ll do the whole “milk wasn’t filling him up” or “our health visitor said it was okay” bollocks and start early
Hopefully she’ll wait until he’s ready, whether that’s earlier than 6 months or not. Nothing worse than seeing mum’s feeding their 4/5 month olds purée when they’re clearly not ready 😣
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VIP Member
This is so bloody weird. Why is she not focusing on her actual real human baby...

SIDS say to not leave a baby asleep alone before 6 months. Meanwhile, Ms Disability Glasses is playing with dolls in a different room...
She doesn’t give a shit about the baby. She’s put him at risk from day one and she repeatedly puts him at risk of AIDS. I don’t want to say she wants it to happen but I bet she’d absolutely milk the attention. She needs to start putting him first, he absolutely should not be sleeping alone, with or without a baby monitor!
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Shes loving people saying her baby is a doll, like she keeps defending herself showing the baby monitor… they are clearly taking the piss and she’s not getting it
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