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VIP Member
Oh God. I'm glad someone said it.
She's going to be the one featured in the news for all the wrong reasons when older.
She's already a loudmouth like her aunty Tammy, great start.
Emilee let's her get away with way too much and she's become the spoilt brat.
This is an old comment now but so interesting to me! I’ve not followed any hembrows properly for a few years tbh and altho iv seen pics of all the new additions I don’t know any of the kids personalities as even wolf, saskia and Aaliyah were stil young then. I would not have pegged Aaliyah back then to be the loud, bossy future influencer!
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Chatty Member
Farrrk. Look at her page. She's fucking hot AF.
The Tammy Stan's have already noticed and started, they noticed yesterday even before Matt's photo came out today. That means they have already stalked her.
Wasn’t he dating someone else a few months back? Anyone better than Tammy
NYE Wedding??


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Does influencer updates receive some sort of payment from Tammy? She is obsessed with her but only posts positively. Then I see the Daily Mail has credited her for the engagement ring photo from Tammys' stories yesterday.
She's so far up her ass it's not funny.
She knows Tammy will slam her down in a second
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Butbutbut if the kids went, how would she be coked out of her mind with Matt belligerently and sloppy drunk, and take all those after-sex photos and videos to convince us he's the one?
Don't forget captions as corny and cringy as these and redoing everything she did with Reece & Matt for her posts, as her tradition follows. Though Zucchini strikes me as a wet noodle muscle-wise, can he lift something heavier than a shot or a Pringle can?
LOL....... Zucchini. Pissa.
She'll make him work out. Both Matt and Reece were buff
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I'm shocked she admitted she left the kids with presumably Reece's parents, at least I think it's them because she'd note it's her mom or dad watching them. Usually she sticks to ditching them all elsewhere and pretending she has them the whole day. I hope she has an easier work time and gets to squeeze in more shopping, fillers, lunchers and dinners or whatever she 'does for work' now with only Posy there. Poor Posy though, having to be mom's sole prop for the upcoming week.
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Chatty Member
I can't see this relationship going anywhere.
He's a clout chaser, more than her. He doesn't work, except for weekly podcast with his bestie. So where is he getting his money?
He's a typical Melburnian, latte sipping, thrift shopping, bar hopping city bloke who spends most night out with his besties, and he has a lot of very close friends. Lives around the corner from his girl bestie Ana in St. Kilda. Close relations to his family who live near him.
There's no way he'll survive Gold Coast where Tammy lives 15 mins away from any shop, beach. Middle of suburbia.
And there's no culture in Gold Coast, you can't just walk out your house and do stuff 24hrs day like you can in Melbourne. Bars/ clubs are trash. No multicultural/ arts/ gardens/ museums/ live band venues, GC is basically a place you visit when it's cold and then after a few days, you're bored.
Then there's the kids in the house and 5am wake ups and 10pm bed times. The other Matt was always up that early for training.
The mundane family life will kill him, especially with his anxiety and ADHD.
I can't imagine him leaving all he has in Melbourne for the family life.
She's going to have to keep him very interested to stay.
And ontop of all that, he has 2 baby daddies to deal with and I just know him and Matt will clash, especially over Posy.

Plus, he was crying in his podcast in July because he was packing up all his gear from the house, after his relationship failed with Genevieve ...JULY....and that video of him and Tammy in front of hotel was August.
So don't tell me he didn't cheat on his ex because I think he was in Tammy's inbox before their split.
Plus in his podcast, he admitted to cheating on a gf when he became popular with modelling and women started to fall at his feet 🥴 Before that he said he was struggling with acne and weight/ body issues. So basically his gf stayed with him through that but when he got other offers, he cheated.
How does Tammy not see that as a red flag? There's no way she hasn't listened to his podcasts.
True, I like your description of the Gold Coast, but this is just a insta-thirst-chasing relationship, just like Matt (1st) was, Tammy was so desperate to be pregnant for the likes, followers, more importantly photo opp posing and as usual centre of attention, by the fawning comments by the brain dead. She's approaching her 30s, she's going all out now, partying, banging anything. The kids will pay the price, particularly Wolf, for having a mum whose claim to fame is taking most of her clothes off and posing for ass shots .
Any guesses as to how her cheap tat clothing brand and the app are going? Seems the only way to sell her stuff these days is to have them discounted and offer $$$ for her app to get people sucked in
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He's already announced he's in love with her 😁🤨 And she was complaining about dating just a month ago 🤔
He's a lap dog. She's going to milk this as much as she can
Can't wait to see family snapshot next week in matching muted tones 😂


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His sloppy dad bod can't lift 👀
But omg the Reece and Matt Poole one is identical, down to the bikini 😂😂😂
She knew not to take a white bikini with this one
The dad bod + lack of tattoos don't really fit her physical preferences, so it makes it even more hilarious. Is the d-k (paired with attention) the only reason she picked him? Matt here looks like a human version of a greasy slip-n-slide with jealousy issues and a lobster-burnt back.

Side note - alllll the comments are calling her out in her last posts. I really love seeing it, people figured out how irresponsible she is and the dangers she puts herself in.


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View attachment 2353118
Looks like Burleigh hill if I'm not wrong.

Hopefully he uses this opportunity to spend time with his kids like an actual father. Before I'm sure he goes back to Bali to do... what is it that he does exactly? 🤔
Maybe he's staying with Matt in Burleigh 😂😂😂 and exchanging stories.
Of course he'll get that photo opportunity. If he doesn't, one of the sisters will, just to prove that they both are responsible parents.
Do you think there might be tension because Reece ignored Tammy following him and she got embarrassed and unfollowed him?
Or do you think she's going to set up this incredible fake happy reunion to piss off Matt?
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She looks like a malfunctioning robot in this. Why does she think the toothy, open mouthed severe head tilt is attractive? Surely she could have picked another photo where her hand isn’t moving and blurred, or is it because she just loved her body too much in it 😂View attachment 2444510

Her going to fendi and being gifted a bag. How do Fendi benefit from that? No followers will actually go out and buy a fendi will they?
Repulses me that she wears Fendi knowing that the F means Fun Fur. They are known for using exotic animals for their clothing.
But then again, caring about animals is something she's not known for 👎

It looks like she's shaking water out of her ear. Her poses are dumb and uncomfortable looking. And check the comments 😁 does anyone genuine comment anymore or is it just bots and old men
And the heavy filter on her face is rediculous.
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Well-known member
If you can post the reactions, please do. I'm dying to see what they say. Tammy's getting dragged hard everywhere. Every influencer snark page, her page, articles online, Reddit forums. Also I can't be the only one curious. How big of a discount Tammy gets on the engagement rings the third time around? A pity 50% off? Do they also get discounts for another engagement party from the vendors? Or will she reuse the same things she did with Matt Poole?
Ask and you shall receive 🤣
My personal favourite is the one calling her SMART 🤣


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That insta page is so lame. Quit sucking all influencers dicks.
Seriously. With some wording she puts up, it feels like she's on some influencers' payroll too, along with the foolish saps who pay twenty bucks for a few stories that are posted later on as is. She is trying hard to be Australian DeuxMoi, but at least they admit most of their blinds content is made up and don't monetize posting those blinds.
Trash. But I guess it doesn't matter what she wears anymore because she has a man that thrives on rubbish
Wasn't she shaking her bum to Tyga's lyrics about how nasty she was during their meetups? I don't expect anything different from her. She surrounded herself with those just like her.
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Well-known member
Video by tammyhembrow funnies. Tammy sure has a track history of filming moments 'for memories' and not the audience. Remind you of anything? At least five to six moments out of ten she already recreated with Zucchini. I don't know how to make video layout side to side with their videos next to this. How long before those get taken down too?


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