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How interesting that last days there were so many comments here about her bf not living with her and suddenly during one single vlog her bf has zoom meeting in another room "there is so much noise, we both work from home", she is showing his stuff in the bathroom (the lack of those was mentioned here as a clue), she talks about him most of the vlog... I never really believed they read this, but now... 😅

And she is not in Airbnb?? Just because Airbnb owners rent them out now as flats as there are not enough tourist and you have a contract, doesn't mean it still isn't Airbnb. Not sure if she is trying to fool anyone or she does not have a clue where she is...

And 'I just dooooooooon't' at around 9:57, what was thaaaaat?? 😳
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god she’s insufferable.
Agreed. This is one side of Tam's sad existence that I can't stand. First, she is thin-skinned and easily triggered by the most misguided perceptions; second, she always tries to twist anything that seems remotely critical and prove how amazing, strong, smart, WHATEVER, etc. she is; third, she tries to toot her own when it's not relevant and no one asked; lastly, she claims not to be one thing and then contradicts herself in the same sentence. Can someone get this girl a therapist or life coach?
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Thing is we don’t have to hear it every single vlog and Instagram story! Her content is talking about how busy she is and how much work she has and how organized she is. Imagine you go to doctor and he tells you how many hours he is working and what he did that day?
My problem is that she constantly talks about it, and I think that is what rubs people the wrong way.
Agree. She is a bragger. She loves to repeat this “so much work” thing constantly because she needs to convince others, and mostly, herself.
I do think that some influencers work a lot. Camila, Negin or Xenia come to mind. They have businesses, their brands are fairly successful... Do they mention “how hard they work”? Not even once, if my memory doesn’t fail me.
Tamara doesn’t have many partnerships going on, all she does these days are the reels thing and her YT videos (which are basically the same for the past two years). Do I believe these take 8h/per day to do? No way. Sorry, not buying it.
And it is ok to have a job in which you don’t need to work loads ,lucky her, however, she needs to stop pretending otherwise! People are not stupid.
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Hi guys, I’m new here. Happy to see that i’m not the only one annoyed by her. :rolleyes:

It started with her “Paris” apartment tour. I just couldn’t believe that she was able to buy an appartment at the Jardin du Palais Royal. And yes, she wasn’t, but why brag about something that’s not yours and interpreting as if it is. :censored:

Anddddd there we go again with the Chanel notebook.
Chanel notebook= so much work, so much inspiration, so motivated.:sick:


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Your right. Everyone that has some money in The Netherlands (where I live) has flown to Dubai this month. All the influencers, singers and DJs are there. Most rich people I know are still having fancy large dinner parties and doing all kinds of travelling. I also flew to my home country this month but that was for the funeral of my grandfather. I had a flight with transit and the airports were quite busy. I think the thing with Tamara and other influencers is that.. even though we know that it is completely legal what she is doing, it is very annoying because of the way these influencers have been acting as if their lives have gotten so hard this year when so many people have lost jobs and family members due to Covid. Those people are not the ones we hear complaining and see taking a vacation to some fancy island to "have a break" when in reality they are the ones who deserve a damn break. But that is not how the world works. Never has and never will be. Corona has only shown us how unfair our system is. Lower and middle class have got hit so hard, but in the online world of social media it's the upper class we hear moaning about corona and telling us to "hang in there" while they sit in their mansions and take breaks to private islands. There is just something so unfair about it. Something so tasteless and you just would like to see some more humility for people like Tamara..
I agree with you, there is certainly unfairness in this situation. Some people are still living their life without restrictions and Tamara is one of those people. She had her summer vacation, she moved to a new city, she traveled to the UK for a few days, she is now on a winter vaycay in a tropical location. She also goes to restaurants, shops at luxury stores, and gets manicures. I don't get the impression that she has ever really quarantined. While some people have entirely stopped doing all of these things, she has maybe reduced the frequency of all these things but for the most part her life hasn’t changed. Yet, she acts as if she was struggling.

Recently she was whining on her youtube channel that she hasn’t been in a restaurant for 2 months – the longest ever in her life.
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Ok, I don’t think anyone spends 4 hours every day THINKING - and calling that “work” - about where to go to take a damn photo, at what time of the day so they would get the best light (if you want a day photo, go during the day, for a night photo, go during the night - there goes 2 seconds of that 11 hr work shift). Nothing they do is revolutionary, they just copy, scrolling through Instagram to get the “inspiration” is not hard work.

I hate when they try to present influencing as hard work - when it really is not. It’s the least hard job you could get, that’s why they’re not earning that much - they get paid in products to advertise and that is not money. a MK bag is not currency.
They take loans (like Tamara) to “invest in themselves” aka buy expensive shit, hoping to get noticed AND SOMETIMES in the end to make money out of it. They give zero added value and therefore earn very little but make it seem like they’re rich.

there is some money in item flipping - buying and reselling, and you get less money than what you paid, but you could justify that loss by “amortization” - which is not really amortization if you wore a bag and took a photo for Instagram to get more likes.
a little quote I live by these days:

“I don't believe in luck or in hard work without the so called "work smart". It's not all about how you work hard but it's about how you manage your time, resources, mind to work together for a better output.”

Tamara blah blah blahing (yes it's a verb now) about how hard she works is not reflected in her output. Leonie did an interview with Vogue business, Xenia has office space now for her brand and even Bryanboy is staying true to his brand and bringing in the Tiktok followers. Tamara is showing us her new Chanel wrapped boxes....she is a lazy content creator and it shows in her work. Her reels are complex from an editing perspective, but I guarantee she is using Serbian resources for that and labour is cheap there, while skillsets are through the roof with quality. It's the reason that my husband's company has outsourced work to teams there. She produces nothing new and simply spills the same bs from one pot to another....presipanja iz šupljeg u prazno
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Of course, she had to make a snarky comment:

This girl is the epitome of pettiness. Ladies and gentleman, THIS is what Tamara means when she says she is sooooo busy...replying/deleting comments that are critical of her because homegirl is so thin-skinned. Get a life!
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You couldn't even buy Prada there, you would have to travel abroad and that is not something many people could afford. And not to mention hyperinflation years. This is a fun forum and some subjects are a bit too serious but I'm just trying to put things into perspective. :) T might want to appeal to some of her audience by saying how her mom had such a style but she forgets that some of us are a bit older and can still very vividly remember the poverty and despair of those years and the things she's saying are outrageous.
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How dare you!! She was waiting for the couch for weeks and then her apartment would be complete is what she was telling her followers for weeks!
We are all laughing and making fun of her lies, but on a more serious side, it is really worrying that a 30 year old something lies so much.
These influencers, 90% of them are very “flawed “, but I can’t find someone who lies as much as Tamara. She lies about big things such as her past, career, money, etc... but also about “small” things like a sofa.
How is she able to live with herself? I honestly say I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night living a fraudulent life, because this is what she is, a fraud.
She needs help, I really believe so, and I don’t mean this in a spiteful way.
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Oh Tammy.... another Xmas, another opportunity to show off how much unnecessary crap you got. Here’s a thought- instead of bragging about your next Hermes, why not share how many properties you own? Could have bought an apartment (perhaps more) by now, a real investment, instead of all the useless clothing/accessories that will probably be sitting in a second hand shop in a few years time. How embarrassing and irresponsible, a grown women to be wasting so much money on dead cow skin. I hope for her sake that she’s just fooling us all and buying fakes from China.
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Seriously Tamara?! You “work in fashion” but you don’t know that you can’t put cashmere in a drying machine?! You “work in fashion” but are asking your followers for advise?! You should be the one telling us. I REALLY CANNOT.
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Have you seen her latest vlog?
As a German, I am dissapointed by her German. Thought she studied it in school and as we know, she was such a good student in every subject.

She said "Guten Morgen Leute, wie geht es dir",
which means "good morning guys (guyS is plural of course), how are you (but she used the singular you, not the plural you).
She should have said "wie geht es euch" *facepalm*
It's like in French e.g., you have the singular "tu" and the plural "vous". You get what I mean ;)
Such a big mistake in such a little and easy sentence🤦‍♀️

I would not shame people for doing mistakes while talking/practicing another language. It's just that Tamara is so proud and always mentions how well educated she is and how many languages she speaks INCLUDING GERMAN 😫
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Yes that’s the one! I liked it too (the dress and necklace) but for some reason it went past me that it was a collab because in her next videos, i.e. the jewellery collections, she never makes a mention that the Cartier was gifted but she does for some other items!
Here it is :)

And under the last picture you can see this:

Have you guys seen her story where she showed that she's burning "Palo Alto"(that was gifted, of course) only to realize later that she made a mistake and it's "Palo Santo" and then goes on how she sometimes writes down a word she's hearing instead of the word she's thinking? And how omg ahahahah she's multitasking and that's why she made a mistake. By multitasking, she means that her bf is talking to her while she's writing a sentence for her IG story. What a moron.

And yeah, the fur coat was probably gifted:

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I loved the message that someone left her under her last vlog to let her know why she unfollowed her. If Tetka is smart enough she needs to learn from that message. She is acting as if she is still 20 years old and has the illusion that her behaviour is still relatable in 2020. Sorry Tamtam but it is not. You cannot say how you wish for everything to be over so that you can go skiing in December and wear your new knits....brainless 100%!
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