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Chatty Member
That she gets wrong! She says ‘suitable from six months’ when it says all over the box suitable from birth!! She can’t even get that right!! New to this page, but my god she winds me up!!!
Just went to check there, your right! Does she not rehearse or actually check facts before she does these ads?! Bet she has a constant smirk on her face now she will be inundated with companies wanting to work with her 😠 absolute joke!
PS Talia quite with the Dior shit, it's not going to happen. Your second name is not Kardashian ffs!!
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I saw this that someone posted in another group I'm on and it made me think of Talia. As well as many others "influencers". I'm the one run ragged usually 🤣

A few days ago while at the pool I watched a young Mama and her little daughter enter the pool area dressed in very nice coordinating swimming suits. The mom, with her perfect loose curls tied up in a coordinating scarf, spent the first few minutes talking loudly on her phone to a friend while her daughter stood waiting to get into the pool. Mom ended the phone call and proceeded to spread out pool toys and sunscreen on a matching towel. Then after finding just the right angle and the right light, Mama pulled out her tripod and took a few selfies with her daughter. Little One asked to get in the pool. Mama said wait and then posed her daughter in front the pool, then going in to the pool and then coming back out of the pool. Little one smiled big and said "cheese" like she'd done it a million times. Then Mama told her she could play. Little One walked in and swam around for a couple of minutes. Mama called a friend on her phone and began another conversation while Little One politely and repeatedly asked "Mama, can you come in the water with me, please?" She was ignored. "Mama, come play with me?" she asked 4 more times. Mama glanced over at her but never got off the phone. After 10 minutes Mama ended her call, collected the sunscreen that was never applied, the water toys that never touched the water, and then her daughter and left the pool.

I sat there thinking about what I'd witnessed for awhile afterwards. I imagined the photos she took being perfectly edited and posted to social media with a caption like "Pool time with my girly! #Makingmemories".

Somewhere another Mama is going to be at home with her children, the house a mess from their play, her hair unruly from a day of mothering and her clothes dirty with spit up or peanut butter. She's going to be tired because she's spent her day cooking, caring, cleaning and playing with her children. She's going to look at that photo and she is going to compare herself to the perfect Mama at the pool. The Adversary is going to whisper into her ear "you aren't good enough... You don't look like that Mama at the pool... You don't have money to buy expensive swimming suits like that and you don't have time to make memories like she is" and that young Mama is going to believe it. She's going to feel like a failure. She'll never know that how she spent her time that day was so much better in her children's eyes than that "perfect Mama" at the pool.

What we see on Social Media isn't always real. Sometimes and often it's a complete set-up. It's staged and filtered and it's counterfeit.

Sometimes we do see absolutely real photos of vacations and beautiful homes and freshly done hair but it's only ONE moment. It's the very best moment out of a whole day spent much like our own. Working, cleaning, and messes...

Mamas, don't compare yourself. You ARE enough! You are amazing and the very best part is that you are REAL! Your dirty shirt and your messy house and your happy children are real and they are proof that you are doing it right! ❤

Honestly this made me well up 😭

I was away on holiday once, by the pool watching my eldest play with my partner and youngest.
A lady with 4 kids came in all matching sets.
She thought she looked all it… made the boys pose out and in the pool and then let them go and run riot.. (and they absolutely did ) while she then proceeded to take more selfies of herself in the pool with her MASSIVE floppy hat blowing around 😂😂
20 minutes of this and her kids causing havoc she then left 😂😂

(We weren’t even anywhere fancy we was at fucking Mersea Island (Essex) 😂😂

Jumping on the a/s/l band wagon 😂
35/f/near essex 🥳
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My child went for a 45 minute operation this weekend, I felt rotten having to even leave the anaesthetic room when the poor thing was put to sleep, to the point I had to be practically dragged out by a nurse as they needed to put the tubes down to control the breathing whilst under general (understand why they wanted me out for this point of the procedure.) The whole duration of the operation I felt sick to my stomach knowing my child was in someone else’s care and I had no choice other than to wait until ready to come out of theatre and into recovery where I could be with my child. Anyway, my point is how I felt being away from my child for 45 minutes to how she gallivants round with a child so poorly is beyond a joke. Siennas dad clearly wants to see his little girl but she’s holding her at ransom, Aaron is having the boys 4? Days a week, how is she not spending every living breathing moment with her poor boy that is clearly unwell and she clearly needs training to look after him properly, where better to spend than the hospital so she can learn from the nurses who actually have the qualifications to look after a child with oakleys needs instead of qualifying themselves off Instagram as a medical mummy?!? Talia is crying wolf here, she ought to live in the real world
I really hope your little one is OK and wish them a speedy recovery ❤
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Chatty Member
If you know of her then.. you’ll be in for a giggle 👀 let’s just say her “husband” likes to keep the back seats of the Audi warm when she’s away!!
OT but Liam plays footie down my neck of the woods originally and let’s just say the rumours are flying about his cheater down there 🤣
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Why does she keep saying he’s 7 months? My baby has just turned 6 months and she was born in November?
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So Aaron agrees with us and has just confirmed our suspicions! She doesn’t wanna stay with that poor little boy overnight. Disgraceful!

I mean saying that, why can’t aaron stay with him?
Someone said parents aren’t allowed to stay now he’s back on the bays. They were only staying before because he was isolated in his own room because he had a bug
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guys who use Depop I’m proper new to it and Ive had a message saying the buyer needs my email address I think it’s a scammer but until I do anything I wanted to ask here. Legit don’t want to end up on Depop drama hahaha xx
SCAM lovely. My partner tried to sell on eBay and got something similar. It was a scammer. Asked for email address and then emailed asking if they could have the item dropped off and give money in an envelope. It's deffo a scam.
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VIP Member
My child went for a 45 minute operation this weekend, I felt rotten having to even leave the anaesthetic room when the poor thing was put to sleep, to the point I had to be practically dragged out by a nurse as they needed to put the tubes down to control the breathing whilst under general (understand why they wanted me out for this point of the procedure.) The whole duration of the operation I felt sick to my stomach knowing my child was in someone else’s care and I had no choice other than to wait until ready to come out of theatre and into recovery where I could be with my child. Anyway, my point is how I felt being away from my child for 45 minutes to how she gallivants round with a child so poorly is beyond a joke. Siennas dad clearly wants to see his little girl but she’s holding her at ransom, Aaron is having the boys 4? Days a week, how is she not spending every living breathing moment with her poor boy that is clearly unwell and she clearly needs training to look after him properly, where better to spend than the hospital so she can learn from the nurses who actually have the qualifications to look after a child with oakleys needs instead of qualifying themselves off Instagram as a medical mummy?!? Talia is crying wolf here, she ought to live in the real world
Hope your little one is doing well and wish them a speedy recovery xx
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She set up a go fund me 😂

Can someone explain it, does she get to keep the money that donated? Or does it HAVE to go on the hospital?
My hubby done one for someone else and he put the person who it was for as the main person so the money would go directly to him, but depends who she's set it up too, either herself or the hospital
Edit just looked and it will go straight to the hospital
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VIP Member
Just looked at the GoFundMe and over 8K has been raised with the goal target going from 5K to 10K. I always find it so shady when people keep upping the goal amount on GoFundMe when their target has been reached. If it goes a couple hundred over fine but doubling it? Especially when you have doubts and questions over the person who is trying to raise the money. If it surpasses 10K she's going to keep upping the goal target. How much do boobs cost again? 🤔
I read somewhere that go fund me automatically ups the target when the goal is met
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