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Just wondering, there's a lot of people coming on here asking who is she, what happened etc... can we not have a wiki on here it would be a lot easier and it'd give Jodie something to read too with all her spare time she doesn't have.
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Talia obviously had a quiet night out over the weekend, why else did she get her makeup done 🫣
Yep funny how she didn’t post her night out like she use to, cos she knows people would be saying the same as Aaron u couldn’t get a babysitter for your unwell son to not be alone but can for a night out
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Playing around in her friends house couldn’t she have got that friend to look after maddox and she stay at the hospital till it time to leave for school run, how can she justify leaving Oakley alone I would be with my baby with every minute spare.
To the lady that going to the charity football match tonight I hope Aaron there give him our love and support 🍊
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Whilst I’m having morning cry before work - randomly popped into my head, why is Romeo still in a cot??? Isn’t he 3 or almost 3?? My daughter went into a full single bed with bed rail at 1.5, why the heck do they still have him in a full baby bed? 🫤🫤🫤
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Someone should contact the scum or the daily fail with all the receipts of her driving on her phone and the kids not being strapped in etc and tell them all about her wrongdoings, they’d probably write an article about it
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Who is that 😂
What the hell has she done man?? There was not a thing wrong with her she is beautiful in these! Wasted a gorgeous face with overkill filler & botox, do women not realise the long term damage filler causes after years of having it done? Also sagging skin? Talia do yourself a favour and get it dissolved, you dont need it!!
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Hiya 👋🏼 😃 @spilllltheteeee good to see you over here 😂

So They split up end of last year after Oakley was born with Aperts Syndrome. Since then Talia has been making indirect digs on her stories making out Aaron is never there for the kids, he’s a deadbeat etc. Up until last week she was too ashamed to show Oakley and she scribbled over his face (at the beginning til it was mentioned on here) put emojis over his wee face, hands and feet, covered him with blankets over his face and a hood completely covering him in the pram. She delayed physio for him as she didn’t want the physio in whilst she had workmen’s in doing wardrobes.She’s alwayscomplaining about being knackered, never getting a break and how she’s ‘super mum’ doing everything herself. Actually she has plenty time for hair, nails,filler, pt sessions and nights out. She regularly drives on her phone with kids in the car filming herself. On one occasion she let Oakley’s SATS (oxygen) drop dangerously low at 70/75 she hates going into hospital as usual it was the community nurse that rushed him in. There’s speculation Oakley is in hospital just now as she isn’t meeting his needs. As for the fundraiser it’s for the hospital ward (to make her look good) it’s not for Oakley directly. There’s loads more it’s been a complete shit show!!

Hope that helps, anyone anything else they could add in? 😊
Plus the fact he has them 4 days a week and pays maintenance but she's begging for more money even though she has the kids less than him. She only posted Oakley on her Instagram after Aaron made a post saying he's trying to make sure his kids are not shown on social media anymore.
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I might get told to sod off for revealing my age but my asl is

😂😂 hope I can still stick around x
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There is one girl on the mirror article telling everyone Aaron doesnt see the boys and she knows because she facetimes Talia everyday 😂this woman is from Liverpool so guesing maybe she's someone Talia met while at Alder Hey. So all her Instagram updates and stories along with God knows how many face times calls to people she barley knows shows how often she actually interacts with the kids, she literally doesnt.
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She’s an utter disgrace of a human being. I could hardly eat/sleep when my child was in hospital. She goes on nights out?? Hair done?? Lashes? Everything?? How does she not feel guilt??? I left mine a max half hour when he was in hospital to shower etc whilst my husband was there so he was never on his own and that was 5 bloody months. So fucking weird she follows whatever girl Aaron does.
Imagine if she put effort etc in being an actual loving mum to those kids instead of forever trying to push the narrative and stop being so bitter ey
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Hey guys I’ve been directed here from the lauryn goodman thread seen she was having phones with talia and realised they are clearly 2 of a kind! Could anyone please give me a quick need to know on this talia while I catch up? I always really love Aaron on geordie shore! Thoughts on him?? I was surprised she’s trying to raise money I thought Aaron was quite well off and made a few £ with the mayweatehr fight? Also what’s puzzling me she’s saying she’s been thrown into this medial world? Is she saying she didn’t know when she was pregnant bcz they measure babies every scan it would defo have flagged up? I would have more respect for the girl had she said she knew and decided she wanted to keep her baby instead
Hiya 👋🏼 😃 @spilllltheteeee good to see you over here 😂

So They split up end of last year after Oakley was born with Aperts Syndrome. Since then Talia has been making indirect digs on her stories making out Aaron is never there for the kids, he’s a deadbeat etc. Up until last week she was too ashamed to show Oakley and she scribbled over his face (at the beginning til it was mentioned on here) put emojis over his wee face, hands and feet, covered him with blankets over his face and a hood completely covering him in the pram. She delayed physio for him as she didn’t want the physio in whilst she had workmen’s in doing wardrobes.She’s alwayscomplaining about being knackered, never getting a break and how she’s ‘super mum’ doing everything herself. Actually she has plenty time for hair, nails,filler, pt sessions and nights out. She regularly drives on her phone with kids in the car filming herself. On one occasion she let Oakley’s SATS (oxygen) drop dangerously low at 70/75 she hates going into hospital as usual it was the community nurse that rushed him in. There’s speculation Oakley is in hospital just now as she isn’t meeting his needs. As for the fundraiser it’s for the hospital ward (to make her look good) it’s not for Oakley directly. There’s loads more it’s been a complete shit show!!

Hope that helps, anyone anything else they could add in? 😊
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People now accusing Aaron's drinking for Oakley's condition 😭 Aaron must have some restraint if them digs are all he's giving out because any normal person would of lost it by now
No one caused his condition, it's a gene mutation most likely at conception! Whether the mother knew about it or not is a whole other story they should be questioning! If they are talking about his current condition maybe if his mother hadn't let his Sat's dip so low for so long he could have had help sooner! I know aarons his dad too but she is his primary caregiver! The people commenting that shit have no clue what they are talking about and will be looking for a rise out him! She could honestly say she shits glitter and they would believe her 🙄
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‘I’m so excited to see what visitors I have today’ yes because it’s like a lucky dip of who is going to be sent in😩poor oakley
See that to me looks like they know. Instead of writing "can't wait to see my mum & dad today" it's visitors!! That makes me so fucking angry!! That little boy didn't ask to be here, he was planned and wanted yet they are making it clear they don't give a shit!! He doesn't deserve "visitors" he needs his mum or dad there consistently! I know it looks like aaron has the other boys so it's her time now to be there!! Bet she sits the whole time on her fucking phone too 😠😠 makes me sick!!
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