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You can’t do right for doing wrong on this thread mind! The post I put on last night about speaking to someone who knows the family to then literally be ripped apart cos of it, and ‘anyone could say they have a source’ as if I was just making it up, I wouldn’t say it for the sake of it, there’s A LOT more I could’ve said on it too trust me but it would be giving away who told me. And I have already said on here a couple of times I do know someone who knows of the family.

Aaron IS seeing a solicitor, the whole ‘she’s stopping her seeing the kids but he sees them’? Yes only once a week cos it suits her! He wants more contact, he could be going for 50/50 custody for all yous know, everything she says goes.
Yes she’s pulling the ropes on EVERYTHING, how and when he has contact, seeing the baby in hospital etc. but nobody realises exactly the type of person she is and the lies she’s spouted about him, so FOR NOW he’s been advised just to sit back!
Yes he looks like a ‘dead beat Dad’ but that’s only cos he hasn’t got much choice right now!! He’s just got to sit back and miss out on this time with his kids all cos she wants to spite him for not wanting to put up with her demands and shit anymore!
Whether or not it does get into court, probably.. only time will tell but the fact she’s ignoring all correspondence I doubt she’ll even try the mediation.

She kept quiet last night after I put the post on with the truth….
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We only see five minute clips so can’t judge really .
my son was in alder hey for six Weeks and I often would go down to the cafe to get a coffee or sand which and some fresh air
When my parents or husband took over I would have a couple hours in the room provided by the hospital to have a shower get changed and FaceTime my other kids and yes sometimes sleep because it’s hard to sleep in the hospital with alarms going off and trust me you need some sleep to function .

I know a lot judge talia on these things and say “ I wouldn’t leave my baby “ but in that situation you do and it’s not wrong either unless all mothers would be “ shit “ . I don’t agree with everything she does but I totally relate on what she’s doing now . Even the hello fresh ad might have come across as bad but she has to make money some how to raise her four kids .

Aaron Is a shit dad and as private as he might be the things he does post come across as shocking . hes The type of deadbeat father that probably wouldn’t even apply to courts to see his kids .

I mean talia has arranged his surgery took him to every appointment and even had to take her other kids which would be a struggle . At these appointments talia needs to focus not have three kids running around . He cancelled the other week having his kids and was defended because she only wanted a tattoo but who cares he should still have had his kids no matter what talia was doing ….. she has the kids every day so getting a tattoo when he is meant to have his kids isn’t a crime .( I’m not a talia or AAron fan I’m just a mother seeing another mother try )
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Make It Stop

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Also it probably doesn’t help Aaron going from being on a show where you drink and do crazy things to being in a relationship and within a year, you’re having a baby you didn’t even plan. He struggled a lot with alcohol, so just imagine having those issues whilst living with a person who is just thinking about themselves, want your money, just doing the cleaning so you then owe them something, someone who is materialistic more than you and expects romantic gifts in the £1000s worth. Yes I know Aaron is materialistic but he can be, it’s his money even if he got paid for being drunk on TV. It’s his money.

She is high maintenance, she wants grandiose things, a bigger house, a nice car, three dogs… where’s your money to fund all that then? Only came about when you got with Aaron. The dogs, baby after baby to make him get a bigger house. She was happy to spend what Aaron made when he went away to training camp but moaned how shit of Dad he is for never being there and carried on popping out kids. Expecting him to be in ten places at once. That’s not love. That’s just you wanting to have more time to spend his money, go on a shopping trip for yourself, or go on holiday.

Having someone like that who has no ambition for themselves, who depend on other people to work their ass off to fund the way you want to live your life. She wanted kids, had them and it’s now expected for him to pay towards them of course. That’s what she wanted? Did he want that? You know girls can be so sly when it comes to conceiving, boys are so deluded to that area and she planned every time without considering him and his career and what he wants to do. Takes two to tango but she probably didn’t tell him when she was ovulating to give him a heads up, blamed it on ‘he can’t keep his hands off me’.. yeah sure. Selfish.

People like her who seek particular people out i.e rich people, footballers, celebs etc have no worth so they depend on people who do to fill the void. Sad, lonely people users who destroy people to get to where they want to be. She doesn’t give a shit if Aaron loses his career, she doesn’t care if he doesn’t see his kids. She wants him to fail so she can look the better person. SUCH A SAD LIFE

Because some mums are just unfit. I can speak from experience. It’s not nice whatsoever but sometimes it really is for the best. Edit: I’m adopted so my mum was unfit before people think it’s me. I don’t have kids because I could never in a million years risk being in the same position as myself. I’d love kids but I know I would struggle and I’ve had to come to terms with that. It’s okay to be honest and ask yourself if you can give your kids the absolute best and not just a brand new phone. Love and nurture
Boys are not deluded to how babies are made. FFS please stop driving the narrative that man are gormless creatures who are led blindly into toxic situations.
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Note to Ben. Wrap it or you’ll be talias new baby daddy by the end of this year and if you leave her she’ll go psycho on you 😂
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Well I'm going to do a talia and get the kids in bed early tonight for this drama! Wine and snacks at the ready guys....its going to be a fun one.
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Might not agree with the way Talia goes about some things but how’s the way she looks anything to do with the way she parents. Been a silent watcher for a while and the way everyone goes on calling her toxic but then most of you are on here slagging off the way she looks and dresses and the names she gets called are way more toxic then she ever could be. I actually feel sorry for her whether it’s her choice to have kids or not raising kids ain’t easy especially now with a child who isn’t well and needs a lot of extra care. And every parent is entitled to a break. No one is a Perfect parent she’s getting all this shit and Aaron is sitting over there doing minimallllllll. No wonder she dosnt went to show her baby’s face to the world yet when people are sooo cruel man 😫
Well clearly you haven't been a silent watcher very much cause if you had been you would know that some of us seen Oakley and have all said he's gorgeous. NOBIDY has been nasty about him. Yet another newbie on defending Saint Talia. She's undefendable
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Oakley was only at the hospital for two weeks, which is a relatively short stay. Talia wasn’t even there the whole time she was swanning off relaxing in her gifted apartment and didn’t even do it alone she had the luxury of not 1 but 2 other adults taking it in shifts to sit at oakleys hospital bed. Yet I can guarantee she’ll be acting like it was the hardest time of HER life and she’s sooo hard done by and doing it all alone and she’s earned a break…. I’m sorry but what mother in their right mind gets home after not seeing their other children for 2 weeks and first point of call is getting her nails done, having a sunbed, and swanning off for a fancy meal with probably some random bloke. Shouldn’t she be letting her SICK mother have a break. No, it’s the other way round. Talia leaves the kids with her sick mother who apparently can’t be around Oakley… make it make sense…. And goes out AGAIN. But no we must all feel sorry for talia. She’s a Joke!
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We are short of nurses so we might as well give her a job if she’s that good. Bagsy not working with her though
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Sorry but who the fuck does she think she is…

“I might as well be a nurse”
“I know what my child needs better”

like really… we didn’t go to uni for 5 years for shits and giggles love.
And “boob” watch…. Even after being told it’s a fob watch she still says nah I’ll call it a tit watch… ok. And she reminds me of the girls that start nursing and drop out a year in because it’s not this “sexy” easy job they thought it was.

honestly that more than anything grated on me. I hate people belittling the job as it is. But this absolute bellend is another level.
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Well looked like Aaron's posts worked, he got his boys.

Of course after he posts he has the boys she's quick on to tell everyone her mum's got a break from the boys 🙃😂
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Aaron should've kept hold of those boys at least until Talia is home, they are his responsibility not her mums! He's so unbelievably slack at parenting!
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She didn’t choose to have to sort Oakley’s metal work… yes HUN; Oakley didn’t choose to be born with his condition or to have you as his mother. This woman needs a slap in her butchered face and a frigging reality check. Vile piece of shit.
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I don’t like the narrative people are giving about talia . Once she said she was sleeping at the hotel to recharge and my god I don’t begrudge her for it she has been raising her four kids whilst attending appointments for Oakley . But people saying she’s slept in that hotel 7 nights is lies . with no proof to back the claims up . She has Only ever posted having a shower and food and getting changed . Yes she went town for a couple of hours not something I would do but again his dads nowhere to be seen and Oakley was with his grandad not alone . Meanwhile Aaron does what the fuck he likes and nobody says shit about it his son is on oxygen and has a infection after major surgery if it was my kid I would be down that hospital straight away yet he’s sat in a cafe eating cake !!!
Oh come on, we know exactly when she stayed over at the hospital as she tells us, or there’s a boomerang, picture or video story. Stardust was right she has stayed at the hotel more than she has the hospital, she didn’t stay with him the the night before his major surgery, and left when he was getting his bloods done.

Have you not been reading? Plenty calling out Aaron for not being there, as said before it’s not a competition, they’re BOTH seriously letting their children down!!

People aren’t creating a narrative on here, we leave that to Talia - she’s very good at it 😉
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