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i’m happy to see that rachel leary commented on ells post, her likes are catching up with syds and her face isn’t in it! just wanna see ell thriving & happy tbh
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Sooooo I have actual tea!! (Ps I’m the one that knows molly through friends, and had an unpleasant interaction with her when she was stuck up and refused to take a pic of me LOL). So a few days before the inthebin shoot, syd and ell were together, they were looking at something on ells phone and a messaged from her boyfriend popped up at the top saying “syds just a cunt anyway”, it turned out ell and her bf had been slagging syd off over text. Obv syd went mad and hence the falling out. As we thought, they’re in a contract with inthebin so have to complete the contract before they announce the split, the have tried to get out of it early but haven’t been allowed. The meeting with the manager separately was to discuss separating and the statement.

Ells family have never “liked” the YouTube route, which I assume is why she has been a bit quiet, and her boyfriend wants to remain private and hates her influencer lifestyle. So it looks as if ell will be taking a step back, and syd will pursue the influencer life as an individual!

So the original post about Ells bf calling syd a cunt was right!!! Perhaps their info stemmed from the same person mine did (take that as you will!) 👀👀👀

you Can see why it looks like other influencers have come across as more supportive of syd, as she really is the “victim” (used that term loosely). But, how she’s behaved recently has really shown that ells bf ain’t wrong!!!

I am just confused though because after being friends for so long, and being business partners, would you not just forgive and makeup? GrantedI would be mega fuming if my bestie and her bf were slagging me off, but you’d be throwing away so much????
I’m sure everyone on here is going to come in a second and accuse you of making this up… but tbh this does sound like it could be true???
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The lack of support ell is getting from other influences just shows that syds filled their head with her side of the story. But remember if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything???? She ok?????
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molly is such a follower 😴 she would jump off a cliff for syd. no doubt she’s been waiting for this moment forever, doesn’t seem like there’s been any second thought to who she’s going to support! looks like shes completely dropped ell when it’s not even her argument. weird girl, get your own personality.
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The thing is, if you look at their channel I really don’t think ell was in her element. Every video was somewhat fashion related which is what syd is into. Yeah ell is a bit bland but that’s maybe because we haven’t seen her in HER element as the spotlight always seemed to be on syd. This is probably the other reason behind why she was more behind the scenes on the YouTube side. If ell did a channel about makeup, something more in her career field I would definitely watch because that was she’s being true to herself if you get me?

As for the whole story about the situation, I do think it’s true and tbf I do slightly feel for syd in the respect of being talked about because my biggest pet peeve is people having an issue with me and not saying it to my face. No one is ever going to know what they do wrong if they aren’t told directly. But I am guilty of offloading my issues onto my partner and I think everyone is. You’ve got to remember, all ell has ever know is syd and her family, she’s finally got someone to vent to. He essentially was an outsider and they see red flags where you yourself don’t.

I will never agree with the way syd has handled things, some things need to stay within a closed circle and doesn’t need airing to every Tom, Dick and Harry. At the end of the day, ell privately bitched about syd and syds just aired ells dirty laundry to every uk influence without thinking about how this will affect ell. Without a doubt, ells mental health right now is probably at a low and I don’t care what anyone says, your love for your best mate doesn’t just go overnight. If they were the besties they made out to be, syd clearly never cared for ell which is evident by the way she has reacted. And for that reason, I stand by the fact that I think syd is in the wrong.
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Well this has been a ride catching up on 20+ pages. What a day to be at work all day and then get my eyelashes done straight after for 2 hours 😅
Shoutout to those of us that have been on these threads when they were SO dead and syd and ell we’re still bezzies LOL genuinely feel sick at all the newbies coming and sticking up for syd 🤢 please leave as fast as you arrived when all the drama happened 😂
Syds new vid absolutely REEKED of bullshit, she couldn’t keep up the “not airing dirty laundry” for long after with all the not so subtle shade she’s been dropping everywhere after 😂 at least she tried which is more than we can say for ell

wow… what a daaay
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Chatty Member
Whats wrong with supporting syd?😂😂😂 Ive read everything and its 100% bias and sad! For followers of both of them coming to this platform its not fair to bash one, i think they have both down questionable things. This is not ihatesyd platform, create one hun if your so hurt that shes blocked and deleted you off insta x
have you not seen the way she treats people?? she even bullies her own fans lmao she’s just a horrible person. i’m sure ell isn’t perfect but she’s definitely not a bully like syd
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No apology for selling the in the style collection whilst lying to fans…
No apology for blocking fans who ask what’s going on…
I know they have quite a young audience so i imagine there were some real fan girls who asked what was going on and were just blocked by Syd
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Chatty Member
Everyone proper drags Syd but if my longtime best friend (and business partner) was slagging me off to her boyfriend, and he called me the C word, I’d be absolutely devastated.

Quite clearly Ell has been slagging Syd off enough for her boyfriend to go right in there with that insult (or maybe he’s just vile), and if I was in her shoes I would be surrounding myself with new friends, both to cheer myself up and to replace someone who I thought I was best friends with who talks about me like shit.

If Ell didnt want this lifestyle anymore as she has her amazing MUA career, thats totally fine. But this seems like a shitty way to do it.
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