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If that rumour about Erica their foster child being robs daughter is true, it would explain a lot! I mean the resemblance to the sisters is crazy, they look a like. I thought for years that she was their own and they just had her later!

Also she's been to Spain with them no? I thought you couldn't take foster children out of the country? So that makes sense too
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If anyone is looking for the nicest kindest opticians, I only go to O'Sullivan Optical in ClareHall Shopping Centre (North Dublin) I honestly can't recommend them enough. Few years ago I was double booked in (you guessed it - SpecSavers) for an eye test for my learner permit, they only called me that day 2 hours before the appointment, I called the other place and they stayed open 20 mins after closing just to do it for me as I had told them it was for NDLS. Been going to them ever since, they're so lovely and take all the time with you while you're sizing up frames on your face. Wouldn't ever have gone to SS after that mess up of my appointment but especially now they're giving away glasses to influencers? Especially as they're not cheap these days!
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I’m fairness id day most of the Jackson are in a permanent state of unconsciousness. They’re oblivious to everything...also she thanked her followers and said “all the hard work has paid off” and by hard work i
Hard work 🤣🤣🤣 she wouldn't know what that looks like!
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I must say I do like her dresses. I'm pleasantly surprised as I thought they would be more tack city! I just don't get how a bride and groom have time to spend on their phone reposting pics from their friends accounts. I had no time nor interest in being on my phone on my wedding day. It's kinda sad and pathetic. Whatever about posting one pic to mark the moment but that should be it IMO...
Yes.. you get so caught up with the love and excitement and just pure happiness you don't see nor want your phone. That is such a sad thought that they don't have that actually.
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Active member
He looks so handsome!
I hated that pumped up bodybuilder look and the iced gem hairstyle, he looks so much better and in proportion now, especially with the more casual hair.
Hope it’s a sign that he’s feeling well and healthy again.
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Hawk eye 😂 where was the Asian one sitting ? I can’t see her

Oh I see her now ! Probably a friend of the family?????
I thought it was a friend of the family too, but now Sue herself has said that “only immediate family” were at the dinner. Carla have a secret girlfriend we don’t know about?🤔🤣🤣🤣
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Tbf I would love some honesty my point is the girl now has a 40k following and is putting out a statement that can damage someone’s business (not that I think Katie is all that influential to be able to ruin someone’s business) the point is a. She cannot just decide and state to a large number of people a hotel does not warrant a 4 star rating. B. Given their reputation they would sell their soul for a freebie and I can guarantee if they gifted the stay because of who her sister is her review would be totally different.

Randles own so many properties and hotels etc, someone like little Katie wouldn't affect them at all believe me! It's such a shame that she has it seems no education whatsoever and now is following in the footsteps of her big sister...god help us not much personality either!
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I think they're on a break. I know she put up loads of pics of the wedding but I think it's a cover.
Outrageous theory I know!
Her room looks fab. Can't wait to see everyone in their gear tomorrow

I said the same. Maybe his health is grand and he's just left her. They use to literally do nothing alone, now she's been out by herself and obviously she's not going to announce it when they have only been married 2 years. There was no showy anniversary outing and that post she put up wasn't the nicest.
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Chatty Member
She needs to be out of the country for tax reasons god forbid she might pay actual tax🙄🙄🙄 I'm bugged that they are almost concealing where they are trying to take generic pics with very neutral backgrounds.
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Chatty Member
It’s horrendous! Everything about her is tacky and yes I’m including her house with it’s mirror furniture and suit of armour (god awful!🙈)
The suit of armour is just ridiculous.... who would see that in a shop and think “must get that for the hall!”

In fact, what shop sells suits of armour for the home!?!
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Chanel Girl

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If you look back at old pictures of her she’s a different person she’s a massive chin, no lips and completely flat chested

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I didn’t know her mum had Instagram 😂😂 thank you for enlightening - just discovered her!! Serious question does the mam and dad now work? They seem to have some lovely furnishings and I also got the impression looking at photos of her mum on sosus Instagram that she was one of those well off mums who do lunch dates in the week days 😂 I’m guessing that they weren’t well off to begin with but Susan has that look about her if that makes sense?

I’d be all for buying my parents whatever they wanted in life if I made as much money as sosu but I know for a fact they would tell me to stop and save it - if I try treat my mum now to something she’ll still say to me “that could’ve been used for a new kitchen table for yourself stop spending your money on me” I know it’s a personal opinion but I think even if my kids were older I couldn’t accept all the wealth they’d want to share,wouldnt sit right with me as I’d want them to save and enjoy it themseleves...probably why I’m my mother’s daughter when we have the same views! I get buying the holidays etc (sort of) but it seems like everyone in her extended family has a lot of nice things and I wonder are their own jobs profitable enough to live that lifestyle? You could become accustomed to that life and god forbid something awful happens Her business or your sister and you fall out so the money train stops, you don’t have anything to fall back on then!

I guess I’m not really faulting sosu here but more her family who seem to kinda sponge off her
Like Katie... she's gotten accustomed to the five star lifestyle but can't fathom the price because she's never had to foot the bill. Think Suzanne bought their new house?
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Chatty Member
I don't approve of foreign travel for holidays at the moment. Its not necessary, and its against public health advice. But to defy guidelines, go on holidays and then try and deceive people and conceal where you are? I cannot stand that. If you decide to go ahead and go to holidays, own it, address it. Don't treat people like idiots and stand in front of generic hedges and post zoomed in no background selfies. Its insulting.
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Chatty Member
I hope Dylan is ok. She clearly isn't going to talk about it which is understandable. I find itnvery strange if he isn't at the party given that it's also their wedding anniversary. Find it strange she she says 'my wedding' and 'my first dance' as opposed to ours which is probably just a reflection of her mentality.
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She never shares any recent photos of Dylan, haven’t seen him in any of them in months. She used to always do stories in the car and he’d be driving but nothing
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Was thinking that. She must eat for Ireland as she is not long out a restaurant having dinner, and she will be having to eat again to be in there
Nah she's friends with the owners son. She wont even be paying for the drinks.
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