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Yeah it seems she keeps churning the new content much more than any time post-grad. But it kind of makes sense from her perspective. Maybe she is worried she won't be as relatable after her pregnancy so she must establish herself already in this different area of youtube. I guess we are to see luxury baby sponsours in the future.
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Chatty Member
I've side-eyed her book reviews ever since I started listening to The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (the first book of the series she RAVED AND RAVED about and did her Master's on) and it was just....young teenage girl is pursued by horny deity??? Hopefully that's not really spoilers of any sort if anyone else wanted to read the series, but I read an Amazon review that basically said the same thing, that it's fantasy smut and not really an epic fantasy novel (which is what Jess made it sound like). I half suspect the reason she made such a huge deal about loving them was that they won awards AND had a Black author, so it made her look more socially aware.
Lol that's funny if it is one of those lustful fantasy series.

She does seem to be drawn towards the award winning/nominated books. IMO that would be fine to do if there was some kind of effort with the man booker for example of "i'm going to read the entire longlist before the shortlist/winners are announced and give my predictions for the shortlist and the winner" or idk something like that.

I've mentioned Leena Norms before and I'm not even really subscribed to her nor do I really watch her videos but her book ones do get recommended to me and I can't help but prefer the way she executes those videos.
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Aww cute pics.

An unusual name. I think that's what Blake Lively's youngest is called? I don't hate it but don't love it.
Isn’t there a link with Blake Lively’s baby name and Taylor swift? I think Jess quite doesn’t like Taylor swift but Ines made me think of that folklore song
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I was thinking it’s probably just a holiday vlog or something but that could also be right
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New member
I haven't got the impression from the thread that people think life ends after motherhood at all. Her mum is super successful and had Jess young. I think it's more that people think she will not do anything besides being a halfhearted influencer now - not because of the baby just because she's pretty lazy.

But she might be happy with what she's doing, and not feel like she's missing out on a career. And she is super privileged so doesn't have to worry about it like most do. Has she ever mentioned any career goals or things she wants to do in the future?
Jess always acts like she is super motivated I think, and a total perfectionist. And I do get the argument that her perfectionism in some ways contributes to her lack of output, but only to a point. She has only spoken about future career plans in a vague way like “I want to do this but also this and this etc”. I feel that was what I was like going my final year secondary school exams but by the end of uni you have more of an idea. And also for most of us (myself included) after you finish your studies you just have to get a job or go and do another course. Which is good as you will never be 100% sure what exact job you will suit, even if you know which field, unless you go and do it.
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VIP Member
I am really interested by this career talk.

Is it common for people in big tax law firms to be able to own such big houses in London and have such a lavish lifestyle by their 40s?
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I meant sad because of the colossal amount of inequality in society but it's fine, we don't need to get into it.
Oh I misunderstood, I thought it was about the reality of my life. Which wouldn’t be fair, because I think I can be considered quite privileged as well.

I have no problems with inequality and people being rich in general. As long as those at the bottom have enough to live a comfortable life.
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Don’t forget she got pregnant then? She’s technically on mat leave? Like her content changed once she left uni.
I assume she just started seeing other things as work aka getting indie to school etc so that’s what she focused on
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The only real criticism I have seen here was about her travel behaviour during the pandemic. And maybe some who were surprised by her pregnancy.

People are far more judgmental towards her visible output to her audience.

Edit: I do agree, this would have been very different if she had a different background, but at the same time, it would have been more expected for Jess to have children at a younger age. Right now, she is more seen as Binky for MIC for example.
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Chatty Member
I think she IS nice to Indie, it just never comes across that way from how she verbally interacts with her in videos. And all her "terms of endearment" sound forced and more like inside jokes than normal pet names, but I'm sure Indie wasn't actually offended, it just sounds weird to us when that's all we see of their interactions.
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I know this is very nit picky and I don’t know why it annoys me so much but I actually can’t watch her vlogs anymore because she keeps doing this little laugh at almost everything she says!! I put on her new vlog just now and she’s like “I put on some make up and it was a very long slow process” and she laughs while she’s saying it. Which is fine if it was just once or twice but it seems to be this new thing that she does where she’s forcing herself to laugh for no reason and it’s really grating on me
I mentioned this a couple pages back! It's really weird isn't it. Don't know when it started
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It’s been discussed on the other thread. Old money, new money, it doesn’t matter she’s very privileged; she’s not got a mum who was working class living in a council house (or similar) and has moved her way up to being middle/upper class
Her mum definitely had a nice education and to me, grandma living in a normal house (not even all that normal) means nothing.
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You right about Emma she can be a bit of a lot ... but sometimes she has good book pics

also Your profile pic reminded me lol have Grace Beverly and Jess ever acknowledged each other online? I know they are different ages and stuff but I’d be interested to know what they think of each other coming from similar backgrounds and uni content and ending up so so different to each other, I read an article about them both buying houses in London at the same time as well.
Me too! I would hate for them to interact though, Grace is too trashy for Jess in my mind hahah

saying that Jess follows her but Grace doesn’t follow her back
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I love how just yesterday we were speculating about her social life and today she’s like “Saw my girls in Glasgow last weekend” - coincidence? Or do we think she reads here…
She said that she reads here from times to times to get some constructive criticism. It was in an old vlog.
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Also, may just be me, but does anyone else find it odd they took the cat given they thought they'd only be away for Xmas? Like wouldn't you just ask a neighbour to feed him? Or is he a house cat only?
I actually wondered if her step dad had taken both pets with him when he moved out to the farm to make it easier on her mum, since if her mum is ill and Jess is pregnant then that would leave Indie to do all the pet care. I do wonder why her step dad moved out there though, especially since presumably Indie still needed to be in and around London for school.
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Does anyone know if any of “the girls” (her uni friends) have seen her since she’s had Ines? I’m not suggesting she’s some kind of loner - she clearly had a big friendship group back in Edinburgh (although I thought it was weird she only seemed to make female friends?) and even before this she had a big group of school friends if anyone remembers them - but now we don’t really see her with anyone? I know not everyone has gone back socially to the way they were pre-covid, (and I’m sure having a baby plays into this a lot) but yeah, seems to just be her, her family and Zak…
I think on an English degree it's quite common to only have female friends as more women do the degree. On my course (not at Edinburgh but it was in Scotland) there were 9 boys and about 60 girls. Not sure about her school friends, think they were all female too which I don't have an explanation for. Did she go to an all girls school?
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My uni course was almost all girls (two boys that I can think of across the entire year group) but I joined a very male-heavy society so I spent my days with the girls and the weekend with the boys (and guess which of the two groups I'm still... well, Facebook friends with rather than actually still in touch with)
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