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I hate Shiv for what she did. It was 100 % a 'if I can't have it, he cant' decision. She will have a miserable life ahead with Tom.

Roman is a complete pathetic fuck up too. I liked him, I really did but the way he spoke to Ken about his kids was vile....again a spoiled 'daddy told me it was me' moment and if I can't have it why should you.

Kendall is so far from perfect but my god he is more capable than Shiv and Roman any day of the week.

Tom is going to be miserable too, you can just tell. A 'pain cushion'. Grim!
and Greg gets to be his pain cushion.

I thought Shiv went with a man who she could push and she'll also have a large wad in her purse. I dont know what I expected but I thought there'd be more warmth about the new baby coming.

Conor probably ended having the best relationship with Logan. They chatted about his grave . . . he was at the dinner party where we saw Logan the most relaxed he ever was.
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I’ve been thinking about this too: Roman, Shiv & Connor are all going to be fundamentally ok, I think. Connor seems happy with his lot and will bumble along with his trophy wife and his collection of fake medals. Shiv might not be CEO, but she’s far closer to the seat of power than she would have been if Kendall had ‘won’, and in thirty years time she’ll be complaining to her kids about all the board meetings that got in the way of her family dinners. Roman looked like he’d finally found some peace by being free of all this shit.

But Kendall has got nothing. He’s lost all sides of his family, he has no business connections left, and the thing he so desperately wanted from the age of 7 just blew up in his face. All he’s got is a giant wad of cash, so at least he can afford all the high-end, intensive therapy he clearly needs.
exactly this 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

they all didn’t “win” but kendall is absolutely the one who truly lost. if that makes sense!
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If anyone hasn’t seen Arrested Development I would really recommend. It’s so so funny and basically a parody of Succession, before Succession existed!
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Not particularly nice but Willa didn't do anything terrible - she was honest with Connor.

Romans behaviour towards Geri was atrocious. Kendall is awful with his ex wife.

I don't remember Naomi I'll have to re-watch.

I just didn't think Shiv was the worse to warrant so much dislike but I'm fine being disagreed with.
I don’t think you can imply any form of misogyny on this thread, the show is largely about the sidelining of women in an environment of power and we have discussed how sad that is at length.

We have praised despicable women on the show because they have been great characters, and we have hated on despicable men. We also don’t all share the same views on all characters.

Nothing to see here.
Just making an observation on a gossip board. People are entitled to their opinions but I was feeling a bit sorry for Shiv!

Completely nothing to see here - as you were.
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I think Kendall was under the influence of drugs every time he had sex or perhaps he's more infertile than impotent.

Shiv is not an angel and has no moral compass either. Yes, Kendall would have been terrible maybe but he's more capable of leading the business than Shiv and Roman. Also, Shiv reminding him about the waiter incident was not right and Shiv isn't able to look after her own child (maternity leave for 36 hours, letting other people look after the baby after it is born etc), also drinking in front of Tom to prove a point...I can go on and on about how Shiv has been horrible throughout this season but she is most like Logan emotionally. She is definitely her father's daughter.
I’m staking no higher ground for any of them, simply pointing out that their actions are motivated by more complex and messy catalysts than ‘pure and simple jealousy’.

As Roman rightly pointed out, each and every one of them is ‘bullshit’.
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It would have been too sensationalistic to have the death of a major character in the final episode (and just over a week after the death of the patriarch of the entire Succession realm). It would have overshadowed and undermined every other aspect of the series.

I’d have been very disappointed if they’d stooped that low, especially after the conscious decision not to present a dramatic death scene for Logan, and it’s why I think JS taking it upon himself to climb onto the railings while they were shooting the river scene was a bit of a dick move. 🙄
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I think Shiv was just saying that to Matsson as part of her pitch to secure the CEO job.
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VIP Member
I hate Shiv for what she did. It was 100 % a 'if I can't have it, he cant' decision. She will have a miserable life ahead with Tom.

Roman is a complete pathetic fuck up too. I liked him, I really did but the way he spoke to Ken about his kids was vile....again a spoiled 'daddy told me it was me' moment and if I can't have it why should you.

Kendall is so far from perfect but my god he is more capable than Shiv and Roman any day of the week.

Tom is going to be miserable too, you can just tell. A 'pain cushion'. Grim!
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Fanny Muchmore

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I just finished it. Wow, what an ending!! I'm too discombobulated to write anything meaningful but I absolutely loved it. I hate that it's over, I want to know what happens next, lol, but I thought it was incredible, I was on the edge of my seat throughout.
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Chatty Member
Ken was a donkey on the edge at the end and it was very uncomfortable to watch - gaslighting everyone saying he didn't kill that waiter?! what the actual fuck.
Exactly! I've since thought it showed that he couldn't deal with pressure, not that the other sibs could either. Anyone with a bit of composure could have given Shiv her space or he could have said some soothing BS, like he might be the figurehead but he'd always need her and Rome to help run the place, making a vague offer of a couple of plum jobs. A lie, but as if Logan hadn't constantly made hollow promises to get what he wanted.

Ken putting his feet on the desk and acting arrongantly was quite a Rome move. And his refusal to offer a (fake) compromise to secure a deal was a very Shiv move. He seemed to get drunk with the power before he even had it.

I think between the three of them they could actually run the company, not well, but good enough - Ken is a good "face" for it, a great public speaker, Rome often has good business instincts and Shiv has actual work experience and seemed a competent adviser if anyone would listen to her. There's no way they'd be able to put their egos aside to work effectively together, though. ETA: And if Gerri were there too, imagine! If only Rome hadn't fired her

Interesting that Matthew McFadyen didn't think Tom had won, because he's not really in charge but Tom told Shiv all he wanted was money and status (not power!), which he will have now in spades.
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Chatty Member
To people who say Connor was the real winner, is he though?

Yes, he got Logan's house and his medals but he's doing a long distance marriage with Willa while she's working on her play (I feel like she's avoiding being just a trophy wife).

The real winner is Marcia. She was able to make $63 million on the sale of the house that she sold to Connor, didn't have to bid/auction or collect any belongings, I am sure as the former lady of the manor, she was able to collect some expensive stuff and destroy things that could have vindicated Kerry. I didn't spot Marcia in the finale but before and during the funeral, she walked and talked with her head held high.

Team Sandi and Sandy + Stewie were going to win no matter the board's outcome. Also, nice way to reveal Stewie is actually gay/bisexual with Kendall revealing he likes his cock sucked and sucks cock on molly.

I never, ever believed Shiv would support Kendall. She lived up to her namesake. She had her knives out for him since she lost her Daddy's approval in Season 2 and in Season 4, she was definitely annoyed that Kendall was in the will (crossed out or not). Shiv bringing up the fact that Kendall killed someone was just nasty (her spitting into the drink was nasty too, ew). The biggest shock for me was finding out that Kendall is impotent and that Rava adopted Sophie and conceived Iverson through a sperm donor. That was so very unnecessary by Roman, I lost so much respect for him. As someone going through infertility, couples have so many ways to conceive and using a sperm donor or not, should not be an insult to either parent.

Jesse Armstrong in the making of the episode, did mention, he wanted Tom to be the successor all along. From Logan's trust in him with the UTI episode, Tom eating his chicken and Tom's betrayal of Shiv, he's the real successor or pain sponge, whatever you call it, although he's a cuck and a follower rather than a leader.
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there is a quote by Jeremy saying that it’s the end for Kendall, he has nothing left. ☹
i think that’s accurate :( all of the siblings are completely broken, but i feel like roman has some degree of freedom now (and hopefully will get some serious therapy) and, while shiv is going to turn into her mother, she is carrying the future successor and so the cycle continues with her. kendall is just completely lost. he pushed everyone who potentially cared about him away in pursuit of this thing that he ended up losing anyway. i know we’ll never truly know what happens to him next, but obviously js “knows” him best and i think his version is the truest. poor kendall.
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Forgive me, I’ve just read a Daily Mail article (I know, I know) where it linked all the little “Easter Eggs” that pointed towards Tom always being the successor. It’s very clever. It links the show to the plot of King Lear, Toms surname refers to a baseball player with the same surname who took out three opposing players at once & then the below, which refers to the title of each episode in season four. Might not be true, but I like to think it is as it’s so bloody clever !!
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