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I suppose linked to what Craig said about how far the show has come, I think this is why the show dances don’t really work anymore and are a bit underwhelming. Way back in the early seasons the show dances were real wow moments and you looked forward to them, because the rest of the dances all series were so “basic” ballroom and Latin. Now of course they are full productions and many of the normal dances feel on par or better than those show dances, which means the show dances in the final just don’t have the same impact. I think they need to mix it up in keeping with the higher standard and production of the show now
Yes, I felt like Layton's showdance, good as it was, wasn't as good as his Charleston the week before - the level is so high now that you have to do something really spectacular. Probably why Vito chucked in lifts that even JLo might have said 'maybe not, babe' to
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Also there's ways of giving feedback, and with Shirley in particular, there seemed to be an element of 'I'll take you down a peg or two' which was very unpleasant to see. And Nigel and Katya definitely did NOT need that. There was no ego there, imo.
I commented more than once about the fact that the judges never acknowledged Katya. It was as though Nigel danced on his own 😟. And then I think it was the week before they had to withdraw, the judges finally gave her some credit.

I felt so sorry for them in Blackpool because it was clear that they thought it had gone well. And then, yet more criticism came their way. The man danced on top of a piano, FFS!

Then others got - 'oh mistakes dont matter'. So, which is it, judges, make up your minds! Anyway I think Nigel and Katya being there for longer would have made everything a lot more interesting, overall.

I love them!
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Poor Katya's face there... 💔 I'm absolutely devastated for her that her first contender in 6 years' journey ended like that, on top of all the harsh critique and undermarking. And the third time she's had to withdraw from the competition as well! It didn't matter so much with Tony or Nicola as they were never lasting more than another week at best anyway, but Nigel could have won. The final was so much lesser without them.

I noticed last week she ducked out of the camera shot when Layton and Nikita got their 40 for their Charleston and she seemed to be teary/trying to compose herself and hiding behind the other pros pretty much the whole night. My heart just broke for her having to stand there and try to look cheerful all night. :cry:

Poor Nigel as well. The judges harping on every little mistake, obviously not helping his nerves and making him more likely to make them instead of giving feedback that would help him improve. Not a single 10, even for the no rules CC, in the same series as Shirley's ridiculous 10 for Eddie's. Then he has to withdraw with an obviously very painful injury on the day of the show after working so hard all week on yet another comeback dance. I do wonder if they were trying to help him by giving him a journey after he was the favourite to win after the first show, but if so it went a step too far at Blackpool imo. And what a ridiculous way to get injured as well, the producers shoving some stupid stunt into a routine just to justify the stupid backing dancers in Musicals Week, who rarely add anything to a dance - 90% of the time you either don't notice them or they're just in the damn way.

I think Nigel got a little overshadowed by some of the bigger personalities, but I realised how much I felt his absence from the show in that little interview with Amy when his and Adam's bit was probably the only memorable bit of chat with the past contestants. 'What have you taken away from Strictly?' 'Mostly food from the catering truck.' 🤣
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Chatty Member
Was out last night so just watched it. I loved the group dance - it is always such a joyous happy dance with everyone getting the spotlight for a bit, it warms my heart ❤

Nikita in tears was so cute - it is clear that this season has been more than just a job (looking at you Karen 👀) and Layton's genuine joy and excitement about Ellie winning was fab. Doing it for Bury 😃

Fab season..ignoring the judges ridiculous behaviour obviously!
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I didn't really like the Argentine Tango the first time. It was mostly the ill-fitting song that ruined it for me, but I also agreed with Craig's comments on the results show about why he didn't give it a 10 the first time - that it had too much attack and was a bit frantic and disjointed. I never thought in a million years that he'd actually improve it in the Final and was all prepared to roll my eyes at it getting the scripted 40 even though it had the same problem as before, but I was so, so impressed that he actually danced it so much better than the first time - way smoother and more connected with Nikita. I really loved it this time (other than the lack of proper music) and I'm so glad it was their last dance and the last dance of the night and they got their well deserved 40 for it. I also confess to thinking Nikita was full of shit when he said on ITT that the dance would have a different story/emotion/meaning/whatever the second time round, and fully expected to be entirely unmoved as I was the first time. So glad I was wrong! 😂And his tears after got to me, he's so precious, I can't even deal 😭 🥺 🥰

The Quickstep was also amazing, again, absolutely awestruck that he improved it so much. The most I hoped for was for the couple of moments they were a little out of sync the first time to be smoothed out, but as well as being more calm, controlled and in sync, the frame and body contact was hugely improved too. There was definitely a mistake (actually I think there were two, oops) but after Booby's ridiculous 39s for dances that were firmly in the 30-34 range, who cares? And I'm feeling slightly wrathful once again about the music and costume stitch-up they had with the American Smooth which really obscured how much improvement there was from the Viennese Waltz.

Mostly I'm happy for Ellie's win, but it makes me a little frustrated how many people claim to vote for the most improvement but willfully shut their eyes to how much Layton has improved. I usually agree that a ringer shouldn't win, but I don't think I've ever seen one show such clear, marked improvement before as Layton has. I normally hate the repeated dances in the Final and feel they're a complete waste of everyone's time. For the first time ever I loved them and I'm sad we can't see all his early dances again to see what they could be like now. Ellie got really lucky - any other year she'd have been the one the journey voters called boring because she was too good from the start.
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He has been quite bitchy on his tours about strictly in a few ways , he was very adamant he didn’t want to be remembered as Pummba as his last dance which is why he went back for another go, and made the comment that no one watches the pro dances anyway. I noticed he’s not been a lead in one this year.
He also took those audience photos to show ‘his fellow pros what a sold out show looked like’
In hindsight for Gio may have been better if he had been remembered for Pummba rather than the pro who’s partner dropped out and thanked everyone but him.
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Knew it would be Ellie. Disappointed it wasn't Layton and Nikita but thank god it wasn't Bobby and Dianne.
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I mean some of Diannes behaviour has been suspect the past few weeks but imagine being her and knowing someone has put a photo of you on the grave of a woman you never even met 👀😂


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Graz was as pleased as if he had won, himself. I didn't see on Saturday night who had Vito on their shoulders.

I rewatched most of the dances last night, plus the end and saw then who it was. 😁 He is a cheerleader for everyone, he is nearly always at the top of the stairs with a back pat or smiling cheerfully in the background of the Clauditorium.

I agree, they might have hesitated slightly over lifting Ellie. (Good job it wasn't Dianne haha) but it was lovely to see Gorka and Neil do it and they were so delighted for her.
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Waiting curiously to see if any romances pop up this year 👀 I’m usually SO wrong 😂 The only one I’ve ever pegged is Dianne & Joe and you could see that one from outer space!

How bloody lovely is Layton ❤ Quite surprised Nikita hasn’t posted any kinda ‘what a journey’ post yet.. maybe he’s just letting Ellie & Vito have their moment. Diannes post ‘I used to be obsessed with winning the glitter ball’ .. WE KNOW. 🤣
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Boring Monday

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They said on Claudia's radio show on the day of the Final when she mentions the lifts they said so far they had never gone wrong. I imagine if it had been going wrong in rehearsal it would have been taken out. Hopefully it's given Gilkison, Flint and TPTB something to think about but I doubt it!
With the best will in the world, those kind of moves are specialist showdance/cheerleading moves and they are mainly gymnasts first and foremost … even after 3 months’ the celeb ladies are barely dancers (whatever the judges say) let alone gymnasts. I think they need to realise that just because someone says they will give it a go so not to disappoint the team/their pro dosent mean they should.
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Chatty Member
Karen posted a nice group shot (and it looks like Motsi talking to Nikita and Layton in the background)

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Miss Begotten

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Laytons mum 😭 She must be so proud of him!
She has a lot to be proud of.
I actually think that despite the idiots moaning about his ringerdom and the bigots he’s done himself the power of good being on Strictly - he’s not just shown people how talented he is, but what a genuinely lovely person he is as well.
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