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I honestly don't know how people manage to fiddle the system. I know someone I went to school with and she receives an absolute fortune in government funding for a variety of things and I swear there's F.ALL wrong with her; a foreign holiday a year, council house all done up nicely, nice car and she had the audacity to moan online about how hard she has it.

I also used to work with a woman who used to do the standard 40+ hours a week (we worked in a hotel and got paid by the hour), but then she realised she could actually take home more money if she only worked less than 16 hours a week so she got her contract changed at the job.

I have no issues with anyone who genuinely needs support from the government, I'm happy for my taxes to pay for that but when you have people just taking the piss thats when it boils my blood.

And while I'm at it, Tiktok isn't a fucking job. It's a glorified hobby at best.
I have to jump through hoops to receive disability no literally jump through hoops cause my pip will get stopped 🤣 but aye there's folk who rip the piss. I'd love to be back at work in care I got so much enjoyment from it but I physically and mentally can't. Annoys me too folk take the piss cause it makes the genuine folk seem like frauds!
Can I just say though, folk with disabilities are allowed to have nice homes and go on holiday. I'll be by the pool in the shade as I have an intolerance to heat but I'll be in my wheelchair watching my kids and husband have fun do I want to be in there with them course I do but well that's life and watching them have fun is enough for me
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haha shes let him reactivate his tiktok to prove tattle wrong about her controlling ground rules LOL. Obviously hes had to upload something that proves hes back with her
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"No one was wearing heels. Everyone was in trainers and cargos".

I see in this photo five pairs of feet (Vav, the girl she's posing with, the top left, top right, and a shoe in between her and the bird). Ummmm correct me if I need to go to specsavers... but that's four pairs of heels in that photo alone...


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Her mental health has improved because she has a man (a wet wipe really) in her bed again. We all know she needs a man to make her happy, her kids aren’t enough for the silly cow.
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Almost broke my neck getting here after seeing rylan’s post 😂 what a pair of saddos! I don’t think they ever really broke up - they staged it all for views/sympathy/attention!
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All of the solid relationships I know have started with a breakup and one partner grovelling on social media then having to delete their social media 🤥
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Honestly she is so vile in the way she responds to people. She's never in the wrong.

She's so triggering in so many ways, it's actually unreal.

That's what I like about these threads, people can admit they're wrong and apologise if needed, they can let themselves be educated on topics they're maybe not set on, they're willing to take the time to reply to comments when other people share how things make them feel (triggering or otherwise).

I know we all have the common denominator in that we find her annoying, dangerous, irritating, vile (insert word of choice here) AF but I do actually feel like this is a safe space for people to share. Which is hella ironic considering She's always preaching that her page is a positive space etc. When actually she claps back, she's vile to her huns and everyone else, and generally snippy AF.
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Oh man I missed the bloody TikTok before she did the dirty delete
That’s what I get for having a life and shit to do on a Sunday to help prepare for the working week ahead!

can I just say, I won’t ever get fed up of people using this thread or bestie aimless thread to vent about their life problems, sometimes it’s needed and strangers are the best listeners.
So please, never be afraid to post your venting. ❤
I’m sure anyone who does mind, which I doubt that’s the case, would just scroll on anyway cus we’re all grown adults in here ❤
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Saying its to help rheumatoid arthritis the cold does the exact opposite for me and many others with RA my joints seize up terribly I've never heard of anyone with RA who prefers the cold
Fellow RA sufferer here (diagnosed 23 years) cold is the last thing you need or want. He’s such a fucking liar, I reckon he’s like Vav & self diagnosed.
I hate winter cos any drop in temperature flares up my symptoms. No way could I get in an ice bath because it would be absolutely crippling
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Im born & bred NI. I don’t expect anyone to understand the complexity of NI let alone a fucking idiot influencer. Only those who lived through it can.

Our politicians can’t even politicise the place so no. I can’t cope with dopey people trying to have a say.

Bperfect is hands on heart inclusive, Brendan isn’t a bad fella at all. The make up is decent if used correctly ie not shovelled on.

I’m fucking angry about the gummies. I have 2 disabled kids. It’s fucking dangerous. My eldest is non verbal with epilepsy -
I would never give him something unless consultant advised. Sure max can’t tell her how he feels! They could make him feel sick / drowsy all day / sore heads etc.
Just because ita natural doesn’t mean ut isn’t potentially dangerous.
seen ASD G T women talking about them on her live too (selling them!)

Just watch because if you advertise your ASD child is suddenly sleeping all night for coin you’ll lose your child’s high rate DLA for selling them out you fucking morons.

I really fucking despair at social media.
As in DLA is your child’s money that you are supposed to manage their best interests with daily.

But no sell your child’s disability for some fucking shit sweets.
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I bet rylan has had to delete his social media so he can prove to her he's not trying to get more followers, or is messaging girls. She will also be able to chat shit about him and tell lies. His mother is just a wet wipe who goes along with it all by the looks. What a bunch of nutcases it's pathetic
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Not enough placements for children In a SEN school? Don't worry a wee dunk in some water will help! No funding to help children with disabilities? Not to worry vav is Gona plank her arse in some water that will surely solve it all 🙄
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