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Well-known member
Sooooooooooo..... wait for it......... THEY LIED.

This blows the whole case wide open. If they lied about something as big as this, WTF else are they lying about. 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
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Honestly i haven't watched the video lol cause i find them annoying but if they need to wait 4 months for it to leave his body...why dont they just wait the four months to be as sure as they can?

And aside from this, I knew their next move was going to be alllll consumed with having a baby. Its the only logical step left for views. Its obvious.

IMAGINE that life for Hannah though. It will be non stop changing diapers or taking her other child to the toilet while he whines about "not enough time together".
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Chatty Member
Hannah loves Shane more than Shane loves hannah the only person Shane loves his himself he's up his own arse
I think you nailed it there. I see what @HairyBerries is saying. I've noticed the side-eye Shane sometimes gives Hannah, especially if he's trying to talk over her, but he's in no position to escape. You'd think, considering he literally depends on her to live, that he'd speak a little more kindly to and about her.
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Did they say if theyll get a caretaker for Shane when they have kids? Because otherwise I cant see How Hannah will have time to bathe and feed herself, between doing 100% of the work for a newborn while also waiting on her "husband". It will be a constant flow of stuff for her to do with zero breaks. Oh right and she also has to do 100% of the work for the dog....every moment one of the 3 will be pooping or hungry lol. Honestly. Wtf is she gonna do? She's basically going to be a single mother
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I dont think they fully understand how expensive and time consuming a kid will be
Absolutely they don't. Even the first video they made about the topic they said they struggled with the puppies and that it came as a shock.

I'm not exaggerating when I say she will be feeding either one of them, bathing them, or taking him to the bathroom/changing a diaper every single hour between the 2 "children" she would have. It would be worse than being a single mother with an infant because she also has Shane to care for. He cannot eat without her. He cannot dress himself. Nothing. Zero help with cleaning or cooking. It would be absolutely unrelenting with adding a baby to the mix. Unless they got 24/7 full time nanny that basically did everything, I actually think it's unwise to the point of being a bit selfish. Perhaps consider what's best for the child...have they done that at all? I'm not saying they 100% should or should not have children (although you can probably guess my bias) but if they do they need to think long and hard about the steps they will take to make sure they can care for it physically and emotionally. It does no child good to have an exhausted-to-the-bone mother, a resentful father, and no time to spend just bonding with their parents or having fun together.

I think someone more mature would look at the situation and recognize they can't do it all, at least not without major help.
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Dr. Drew would have a field day with these two! There's an intensity to Hannah's stare and a frenzied excitement that has always unnerved me from day 1. My possible theory is: I think that she never really grew out of playing house as a kid or propping up dolls and that childlike nurturing instinct never really matured into adult views on caretaking or relationships. I think that Shane is an embodiment of childlike roleplay for her- a roleplay that feels safe and almost ritualistic- propping him up, dressing him, feeding him, giving him sips of liquid as a child does with empty teacups to a teddy bear. I think that he's used to infantilism due to his circumstances and her mothering instincts are in overdrive, so it creates a symbiotic albeit twisted relationship.
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There’s just too many contradictions with her and it’s because they have to go overboard in convincing the audience of a legit relationship. So, they lie. It just seems like a lot for her to have wanted to overcome personally about herself and own difficulties but also to have to settle for with an unequal partner just to date Shane. 1) She’s supposed to be really shy and socially awkward, and he was already a public figure...he was not going to change his line of work and she knew it. Yet she looked past this. 2) She has to do so much physically and take on the added emotional toll just for her partner to get through the day as opposed to dating an able-bodied guy, even a non threatening nerdy guy she could’ve met in a physics class...and she can’t fully enjoy certain physical activities with him that she did before him. Yet she looked past this too. Most people would say, well she was an athlete so she wouldn’t have dated a nerd anyway. Alright, then why is she dating the most non athletic person on earth? 3) He lived 1,000 miles away so that’s a lot of money traveling back and forth to see each other that she wouldn’t have to consider with a local person, and not seeing your partner for weeks at a time inevitably brings some lonely nights. Yet, apparently she looked past this. 4) If she has a fetish then she could’ve easily met one of the many disabled guys in her community, school or church.

Why do all of this? Why make your life so much more difficult when it didn’t necessarily have to be? Because there’s a huge benefit in it for you, of course. It’s just way too much for her to have wanted to actively pursue him, for someone to have to either settle for and change about themselves just to be with a guy with great personality. If she was forced by her mom to do all of this then that would make sense. But if not for the business and the attention then she would’ve chosen a safe, disabled guy who doesn’t publicize his life and they just live happy private lives together...she could’ve picked a broke wheelchair guy haha. According to her own self description, she would’ve basically had to change her whole life as it was currently constructed as well as alter her future plans of grad school etc just to be with him. C’mon now, let’s be real. It’s beyond desperation. Would anyone really be that desperate? Especially a young and educated girl with her whole life ahead of her? No
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After their first wedding they did a live Q&A and within the first minute or so Shane jokes that they are not legally married, and you can see a hint of panic in Hannahs face as she downplays it “Oh Shane you shouldnt joke like that” This stuck out to me as odd, its almost like Shane purposely lifts the curtain on the charade every now and then for his own amusement. He knows this whole thing is fake and hes just having fun with it. On the other hand I still have no idea what Hannah’s schtick is. Is she mentally deranged? Is she a business partner? Is she humoring Shane for “fame”? Its a proven fact that they are liars now as theyve admitted it. Now it begs the question what else are they lying about?
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I think part of the thrill for them is the lying and manipulation. I guarantee behind closed doors they are laughing at how easy it is to separate fools from their money.

Why oh why do they insist on keeping that maggoty gross yellow towel?
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We don’t even have to get into the interactions between in-laws or how she may or may not have psychological issues. This relationship is totally fake simply because it’s too much of a coincidence to be real, it’s too good of a story to be true. Think about it...think about how he looks/his size, his condition, the fact that he was rejected by girls when he was younger and that he’s an author. It makes perfect sense that he would’ve gone to bed as a kid thinking, if I ever get a girlfriend I want her to be tall, blond and to laugh at all of my jokes (he thinks he’s funny).

She fits each and every detail of his dream girl. She just happens to not be short, she continues to laugh at his jokes as if she just met him, as if she’s genuinely surprised by him and isn’t already around him 24/7. He would not have known from sporadic visits that this quirky tendency of hers would persist over time and even when they moved in together. This proves it was never organic, of course...we know that he chose her instead of their story of her finding him, that sounds a bit more plausible. And a younger Shane would probably also say, me and my pretty girlfriend will travel around the country showing people that I’m “not so different” from everyone else (his first book title). They tried this set-up with two previous girls but the lure of Youtube channel fame was not logistically possible and they couldn’t find one who had no real plans in life yet. Now the gig of YT and traveling is too good for any young woman to walk away. They had to tinker with the business model to get it right.

It’s just too much of a fairytale ending, for him in particular, that would hardly ever happen to people in real life...and when it does, it’s not by means of a business. He’s an author, he wrote the script to his life and is literally living it exactly how he envisioned because it was set up that way by him and in part by his family for him to live out his fantasy of the girlfriend experience with a tall and pretty blond.
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Absolutely they don't. Even the first video they made about the topic they said they struggled with the puppies and that it came as a shock.

I'm not exaggerating when I say she will be feeding either one of them, bathing them, or taking him to the bathroom/changing a diaper every single hour between the 2 "children" she would have. It would be worse than being a single mother with an infant because she also has Shane to care for. He cannot eat without her. He cannot dress himself. Nothing. Zero help with cleaning or cooking. It would be absolutely unrelenting with adding a baby to the mix. Unless they got 24/7 full time nanny that basically did everything, I actually think it's unwise to the point of being a bit selfish. Perhaps consider what's best for the child...have they done that at all? I'm not saying they 100% should or should not have children (although you can probably guess my bias) but if they do they need to think long and hard about the steps they will take to make sure they can care for it physically and emotionally. It does no child good to have an exhausted-to-the-bone mother, a resentful father, and no time to spend just bonding with their parents or having fun together.

I think someone more mature would look at the situation and recognize they can't do it all, at least not without major help.
I get all that you’re saying but she’s not dumb, she has a degree and a little common sense...enough to co-own their channel and make more money than probably all of us...and it’s not like she doesn’t have a mom and family members who could talk to her and explain how hard things would be on her if she were to have a baby with him. It’s all just for views, they’re not going to have a baby. Her mom would not willingly take on all of that added responsibility, her husband is really old. So, the mom would decide to be full-time caregiver for Shane and or their baby and, at some point, abandon her own husband and just hire a live-in nurse for him? No, that makes no sense, her husband would come first. And, S & G can’t hire a full-time nanny because that’d be one more person for them to trust with the Squirmy and Grubs business.

With all the work that needs to be done daily, the nanny would have to be on camera at least sometimes and paid very well because of it. Remember, her mom has to travel with them to help. And, acknowledging hired help would go against all narratives they’ve tried so hard to put over...that she loves him so much that she does everything for him simply out of love...that she has the biggest heart and is the best nurse ever (although she had no previous experience with people with disabilities) and never has gotten burned out...she’s always smiling in every video, happy and energetic...she’s’d also show that Shane actually requires a lot of help and attention which they try so hard to suggest otherwise, and he would no longer be the center of attention for his woman or for their fans, he wouldn’t go for that.

It’d either be the business or a baby, and if they didn’t have the business then they wouldn’t even be acting like they’re a couple. I don’t think they’re going to have a baby and it’s for a similar reason she’s not going to grad school...because she can’t do that with full effort and continue with the business.
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So the madly in love couple is so freaking bored they want to have a child to relieve their boredom. All this is is proof that Shane is extremely boring and dull.

Shane gets exhausted while speaking in sentence fragments, so it's not like she's able to have thought-provoking deep conversations with him. He can't move, so it's not as though she can do real activities around the house with him. She's literally stuck in a house with a narcissistic, beer drinking, deformed baby.

Life goals ladies.
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The comments on their latest videos are ridiculous. Someone saying that their personal business is no concern to anyone. Well they decide to live so publicly and I assume many people donate their hard earned money to them based on who they think they are. If they’re lying then it’s kinda fraudulent imo.
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Chatty Member
It would have been more endearing if he attempted to do any small gesture of appreciation for Hannah (for once) with his new robot arm. But no, had to demonstrate how he would best serve his narcissistic ass.
Also wondering, does he really drink alot of beer, or is it for show to craft the image that he's a regular bro/chad? It's like when they would order big meals on their travels, acting like Shane would really be capable of eating it. He once talked about how good this rice/mayo slop he concocted was and I suspect that's one of the most substantial "meals" he can fully eat.
However, if he does get drunk, I imagine he'd be even more rude, snarky, and condescending than he already naturally is.
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Putting together a timeline on Shannon and Shane.

- The facebook for Laughing At My Nightmare, Inc was created in February 1, 2012. Shannon is a cofounder of the non profit, along with Shane and his cousin.

- This video from April 1, 2013 by Firework productions was directed by Shannon. "Happiness is Always an Option" was made for Laughing At My Nightmare, Inc.

- This article from May 30, 2013 describes Shannon and Shane as best friends, not a couple.

Port St. Lucie resident Shannon O'Connor's mother Kate lost a valiant battle to cancer at a time when her daughter needed a mom more than anything else, effectively leaving Shannon an orphan.

For many teens, these nightmares would provide a reason to be morose, moody and maudlin. But Shannon and Shane are not most teens, and the best friends have found a way to turn adversity into adventure and help others deal with their nightmares.

Along with another friend, the dynamic duo has created a non-profit organization, a documentary and just completed the first-ever "Laughing at My Nightmare LaughTour," traveling to cities along the east coast, spreading a message of positivity through meetups, speeches and laugh-ins.

- This article from November 24, 2013 is about 17 years old Shannon winning an Emmy as a creative director for the video "Happiness is Always an Option" (so she was only 16 when they cofounded Laughing At My Nightmare, Inc). Shane is still refereed to as her friend, not boyfriend.

A few summers ago, O’Connor helped to produce a seven-minute film about a friend, Shane Burcaw, 21, of Philadelphia, and his struggles with spinal muscular atrophy, an affliction that makes it impossible for him to walk or to do just about anything physical. The affliction will ultimately kill him.

“I was 7 when my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer,” O’Connor said. “And at a very young age, I was involved with a nonprofit my mom started to help others with cancer. Shane has his own nonprofit, and that’s how I met him. And we both have a love for laughter.

- In this video from March 31, 2014 she is presented as his girlfriend. So sometime between the past 4 months they began dating.

- And In this interview from October 1st, 2015 Shane is already seriously involved with Anna.


Shannon was at most 16 year old when she met Shane who is 3 years older. She was an orphan who lost her mother to cancer. They met through their works with non profits. They cofounded Laughing At My Nightmare, Inc and after being coworkers and friends for at least 2 years, they dated for the first half of 2014, at most.

How does reality compare with Shane's telling of events?

From Shane's October 1st, 2015 interview, the paragraph about the girl he dated before Anna, which can only be Shannon by the documented timeline above:
Things happen quickly over the Internet. He soon connected online with another woman who liked his blog. She became his second girlfriend. But after a few months, she decided she couldn’t take the pressures and uncertainty of his progressive disability. She dumped him, saying things like, “I’m giving up so much of my life to be with you,” he recalled.

HUH? Things didn't happens quickly or over the internet with Shannon. They were cofounders of a foundation and friends for 2 years before dating. She also wasn't some woman who liked his blog, she was a 16 year old orphan dealing with the death of her mother and working for nonprofits. This story is bullshit. Why did Shane make this shit up?

Probably because 18 year old Shannon dumping him after FINALLY realizing she deserves better, is the one grain of truth we got from Shane. He still wanted to include this self pity tidbit in the interview because he was still foaming at the mouth about being dumped, but since Shannon being the cofounder of Laughing At My Nightmare, Inc, his "best friend" and then girlfriend for 6 months tops is all over the internet, he had to make some shit up about some woman who liked his blog to throw the scent off.

Incidentally, it's a similar story he tells of his first mystery girlfriend, the one who popped his cherry.
From Shane's October 1st, 2015 interview:

“Four years ago, I had never had a romantic relationship,” he told me. “At times I thought I just won’t have a girlfriend. Ever.”
Then everything changed. “I got an email from this girl who said, ‘Hey, I read your blog and I love it,’” he explained. “I kind of rolled my eyes like I do whenever I get one of those emails. But she said she would really love to meet and hang out.”
What developed was a virtual friendship, conducted entirely online and by phone. Then she came over to visit. Burcaw’s family respects his need for privacy. One thing led to another.


But that’s not the end of Burcaw’s story. As if in answer to my unspoken question, he told me that good sex alone wasn’t enough. “A few months later,” he went on, “I realized I didn’t really connect with her. The only reason I jumped on it was because she was the first person who really wanted anything more than friendship with me. But I didn’t want to break up with her if I was never going to find someone else.”
The fear of never finding someone else can be painfully intense. Yet break up he did.

So once again - girl reads his blog... dated for a few months... Not very creative for a writer, are you Shane? I'm going to call bullshit on this story too. Either there was no girl before Shannon, or this is another fabricated tale replacing an inconvenient truth. Like maybe he just ordered a hooker online to come over a few times and his parents nodded awkwardly when he said umm so this is my gf please respect my privacy thanks.
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Those people on Ladbible are just as silly as their fans. Are people really this gullible?????

And at this point I feel that Hannah is going to stay with Shane no matter how unbearable this gets, no matter how much his uncontrollable farts stink, and no matter how many times she accidentally gets his poop on her hands while wiping him. She'd rather "prove the haters wrong" than be happy.

I guess she showed us. And I bet the sex is so amazing and he is so sexy when he lays there moaning, gargling, choking on his own phlegm.
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I was camping and missed all of this ridiculous shit. She should have married him to protect herself, since the house is in his name only. If he passed away or they broke up, she would end up with nada...good idea to get married, I think.

As far as people making fun of Shane? I wouldn't like that douch if he looked like Ryan Gossling his looks and physical body means nothing to me. His personality is the worst! He is a total asshole, thinks he is funny...but he isn't...acts like a big fucking baby that thinks he deserves more than able bodied people, I just cannot stand him.

Someone mentioned nose jobs. Not to pick someone's looks a part but mom and Hannah had ugly noses. Quite bulbous looking at the tip with huge nostrils. If mine looked like that? I'd probably get a nose job too.

My opinion IF Hannah does get pregnant? They will have to hire a full time possibly live in care giver....good reason to fix up the basement. Once a baby comes? I really do not believe she will have much time or patience for Shane, babies change your life so much. Can't wait to see that shit show.
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