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I'm no weight loss expert but I have struggled with my weight in the past. I think Dave really is focusing on the wrong thing. He shouldn't be worried about protein or weights etc but instead focus on losing body fat with cardio and a diet overhaul. I reckon he could lose a good amount by the time the baby comes.
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Gender disappointment is a real thing unfortunately hence the clinic in Cyprus that is making a fortune from rich couples who are wanting to select the gender. If Sophie keeps going they way she’s going she will lose followers for coming across as being a self centred, spoilt cow. There are millions of women in the world that will never get the chance to carry a healthy baby boy or girl.

They are constantly at supermarkets so they should be picking up packs of baby grows /sleepsuits /bibs they literally cost the same as the packs of monster that Dave drinks and the amount they spend on snacks. Having a baby you make sacrifices.

When I was pregnant we picked up something every week baby toiletries, sensitive wipes so when our little girl arrived we literally had enough stuff to last us the first 6months and the fact that my money was going to be a lot less being on maternity pay. I really couldn’t live like they do winging life.

They need to start being realistic and grow up.
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Would you really want dave to ruin your sofa or bed.... the choice is really hard! I don’t know anyone’s parents who would be this accepting of a situation like this! Unless something really bad had happened to one of the pair but this is there own doing!! What are they playing at!!!
OMG I hadn't even thought about that! You are right, Mummy will have to buy a new mattress and a new sofa after months of Dave's capacious arse on them.
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OMG this!! I went to Florida with my bf 2 years in a row and both times we worked easily 50h weeks to afford it and when we were there we got up at 6am everyday and got back to the room at 11/12 when parks and bars were closed because we valued and appreciated every single second. It INFURIATES me when they’re like “just heading back to the room for a nap” Wild!!!!
The first night of their honeymoon was spent with Dave shopping for bug spray for hours while Sophie napped.
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Chatty Member
Let’s be honest, she’s 100% planning to get all her baby stuff from a Baby Shower. Which may not even happen if we’re still all in quarantine by then. Though no doubt she’d stamp her feet and demand it all gets mailed to her!
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He keeps saying about how he’ll get into a better gym routine once the baby is here... how deluded is he? Does he really think he’s gonna be able to do night shift, look after princess soph and the baby and gym? Don’t think so dave
FFS he has literally NOTHING to do at the moment. If he can't get into a decent gym routine now he has zero chance once the baby is born. It's just one excuse after another with him.

I don't understand his obsession with the gym, like that's going to solve all his problems. All he needs to do is eat less, drink more water and take Chip out for some decent walks. They would both benefit from that.
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Is the live tonight (and now every week) purely to get money again??
They may get cash for a bit but eventually those over generous people will stop giving and they’ll be getting nothing. I bet the sob stories will start coming thick and fast then
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Dave, I’m no PT but just because your lifting a few weights doesn’t mean to can continue to eat what you want. Your still fixated on the idea of your muscles getting bigger and bulking when in reality I think you actually need to lose the weight first. I think cardio if your best option right now, get the heart rate up and the calories burned. I’m being serious and trying to help you here.... again, your fixated on hitting your protein goal when you need to bring your calorie intake way down. You need to be in a deficit...

Once you get started it won’t be that bad.

and also, just stop being so fucking lazy, you have a child on the way. Step the fuck up!!!
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Yeah I can imagine the younger siblings not being impressed with having to share their garden space and living room whilst in isolation. Hope Dave and Soph are doing their fair share of house chores in the very least.
I don’t think I’d mind sharing my home with my sister but I imagine they must loathe living with Dave. I’d hate to the layabout father of my future nephew just slobbing about the place, using the garden when he wants, singing in the shower and talking about his macros whilst stuffing shit down his throat. I bet they’re bitching behind his back every chance they get
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I wonder if her siblings and mummy are peeking out the windows and chuckling to themselves like demons, as Dave huffs and puffs his way through goblet squats in their garden. He certainly doesn't seem to mind taking over and putting on a show.
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My god we have to suffer through Dave going through his “gym” equipment! Give over Dave you’re only kidding yourself.
As said above they couldn’t make it more obvious that they’ve read here. Talking about how Dave will be going back to work once allowed, she saying she’s basically a full time youtuber now as she doesn’t have a job anymore. Baby is due in 13 weeks. House situation is a “no go” atm according to sophie and they will be looking to rent and want to be in a house by June and the baby is due in July. Sophie says she thinks lockdown will be over in May/ early June and hope to get house in June. They want to start getting things organised for baby brown and “move in really close to him being born” says she feels like they can get a place sorted in 13 weeks.
dave also comments on people saying about him learning to drive (hi sophie and Dave) saying he can’t atm cause it’s far too dangerous
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The reveal was pointless.. They already knew and no one looked interested.
Totally agree. I thought the parents weren’t meant to know at the gender reveal, as part of the excitement for guests is seeing the parents’ reaction as well as whether the baby is a boy or girl.

Maybe I’m not very sentimental, but I wouldn’t drag my family and friends over for a gender reveal party. It looks like they got presents too, and she’ll have a baby shower too I bet, I think it’s asking too much of people.
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She really isn't looking forward to baby boy Brown it seems from her last post :/

Also no weekend vlogs as promised and not even their Disney video on Friday either!
And she's done FA on her own channel too. Why do people follow them let alone give them money? It beggars belief.

My money's on the next vlog being the launch of the new merch. They're only making vlogs now that create income.

Couldn't even be bothered to make an NHS vlog. They're quick enough to go for scans etc but don't bother giving anything back, will you, you lazy pair of no hopers.
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This is fucking outrageous! How dare they accept money from people when others literally don’t know when they can buy food again! They are the vilest, sickest, rancid couple on youtube! 😡😡😡😡😡
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he has massive, massive boobs, I feel so bad saying it but half way through he moved in his seat and it’s uncomfortable viewing.
View attachment 105207
he needs help.
someone, if it’s not his wife 🙄 needs to sit him down and tell him he’s killing himself.
he is morbidly obese.He has been trying to lose weight for YEARS with no success. He does need help he must be the biggest hes ever been at this stage?
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Chatty Member
I don't dispute the tiredness I just mean some people don't have the choice to laze around and indulge that tiredness.
100% this. I think we all find being pregnant different but some of us know that we have to work if we want our baby to have a good life. I know that the only way I can afford a nice pram, cute changing mat, pretty maternity clothes is to work for it, unlike Sophie and Dave who are doing nothing and just expect to be gifted all the nice things. They can’t even be bothered to upload to YouTube, literally the only job they have between them atm. She’d quickly turn her nose up at a £300 pram, but is doing nothing (literally) to get a nicer one, bar begging and making sad owl eyes at a camera for it once a week.
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You would think a man of his age would go out and get a job to support his wife and baby, let’s not forget dog too! But no Mr Lazy Bones need to be there so Sophie doesn’t have to lift a finger.

Never met such lazy pair. Honestly in his mid 30s and absolutely nothing to show for himself. It astounds me what Sophie’s sister has achieved and she does nothing. Even her younger sibling ( who I think works in a bank) like what does she think of her older sister being such a lay about?!

Honestly, these two were made for each other because I couldn’t be married to someone who did so little and my husband says when we watch he doesn’t know how anyone puts up with her work shy lazy ass.

Also, lets be honest, they weren’t ready to have Chip let alone a baby. I remember when they got Chip and I think that was the start of when I started thinking ‘what the fuck are these two doing, living at a parents house and buying a dog!’ Who probably cost them quite a lot of money!
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Well-known member
Does anyone else think Dave will leave his job to help look after the baby?
I honestly can't see Sophie driving him to his nightshift, being up with the baby at night then going to pick him up early morning.
He really needed to learn to drive.
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