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Chatty Member
So I’m more convinced then ever that something has gone awol today...

That vlog, was clearly put together from say 4pm-6pm as all the showed was her opening some flowers, eating tea and Barneys bedtime. Without a doubt, I think their planned announcement has been delayed (maybe management advised) and this is what they scraped together in a couple of hours today in a panic.

And this singing shit. On TV at the moment, there are a few singing programmes (ones called let me see you sing) and I think she’s is just copying that in the hopes Daves singing goes viral/popular on tiktok or she’s seriously just scraping the barrel in her manic ways.

👁👁 got my eyes on you owl eyes. I see right through you.
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I don't normally comment on this thread but that video is an insult to everyone that works hard to save and pay for their Disney trip or just any holiday in general (aka pretty much everyone). For a lot of people, it literally is a once in a life trip!
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Lol too cold at the beach on a warm day in April but Tesco in November he only needs a sleepsuit
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I took one for the team and watched the shitfest....oops I mean vlog as I was SUPER excited to see the announcement

We start off strong in the stupidity vein with them showing Barney how to chuck food for the dog. That’s his diet fucked now.

She makes her air fryer chips, they’ve run out of onion we know why he’s lashing the weight on...eating those all day long I reckon.

Yes, I am indeed right, she’s giving him as anniversary present a heart attack subscription...oh no I mean she’s going to make him chips any time he wants them for a year. Same tbh. REALLY showing what a feeder she is.

She makes him fish fingers and chips for anniversary dinner, did I mention it’s their 2nd anniversary? Yeah, you’d not know it though... he eats on the sofa again. That eating as a family going SO well!!

She got flowers, he attempts to snag the credit for them but her mum is onto him and signed a card. Apparently his family just sent cards.

No cards or real presents for each other, sure why would there be when they’re not in love?

Chip shoving his snout in Barney’s toy basket...then she said he’s been eating the flower stems as they dropped. No wonder he was so ill, so shit that they’ve never trained him.

She shows the stuff for taking paint off the poles - calls it a ‘gentle purpose brush’ instead of GENERAL, highly educated don’t ya know... and a tin of spray paint. You need more than a brush to remove it dopey.

Next they’re all on the bed and she says his present to her is him singing to her anytime anywhere for a year and threatens to start in the Trafford Centre next weekend. Anyone local, I’d avoid there tbh...or maybe spy on them for us. That CANNOT be the announcement that took 2 days and a missed vlog as they were busy preparing it.

Barney bit her again and again she did not say no.

At the end they’re on the bed hyping Barney up before sleep, giving him a phone cable to pull - actually GIVING a kid cables, are they for real??? Wait til he bites through one and electrocutes himself. Not one brain cell between them.

They don’t show the cot, it can’t have been lowered obvs.
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The baby just doesn’t want to be held by her at all.

Found it hilarious that he got her TWO bakes in Greggs and is blatantly hiding his own huge bag of snacks in his hand outside the car...and that he’s trained her not to film him as he walks back so that we don’t see them
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This sing to me Dave thing is horrendous. She’s just cackling all the way through. He’s clearly uncomfortable in the first one and in today’s he’s trying to have a sleep. Honestly it’s not to build his confidence up at all, it’s so she can annihilate any crumb of confidence he had left. I don’t like his singing but it’s borderline cruel making him sing and posting it on the internet when he clearly doesn’t want to do it. What a nasty cow
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Chatty Member
Newbie here, I have to admit, she ALWAYS does this. Literally interrupts him to say the most pointless crap or because she got distracted with something and then Dave's sat there looking a absolute complete plonk. Waiting for the non awkward opportunity to carry on talking. She has done this for as long as I've started watching them and it really irks me whenever she does it because it's like she finds it funny making him look a bit of a pleb. And she always does those stupid smiley faces to the camera or half a smile half a laugh whenever he talks about his weight or his training. Which yes, is funny because the man is delusional. He needs to be CUTTING his calorie intake instead of UPPING it. And he isn't Dwayne Johnson... He has a hellllla lot of fat to lose before he needs to be THIS committed to his home Gym 🙄but yeah can't lie Sophie GRATESSSSS on me when she alwayssss interrupts him to point out something so pointless, or because Barney picked up a fuc*ing toy & she acts like it's something she NEEDS to interrupt him on just to mention.
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Chatty Member
Okay on the night shift and have just decided to watch the slog for research purposes.

- When she is feeding Barney, she says ‘good boy chip’ but NEVER ‘good boy Barney’... if anything she moans that he is clearly super hungry and she’s too busy pissing around with a camera AND watching YouTube rather than giving her son that moment.
- Poor Barney with the ice cream :( if he reacted like that because it was too cold, you wouldn’t then ram it in a few more times... all it was, was a reaction for the video.
- She has no confidence in basic mum tasks does she. It’s actually awful to see and I’m not sure whether it’s the ongoing attachment issues, ignorance or pandemic parenting that has caused it but you shouldn’t even think twice about changing your baby whilst out. Everything is such an ordeal to these two.
- As if they acted like they haven’t been out? Huns, we know you’ve been breaking the rules to see your Ratbag sister and Wilf and been at your moms as many times as you can.... get a life!

They managed to make this trip / day out look so dull. It was more about Soaf feeding her gob with some ice cream then it was about Barney having a good time. The poor kid is not their priority.
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Sorry I cant cope with all the bio changes 🤣
So no longer a first time mum.. and she's not just a dress enthusiast but a floral dress enthusiast!
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I do feel Dave wether he even knows it or not, is using his weights to justify eating all those calories. He will be looking at the diets of power lifters, bodybuilders etc and it will absolve him in his mind from the improper amount of food he’s consuming to not only stay that big but to put on weight. Imagine thinking at that size you need to be consuming more calories?, he’s delusional
I remember a vlog when they were living at Mummy Bellend's and they were watching a film quite late in the evening. Dave was grimly working his way through a pack of protein bars, moaning that he was full. Soaf asked him why keep eating if you're full and he said he had to finish them to stick to his diet plan. To be fair to her she looked completely confused by his "logic".
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And him in those fucking crocs !!! That are now stained green with cutting the grass..... they things must stink to high heavens !!

get a pair of trainers for your trotters Dave and a fucking lint brush for your clothes
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Chatty Member
I’m sorry if I offend anyone who reads the ☀ but if it was me I just wouldn’t want to be associated with that publication and would ask for it to be taken down, especially if I truly was unaware it was being published. I think it kinda shows she’s so driven for views and money and that she truly has no morals.
I’m shocked that as someone who attended University in Liverpool she’s okay with it. I’m not sure what it’s like in other parts of the country but The Sun is a MASSIVE no-no in Liverpool and The North West.
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THEY HAVE LOWERED THE COT!!!! My god I feel like this flog was aimed at me as they even mentioned child proofing. I don't remember the rest something about dresses and Dave waiting for rehearsals to begin to realise he hadn't got the job...
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And at risk of sounding a total killjoy, SingtomeDave isn't even particularly funny. Just another thinly-veiled attempt by Sophie to get herself and Dave noticed on social media. No doubt, desperately hoping it will result in press attention and more paid adverts, etc. Yawn.
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