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VIP Member
Maybe a silly question, but how easy is it to get ozempic in the UK? Everyone says all those influencers are taking it but when I looked at it, it seemed impossible if you’re not severely overweight.
It’s really easy. I know so many people taking it (which is terrifying in its self)
A few girls I know buy it off dodgy guys or under the counters at their gym
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Chatty Member
Not them getting a driver to Palm Springs💀

Either they've gotten to go due to a brand trip so they organised transport or they've just splashed hundreds when Sophia could just drive.
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Life is long… they should be creating a product that can survive beyond their name for the sake of their future like Refy.
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cinzia getting slated in the comments and rightly so. after the horrific escalation of the genocide in gaza, we see her here promoting l’oréal that has funded israel and is their “warm friend”. ofc she’s not educated enough to know this, because they are ignorant and out of touch and frankly influencers who don’t use their platform are a waste of time
Coincidentally they’ve both now posted
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Chatty Member
I for one don’t understand why they’re hiding their boyfriends from us like they’re twelve and embarrassed. What do they think we’re gonna do, follow them and slide in the DMs? Or is it more embarrassing when they break up if we all know who they are a la Lewis and Christian? is Sophia going to get married to this man and still call him Brian online? No other content creators do this 😂 there’s a difference between a private relationship and hiding a huge part of your life for zero reason
This is why I say they should just not talk about them at all, they don't need to announce their relationships just act normal & don't make their content all about boys.

So many people on social media have made entire careers, been in the public eye, shared so much about their lives & nobody knows they are in a relationship let alone married sometimes.

Or while vlogging they might talk to their partner quickly without showing their face or revealing anything about them except their voice.

There's so many ways they could about it but they've gone for such a Childish way🙄
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VIP Member
Sophia in today's pod episode "we want to go to Glastonbury this year"

Are they mad? Glastonbury doesn't just gift influencers tickets. This ain't Coachella
I don't want to sound like I'm sticking up for them but I think they'll end up just paying and not going with a brand as they've done with Coachella? 😂
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I don’t think it’s fair to say she has a fetish for black men just because her last two bfs have been black/mixed race, some girls just like what they like! If a white girl always ends up with a white guy doesn’t mean they have a fetish. It could solely be a coincidence and don’t need to make something out of nothing
I think it's been explained pretty well above, but with context given to things she's said and her actions, it's not really a coincidence. If you say you only date mixed men and make a point of your one white ex being outside of your type it's a bit eh.
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in her recent tiktok she said she got cinzia the tickets for christmas, sophia deffo just tagged along by the look of things. if she did intend for it to just be them two i'd be so annoyed, she barely gets to spend one on one time with cinzia from what i've seen
I think cinzia is fine with not having one on one time with Lidia 😂 she definitely treats her like the annoying little sister. Also I think it’s fair for Sophia tagging along when you think about the amount of times Lidia tagged along on events, trips etc…
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sophia is actively promoting books written by a Zionist, that reflect Israeli regimes in them, so I'd beg to differ on this aha. i agree with your sentiment for sure, but there deffo are aspects to criticise if you get me?

I also really agree on running, it was like sea swimming a few years ago, people who didn't swim were suddenly "open sea-swimming" and they'd buy expensive swim suits and dry robes and this that the other, likee just pop on your togs and go in? running is the same, people who can't even run 5k are buying £90 running vests and hundreds of pounds worth of gear, and while running clubs are a great idea for socialising, some of them are beginning to charge £10 a run! the park run has been free for years, and i love it, it's just not trendy... I feel like the issue with Sophia and Cinzia, is that everything they do is so rooted in consumerism, that they even made a simple run about all the lulu lemon they were wearing, and so ultimately, while I agree that it's good that these hobbies are encouraged, it's equally harmful that social media is also perpetuating that you need to be kitted out in the best attire to do this. I think Sophia might genuinely run, but Cinzia strikes me as such a " all the gear and no idea " type of girl.
The reason I know they’re not even into it and it’s a trend for them is because if they were really starting to get into it and was serious, they would tell their audience the distance they ran and their time. Distance and time is a massive factor in running but of course just going a run is great too. Just another thing that convinced me they will fall off it in a week! But probably buy expensive running shoes, vests etc
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New member
Thoughts on them doing their guest appearances on podcasts atm? I am currently watching them on Madame Joyce's cocktails and takeaways podcast and it's quite enjoyable but I'm unsure if it's because I just enjoy the host quite alot. Not watched them on Shxts and Gigs or the other fashiony one. Some interesting choices of podcasts though. I remember when all they featured on was Jamie Laing's podcast.
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Chatty Member
Looks like they're doing their PR rounds at the moment first Luxegen now Shits & Gigs.

They chat so much shit lol the guys literally have to keep bringing them back to the original question because they just waffle on about nothing 💀
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