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Right, I don’t know about anyone else but I feel more depressed after watching his pitiful rambling.

Jusy a quick recap for anyone who missed it.

•Paul squirted water in his eyes before going live and pretended like he was about to cry

•Paul was telling us all about his attempt to unalive himself last year and even a helicopter was out looking for him. (Couldn’t have taken that long, bet he lit up like a fluorescent fucking jacket with those search lights)

•Paul also repeated the same few sentences about 7/8 times. These include but not limited to ‘I will like it, I will, I’ll like it’ and ‘you don’t know what someone is going through, you don’t, you don’t, you don’t’ ect ect

•Paul also told us about how he was molestered as a child. Two things about this sentence, 1) as IF you need to add more fuel to the fire and 2) explain why you are a FUCKING PEADthen, you daft twat.

• IF you were lucky to make it onto Pauls tik tok or Instagram, and you were LUCKY enough to get a voice note from him, it would’ve sounded like this ‘ you are amazing. You own it, keep smiling’ if you didn’t wanna top yourself before, you most certainly do now.

• He has around 1,000 Instagram requests but he’s more social media savvy and won’t accept it UNLESS you message him and convince him who you are. Like playing a n0ncey game of guess who but ok.

• If you do have him on Instagram or tik tok… he WILL like your photo. Apparently he’ll even like your bio… Impossible to do but ok, you savvy little fuckwit.

•Apparently, these people do message him and speak to him about their troubles, of all people, they choose to message Paul. A teenage girl would really look at Paul’s god awful dancing videos and think ‘fuck me, this could make all my issues disappear, he might be a prehistoric dinosaur, but I will message him and tell him all about my troubles’

And last but not least,

•He doesn’t trust men BUT if you work really, really, really, really, really hard at it lads, you are in with a chance of being finger blasted and all.
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Hi everyone, long time Tattler reader here of these hilarious and truthful threads but I just had to get this off my chest after the lives / videos Snapshoteye 41 has been putting out there are full of total shite.

I do not understand why he just thinks people are picking this stuff about him out of thin air and spinning a web of lies just because they want to be spiteful... PEOPLE ARE SAYING THIS STUFF PAUL BECAUSE THAT IS HOW IT LOOKS, AND HOW IT IS! Why can’t he just admit that all the evidence is there?? Nobody is calling you a creep, a ponce, a manipulator, an attention seeker (the long list goes on) for no reason, they’re saying it because there is actual proof we have all seen with our own eyes based off your own actions.

And I know you’re an adult, you have been on this earth for 41 years so you should know this yourself, but your careless, selfish and vile actions have consequences…not just for yourself but for others too. And that’s why you need to be stopped you absolute muppet. Stop being a feckin turnip and act your pissing age!!!! I’m 23 and can see why what you do and say is completely wrong CLEAR. AS. DAY.

And if you can’t take the smoke, do us all a favour and get the hell off social media and take some time to focus on yourself.

Rant over…I am so sorry to those who have found his “content” (which is just him spitting a load of crap to make people feel sorry for him) over the last few days triggering or disrespectful to those who have faced truly dark times. You’re all a hundred times the person he is, and the fact you’re all here to tell the tale and share your story to help others and raise awareness is amazing and shows how strong you truly all are!!
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For the day that’s in it, does anyone want to share their favourite snapshoteye moment from 2021? Mine was absolutely (and obviously as I couldn’t stop laughing at it here) that very late entry last night, smiling at no one, pretending Sophie walked in on him doing his little TT. Paul the reason the views are so high on that video is me, I cannot stop going back to watch, it’s an utter catastrophe 😂😂😂
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Has he forgotten about all the other photos of young girls he’s liked and interacted with? They aren’t all cancer survivors so what’s his excuse for those?

Paul, nobody, and I mean NOBODY needs your validation. Your comments are so generic and disingenuous there’s really no point in bothering. They hold no meaning.

I tell you now, there is not a caring bone in his body. If conversations aren’t about him he isn’t interested. He’s the definition of a narc. Sense of entitlement, needs adoration, sense of self importance, the list goes on. He’s just been caught out and is trying ANYTHING to get out of it.

Anyway, happy new year everyone. Wishing you love and larder, I mean laughter 😁
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Chatty Member
Mine has to be when Sophie took the WiFi code, he went on a rant shouting Tina. The rant I suspect ended the quickest relationship of 2021. X
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Chatty Member
I’ll tell you all one thing, if a 40 year old man asked me if I wanted to go out for a hot choccy, you can bet your arse I’m blocking and locking my doors.
to not like tea or coffee at his big age is a red flag within itself
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RECAP (please feel free to add if I have missed anything)

* Paul entered the Christmas period alone in a travelodge as him and Sophie were on the rocks. He then spent Christmas Day with his dad.

* Apparently Sophie kicked Paul out because she didn’t like the way he was ‘parenting her son’

* He saw his son for one day a few days after Christmas.

* He went live on insta and Sophie and himself confirmed they are still together and do not need relationship advice off anyone.

* Paul is still at his dads.

* Paul has been caught liking young girls instagram posts (15/16/17 years of age) and is now blaming us for uncovering this information.

* Paul is shifting blame onto us for his anticts, saying we are making edits of his child and friends (we haven’t, it’s all lies)

* Paul is still a manipulative, narcissistic man who will never change.

* There is talks about the possibility of Sophie being pregnant (personally I couldn’t give a shit cos they’re destined to fail anyway, just my opinion)

and last but not least;

the larder situation was in regard to a comment on the previous thread. Old screenshots of his videos showed he had a cupboard like wardrobe in his kitchen. Paul once got angry at those comments and shouted ‘ITS A LARDER’

that’s all I can think of, off the top of my head haha
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It was the looking up and grinning when you could see he was alone in the reflection that did it for me. Paul Breach, creating 2021’s version of this classic.

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Can I just confirm for everyone that the girl who’s photos he had liked had messaged me back.. and requested not to be mentioned but I need to say this… she did confirm Paul has never messaged her and they have never spoken.

I’m just putting that out there. I’ve also linked her to these threads to read.
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My favourite moment (aside from the the kitchen wardrobe/larder) was when he did that horrendous video of Sophie putting her hand round his neck to be “sexy” and I saw the comment “cheers Paul, nan just shat in my slow cooker”
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My favorite moment of the last year was when he spent a whole month calling us all lonely and bragging because he was spending Xmas with Sophie and then ended up in a hotel and then at his dad's 🤣 and the fact he's been dumped has already made my year
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Just to let yous know I’ll probably post summet at like 3 am while I’m smashed. It will probably just be calling Paul a crusty nonce 50 times but who knows
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My fave moment was honestly finding this thread back in October/November. I was so anxious to post anything, I wrote out a paragraph and then deleted it about 3 times over (joys of having an anxiety disorder!) but I’m so glad I did. I sit here pissing myself on a daily basis at you comedy legends.

whoever said previously about meeting up in matching T shirts- I’M GAME😂
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Why whenever he does these kind of lives does he treat it like he’s pretending to be on a music video in the back of a car or in his bedroom? Staring into space with sad eyes, making sure to be near a window staring at the rain falling outside so he can really feel his emotions.

Probs got Daniel beddingfield I gotta get through this on repeat cause Sophie cancelled on him again
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