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Why does he have the facial features of a new born baby but a head the size of a hot air balloon
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He’s rapidly heading to the “spending the night in a field” breakdown extravaganza again and I don’t think I speak for myself here when I say, I am very excited.
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Paul and Sophie always say our facts are never right and you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet.

So here we go,

Paul spent a few hours(Maximum)with his son and then went straight back to Sophie’s playing step daddy to her son (badly I may add) - HOWEVER I don’t see how this is even possible considering he drove back from where he was staying, clearly packed up his things in boxes then took the 2-4 hours (weather depending (snow and storm) journey back to Sophie’s and arrived quite early on in the evening. So at what stage would he have seen his son?

Another thing id like to clear up, Sophie hasn’t been abused or manipulated. Sophie is the abuser and manipulator. Abused and manipulated people do not act the way Sophie is acting. She is another self absorbed girl who will do anything for likes and attention.

I know there must be a few thousand+ people on here right now that have been abused in the past by parents, partners, friends and even children. Are you sitting here and telling me, you would take one look at Paul and all the accusations and stay with him, publicly posting videos with him, provocative videos with him? Let’s not forget they had been together merely DAYS once this ‘hate’ got out of control. You are telling me, you meet a random bloke off the internet, 1-2 days in, all these comments, videos, threads, twitter pages surface, are you telling me you would stay with him?

Let’s not forget, abused and manipulated people do not want to be the centre of attention, they do not want to be in a situation surrounded by hate or bullying. They do not push themselves right into the centre like Sophie has done. Yes, you may crave love and jump at the first person that shows you love but usually these people don’t come with millions of hate comments and pedophile accusations.

We solved the case, his ex was 18 when she had Paul’s son. Now, you can dabble in the fact if she was 17 when she first got pregnant or even 17 when they were still talking. Although 17/18 is not illegal, morally it’s wrong. Any sane bloke I have spoken to in their late 20s wouldn’t even look at a 17/18 year old because it’s weird. Regardless if it’s legal or not. It’s weird.

Taking your child with special needs (or any child) to meet a bloke off the internet for the first time, weird. Driving your son the 2+ hour car journey to stay in a random blokes house for days, weird. Having some random bloke in your house for days on end with your child in the house, weird. Letting this man look after your child whilst you are upstairs doing whatever for hours, weird. See people calling you out for the way Paul is treating your son when she’s not around and saying it’s fine, fucking weird.

Reading ALL these threads, twitter posts, tik tok comments, tik tok videos from hundreds and thousands of people and saying it’s all ‘nasty hate from people with nothing better to do’ fucking weird.

I refuse to hear bullshit about how poor sophie this and poor sophie that. Putting your child in a situation like this, neglecting your child whilst some bloke you’ve known a month rips the piss out of him, putting your needs above theirs. She’s a disgrace, no better than Paul himself.

Her game is beginning to slowly unravel, the amount of comments like ‘Paul’s punching’ ‘how did you get her’ she LAPPING it up. She knows she’s 1,0000 better looking than Paul (against Paul’s looks standards) none of her other videos have EVER exposed bare skin or been provocative on this level, now two in the last 4 hours, funny that isn’t it?

Needs to give her head a wobble but being the stupid bint she is, I can’t see that happening anytime soon. The pair of them deserve each other.
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Squidward's Missus

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I am so deeply entrenched in Scottish tiktok that anyone outwith my fair country rarely appears on my FYP but this wee cretin appeared the other day and I rushed over here just KNOWING there would be a thread on him - and you guys did not disappoint 😂
I hate to think how many hours I have wasted over the past few days reading on here and watching his videos on tiktok!
I cannot for the life of me understand what that girl sees in him. He looks like some kind of demon who spends his life underground, never seeing the light of day with his peely wally flakey face and wee pointy teeth. Looks aren't everything, I know, thank god or I would still be single 😂 - but his personality is vile too!! I refuse to believe he has anything other than a teeny tiny pencil dick that he has no idea what to do with, so WTF is the attraction?? She is a nice looking girl, bit dead behind the eyes and with the personality of a cardboard box, but she could easily get an equally dead behind the eyes, no personality hot bloke! Clout? Fair enough if she is that desperate for followers but SHE ACTUALLY LET'S HIM TOUCH HER 🤢🤮
And all that head bowed, trying to look coy, yanking at his clothes as he 'dances'..... Not to mention the paler than pale feet which someone up thread so eloquently compared to the feet of a dead person in the morgue with the label attached 🤣 And the way he oggles her, I feel violated just watching it 🤢 He gives me the pure shudders man, the absolute boak.
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Called my child Babz this morning by accident. I'm away now to turn myself in to social services, and beg for therapy.
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People need to stop saying they feel sorry for Sophie, she's an absolute vile witch who's more switched on than given credit for. She's brought an absolute danger into her sons life and even after everything she has found out and read she's putting clout over her sons safety. Vile
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Paul: ‘Let’s go to IKEA, buy nothing, make a video and then go home for some big hugs you amazing human. You melt me, you’re so perfect. I love you, I love you more than there are stars in the sky or grains of sand on every beach in the world. I wish I could just merge into your body so I could feel your heart beating from the inside and be with you all the time as one.’

Sophie: ‘Okay Paul’

Well at least that’s my idea anyway on how this happened.
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Mental that us tax payers are contributing to these two jobless narcs sitting at home all day making tiktoks! I’ve got the point where I’m honestly going to report him to universal credit. He is making absolutely no attempt to work.
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Right...Paul, if you ARE this perfect nice amazing fella you claim to be. ACT. LIKE. ONE. stop spouting shite trying to reinforce your own beliefs that you're godlike and start doing things that SHOW other people what you are instead of pouncing about doing everything possible to prove yourself wrong.

Amazing nice guys never have to tell you that they are amazing nice guys. Sophie is hoodwinked right now, she's getting a bit of attention after being treated badly by a "bad boy" and Paul came along at JUST the right time.

Blokes like Paul are worse than your classic bad boys. Because he hides it in the form of a good boy. He's actually worse and can do more damage because it's not immediately obvious. So friends and family of Sophie will think he's great. He hoodwinks everyone.

If a million people think you have a problem and 20 people think you're need to ask yourself why that equation is the way it is have no car, no home, no money, no job, no male friends, no skin tone, no skin moisture, no TV stand, no maturity, no charisma and no interest in your son.

what an absolute catch 🥴
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At least we know now that he's submissive with her grabbing his throat.

Confirmed; Paul likes to be pegged
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