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Surely the police would’ve told him the reason for their visit tho? Like why does he think they were called to arrest him lmfao
Well, at the start of the clip he says "Someone was very concerned with me being upset".
So he knows that it was a welfare check, but is twisting it as an innocence plea!
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I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. I don't hate him I pity him. Sad little man who doesn't realise his whole life is based around the internet and SM.... Paul the only thing that will truly help you is to get off the internet and spend some time in the real world....

He's back on tik tok

All videos of Sophie gone!!
He’s playing Social Media Hide and Seek 🤣
On/off/on/off all for attention.
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M D 26

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Here’s a snippet. He’s quite mellow and isn’t really saying anything of importance, he’s just trying to catch some tail by the seems of it. He has no one to shout at in there.

I’m off for the night but I hope there’s some good stuff to read tomorrow. Xoxox

He acts like he's so smitten with himself? Smug as a bug in a rug. Giggling and sticking his tongue out, it makes me so uncomfy, you're a grown man? Why you looking to the side? Who ya looking at pal?

I don't wish any harm on him (although he infuriates me) but I hope he gets the help he needs and stops preying on the young and vunerable.
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Guess we’ll all have to start making conversation…
How’s everyone’s day been? 😂
Busy lol. Because unlike Paul snapshoteye 41 I work full time and today being my only day off meant that I had to decorate my child's bedroom because again unlike Paul snapshoteye 41 I actually do things for my child 🙃
might go crazy later, go on tiktok live, do some shit dancing, call all the men babz and give them big hugz then threaten to unlive myself when someone calls me a freak and delete my account
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Why would the police arrest him I’m confused… it was a welfare check ?
Exactly. And when he says he told them why he was upset I really doubt he said to the police

‘ there’s a website that has threads about me that say I’m a n cause I like young girls and I like 16 year olds pictures on Instagram but I swear I only did that cause they have serious health conditions and I like to support them and make them feel great. I just like to give out big hugs’

can’t imagine that was the info you gave them when they asked why you were suicidal Paul babs
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My body just a full blown glitch after your “big hugs babbing” comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 laughed, sneezed and farted all in one swift movement 😂😂😂😂
Honestly I refer to myself as a big hug babber (or just babber for short) it makes me feel like I’m apart of the avengers but a more shite version that only fights flaky ponces

Big hug babbers UNITE🦶
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Paul could quite happily put a loaded gun in his mouth and i know for 100% fact he wouldn't ever pull the trigger, he'd only do it if he knew for sure he could witness his own funeral. He's a narcissist and narcissists wouldn't dream of killing themselves
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Relieved to see I haven’t missed anything! If I had missed another live because of work I would have quit my job.
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I just said “what are we having for tea babs” to my boyfriend, using babs unironically🥴
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Hats off to everyone that called it how it is. ALL that talk of unaliving, no being right for this world, ending it all. Complete suicide baiting. A lot of you guys shared some heartwarming stories of stuff you’ve been through and a welfare check was doke through this group.

Turns out most of you were right. All done for attention. He makes a complete mockery of anyone who’s been in some dark places.

I’m saluting the ones that called it and the ones that shared their stor
One day he's gonna be in a really dark place, like a genuine dark place & no one will believe him because he's used it to try and gain some ridiculous advantage & sympathy. I have a distant relative, like a cousin of a cousin. He used to threaten to kill himself ALL the time and everyone would always rally round him, make sure he was okay, had everything he needed, support etc. I'm talking ALL the time right. All throughout his late teens and all through his 20s. He threatened suicide again, but I think people just got fed up of the manipulation and the obvious attention seeking so he had support, but nowhere near as much as he previously had. People werent rallying around him like they did before thinking it was just another one of his "moments". Anyway, he ended up unliving himself. I think there is only so many times you can get away with playing with people's feelings like that before it bites you on the bum.

One day Paul is gonna be on tiktok or insta, chatting waffle about how depressed he is, how he doesnt want to wake up, etc etc, but because we have all heard it a million times and he's always been totally fine, laughing and joking the very next day... no one will take him seriously.
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I think people dont want to harass her as she has done NOTHING wrong but just curious to know what she looks like. Paul,snapshoteye 41 never posted her on his tiktok when they were together.
Why does it matter tho? If he never posted her on tiktok when they were together she obviously didn't want to be seen.

Stalking and collectively hunting the poor lady down just to see what she looks like is just odd and just makes this site look as bad as other people say it is.
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Does he go live at the same time as her to take the attention off her cos he’s jealous? Or cos he wants to make it look like he’s not obsessing over her lives? Or a bit of both?
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