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It's spreading gossip, pure and simple, under the pretense of being 'kind'. And usen't June sign herself off on insta as a 'mental health advocate', or something similar. She's a disgrace, with no shame whatsoever.

This 'be kind' shite is the biggest scam going. We never see June actually do anything kind. Never does anything selfless. Lighting a few candles is hardly something that needs to be blasted online.
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A “follower” sent her this. Sure June, we believe ya, ya troll. She’s putting you on blast @petal1

Juney…own your shit. You know what you did.
OMG, I'm famous 🤣 Never been quoted by a real life influencer before!! I feel seen 🤣🤣🤣 I notice very few of the replies on her post make any comment on anything other than her clothes!!

Hey, I stand by what I said, June (as I know you're reading here). Also, June, why didn't you post my whole comment?? You took one paragraph out of context. Why didn't you post the lines that came before the paragraph you posted?? Hmm, I wonder!!

My comment was about you, spreading local gossip, under the guise of 'being kind'. Nobody on your Insta needed to know how that young man died. You could have simply asked your followers to pray for a local family that suffered a bereavement, but no, you had to get in that it was a suicide. Was that kind??

Anyway, I hope your post encourages even one person to Google my comment and find your threads here on Tattle. Reading them might open some eyes!!
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Oh gawd that post! She was sick in bed all day except for an hour when she was "helping someone", fucking hell June you shouldn't need to report every kindness! She can't help herself, her acts of kindness are clearly few enough and far between enough to warrant a specific mention each time.
Anyway if you're so sick you can't go along to morning swim and meet people who were hoping to meet you (the poor dopes) and so sick you have to spend all the day in bed, how are you suddenly miraculously well enough to shower, do your hair and makeup, change your clothes five times and make a fucking reel for instagram?! Surely as a mother and a housewife there are more important, practical things on which to expend your limited energy?
I just don't buy it. Any of it. She can talk all she likes about only sharing snippets and not showing the full picture and not judging on just what you see online but honest to god, I've met so many people who know June, some for years and some more briefly, and not one of them has a good word to say about the woman. What she shares online shows her to be grabby and calculating and manipulative and what people who know her have to say backs that up.
Her online persona is bollocks, it's narcissism plain and simple. The sooner people stop blowing smoke up her hole the better. There's rumblings about the swimming group distancing themselves from her - I wouldn't be surprised if this latest indiscretion about the tragic death speeds up the demise of her leadership of the group. It can't happen soon enough for me: her dishonesty and disingenuousness really rub me up the wrong way.
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ASAI explicitly state that sharing discount codes = an ad and must be tagged as #ad. It's one of the options you can pick when you're reporting someone.

They even have this handy flow chart that helps you figure out of your content is an ad or not, because we all know most huns need all the help they can get in this area 🤣 Even Juney should be able to follow this! If you follow this, you'll see that June's discount codes are indeed an #ad.

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Another morality lesson from June today 🙄 Change the recored, June. Must be difficult being such a martyr. Having to remind us plebs to #bekind every day. Pity that poor customer service person who had to deal with her. I'd say our June can be fairly saucy when she wants to be too. You could tell from her body language she was fuming, whatever happened. And she had to tell us she was 'only doing an errand from someone' 🙄.
(Last time I called her out for this #bekind business, I got featured on her grid 🤣).

Why the feck would I want to follow a random shoe shop I've never heard of, just because June says so. Not only won't I follow, but I won't ever buy from them after seeing that unnecessary freebie they sent you (does every customer get freebies, or only 'influencers').
And those stories should be marked #ad, June, as you well know as you received that wallet free of charge, therefore creating a commercial relationship with the shoe shop.
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To be fair, there's a few causes on around the country that deliberately clash with DIL because Pieta isn't somewhere I'd be donating money to either.
A few years ago the company I worked for chose Pieta as our charity of choice for our CSR initiative. We fundraised about €17k/€18k for them. The money was donated and weeks went by without any acknowledgment. Eventually, I contacted them and asked if they could write a letter acknowledging the funds raised. They never wrote the letter.
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VIP Member
Well said. She’s trying to make her infusion look so dramatic and serious . This false representation of health is disgusting but she’s loving the attention. At least she’s time to read here and know people have copped onto her. She’s flat out posting trying to teach herself to be kind and how to light candles whereas most of us can do it naturally.
She’s appalling after that now and then to proceed to share an MS followers post as if it’s so comparison or something as to what she has, it doesn’t even come close June. She should thank her lucky stars she doesn’t have MS or worse. Maybe if she changed her lavish lifestyle and eating and drinking habits she may not be as bad but don’t come on here playing the martyr when you have an inflamed bowel which isn’t debilitating like most long term conditions.
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Chatty Member
I still don’t understand how you have ‘limited numbers’ for a public beach 🤣
Nor do I. It’s a public beach full of daily swimmers - what are they going to do? Put up a roped off area and employ security?
Might have to go and have a look 😂😂
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Sometimes family members don’t particularly want everyone to know their loved one died by suicide. It’s a very personal thing, something very hard to come to terms with. Of course local communities know, and news gets out in the town etc but maybe they don’t want all her followers knowing their heartbreaking business. It would be very easy to go onto RIP and identify who it is. It’s really a liberty to take to announce it like that.

It's not her place to do anything of the sort. All under the guise of being kind, I suppose 🙄. All so performative.

You can light a candle quietly in your own home or in a church and think about someone, without having to broadcast other people's business.
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Am I missing something with those August Night bags? To me they look like a home economics project. And the price of them…about €300.
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Chatty Member
When she wrote she loved a certain shoe..I commented, why don’t you just buy them …she blocked me straight away. Wasn’t very kind to me benny 😂😂😂😂😂 you stupid fool.
why buy them when you can just degrade yourself and beg for them on instagram, the likes of Benny make me want to puke
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Ah Benny, put on a nude bra (and a shirt that fits) please!
The hands in the trouser pockets move is her patented "distract from the cameltoe" pose. Unfortunately it makes her look like an oul farmer about to burst into song at a wake.
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On the beg for new shoes so anyone heading to this Sundays birthday bash hoolie on the beach be sure to bring a gift for Drune as it’s Snamhai Sasta’s birthday or hadn’t you heard?
Oh jesus those shoes are even worse than the Sesame Street Birkenstocks.
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Why is she doing Dip into Dawn. Darkness into Light is meant to be a walk. Could she not have organised a walk and then done a dip afterwards. She is so self absorbed it always has to be about her dips and "my community"
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She said there was hundreds of DM wanting to swim in Dublin on the secret collab but now she’s begging for seven followers to go with her. Isn’t a beach open to everyone nothing to do with her.
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Shop girl

Chatty Member
She is just one of those people who thrives on misery. All talk about the day and night out in Dublin and then has to do a Debbie Downer on it by posting that she was in bed all day feeling bad. it’s purely to garner sympathy from “her community”. Sad way to live.
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