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I stumbled upon June's thread yesterday and have spent the day reading it. For non locals, ye have her clocked. I'm from the area, know the Burke & Curtin families, June was never liked but when John died everyone took pity on her and she seemed to rein in her big personality.

At the time John passed, she owned a clothes boutique in Ennis called Juniper, John invested in construction/property at the wrong time and between that going belly up and no market for very expensive clothes, rumour had it the financial stress took a hold of John. Her and the kids had an awful time after his death, that is true, she was a shadow of herself. They met in the Armada when they were late teens/early 20s, John worked as a barman, a gentleman and hard worker. They had a lavish wedding with horse drawn carriage from Miltown to the Armada.

Her brother John John has always had a great business head and is constantly improving the Armada. Although its main industrybis weddings and very few locals would go there as a venue to have dinner or night out. The other hotel, The Bellbridge gets all the locals. Her dad died from parkinsons, he was a right rougue and June is his double. Her trimmers are the very same as what her dad had and I remember hearing something that she too has parkinsons.

Her mam was the brains behind the Armada, John John takes after her. June is an 'employee' of some sorts in the Armada so gets a wage but she hasn't worked a day there since she was a youngster.

June loves attention. The more she gets the more she thrives. I avoid the beach during the daily swims when I go home for a weekend, it's such a fake community of swimmers and has ran its course.

The local Supervalu is owed by her aunt and uncle in law.
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Well I live in Clare and I would be highly offended if she referred to me as one of her community if I decided to go for a dip in Spanish Point. Lots of people have to avoid it now at 9am every morning incase they would be associated with her or mistaken as one of her community. I know the Burkes own the Armada but they don't own Spanish Point beach and its outrageous that she has taken complete ownership of anyone who now goes for a sea swim.
And the Benny Hill music goes off in my head everytime I see her now 😂
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Posting about that girl to 30k followers illustrates extremely poor judgment and is very distasteful. June needs to apologize for her behavior. June has no professional qualifications or experience in mental health care and she needs to stay in her lane
She always seems to get the tone wrong. Posting about the suicide of a young neighbour and the tone she settles on is... self-congratulatory. There's nothing helpful or comforting or inspiring about that! If she's close to the family she could make herself available to them, and if she's not she'd be better off just not posting about it. It's not her business or ours, no more than it would be if the young woman had died in an accident or from an illness.
The one kind of good thing she said was "if you need to talk, reach out to me" but with the best will in the world she's not equipped to help someone who's struggling with suicidal thoughts. There's some great organisations she could recommend or even ask people to have a chat to their GP - asking people to message her on Instagram and saying she'll get back to them in the coming days and weeks is quite a dangerous path I'm afraid.
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"You've little to bother you"....this is June all over, rude, passive and not kind. Thankfully her true colours are shining bright. This is why she never was front of house in the family business.

June is a very wealthy person and could buy any of those expensive shoes/perfumes, whatever she is on the beg for, 10 times over. Such greed.

The whole support local/small businesses is hypocritical, she never mentions any other business other than the family ones; The Armada/Jones Supervalu. No fear of her going for a coffee in The Bellbridge or the Coast Lodge (which is closer to the beach than the Armada for her post swim coffee) she'd have to pay for it there of course. She'd never mention the amazing Londis in Miltown either.

June is a very selfish and pass-remarkable person. I'd actually love to see her do a days work.
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Ohh she’s whinging to her local TD’s now 😂😂😂 Trolls and bullies? No June you don’t like being exposed for being a deceiving fraudster who preys on vulnerable people for your own financial gain and Social media exposure.
I'd be very annoyed at a local TD focussing on protecting influencers from Tattle rather than focussing on things like local infrastructure and services like hospitals and schools.

There isnt a single thread on here that isnt about someone that is not influencer. The threads are about people who are benefitting from social media, June! People like you who are begging, selling and advertising non stop. Threads about influencers posting photos that are heavily filtered and using their children as content (June's sister in law is a prime example of this!). What about her kids? Do they not deserve privacy and not to have their childhood broadcasted to thousands of followers?

There is a very easy solution for anyone that has a thread on Tattle... go off social media or I don't know maybe make your social media private and only for actual friends and family like 99% of people do. But then June wouldnt be getting all her free perfumes and swimsuits, would she.

Actual genuine bullying is one thing but "influencers" giving out about Tattle to their local TDs is hilarious. Tattle isnt an Irish website either so what does she expect them to do?
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Geez, was there any need for her to be so rude to you?! I thought June was a naturally very kind person?! Surely if she 'bought' them she knows what they cost. 'Contact the shop' means she doesn't know the price!!
It’s because it’s Sunday. She’s only kind on Friday.
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On begging again. Make surf you all know now where to send her Fred gifts, the postman is great, he’ll find her or even drop it into Johnny Burkes car and ask for her boyfriend Tony who she hides off her account.
These antics still shock me every time!
Anyone of her "followers" sending her gifts deserves to be shot in the face with balls of their own shite.
Fair play to An Post though - I'd say if I sent a wee package addressed to "the biggest freeloader in Spanish Point" it'd find her right enough.
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Welcome and thanks for sharing that great ☕
It's brilliant to get locals posting here!
Can I ask - by 'rogue' do you mean the loveable kind, or the slightly dodgy kind?!

Also, what did you and/or the locals make of her fundraiser in December just gone by? We have lots of questions here about it that June has yet to answer.

What do you think of her obsession with everything being hers - 'my swimmers', 'my beach', 'my community', 'my fundraiser'? Does it drive you as mad as it drives many of us here?!

Her dad was the rogue, cheeky witt but if he were here today he wouldn't get away with his comments. June is similar, quick witted but can be innuendos about everything.

I donated last year but this year I donated directly to MWS. Shes sitting at a really privalaged spot doing these fundraisers. Sleeping out under shelter, has all the luxuries as if she was camping, is not sleeping like the homeless. I just didn't get why she'd go camping to raise 'awareness and funds'. She'd gain more credibility if she gave her baked goods directly to homeless people.

The reference to my in everything goes over our heads, mine and my family anyway, she's always been like that. I'm not a swimmer so the my swimmers doesn't really affect me but it's annoying, my tribe for a few regular swimmers is misleading and delusional.

To be honest, as a local, no one takes much notice of her, that's why she goes to instagram for attention. The Sunday hoolies look packed but given the time of year she shows themost videos, if you were on holidays and heard music and commotion you'd go over for a nose, the majority just happened to be at the wrong place at the right time for June and the catches a crowd on camera. Bar the core 5 or 6, the rest are strangers.
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Is she not trying to make kindness Friday a thing. She’s done it for a two or three weeks now and I just thought it was her lame attempt at generating engagement 🤣🤣

The way she goes on she makes it sound like a cult. Recently she said she was ‘so busy feeding and talking to the people that came to meet her’. She thinks she’s the frikin pope.
Next she'll be talking about a loaves and fishes style miracle. They'll come in their droves to see Tony's enchanted sausage, as it were.
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Thread title suggestion:

Juney went running to her local TD, shut down Tattle, it’s very nasty

(exaggerate the nastyyyyyy)
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"So genuine" my hole. Going around the place simpering about how genuine and how loving and how kind she is - bullshit! The kindest people I know would never refer to themselves as such, and when told that they're kind or good or generous they brush it off and say "go away! Sure it's nothing".
True kindness is rooted in altruism. It's doing the right thing because it's the right thing, and treating others how you'd like to be treated even when you've no hope or expectation that it will be repaid or even noticed. True kindness isn't restricted to Friday, or to fucking Instagram for that matter. This bitch going around the place bleating about Kindness Friday and how the fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose, and judging and condescending to people who report their kindnesses to her like she's an authority on the subject - you're missing the point loveen! You're overthinking it! If you're actually kind and thoughtful and lovely, you don't need to shout about it: word will get round! Just like word has got round what a selfish and conniving article you really are Junie.
Foubder of the Perfetczionist Clob.
Never ever trust anyone who has to repeatedly declare they’re kind or they’re honest. It’s usually the opposite.
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can anyone help?
What's a "Foubder" ?

I know June is never wrong she's such a perfectionist, I just don't know the meaning of Foubder 🤣🤣🤣
"So genuine" my hole. Going around the place simpering about how genuine and how loving and how kind she is - bullshit! The kindest people I know would never refer to themselves as such, and when told that they're kind or good or generous they brush it off and say "go away! Sure it's nothing".
True kindness is rooted in altruism. It's doing the right thing because it's the right thing, and treating others how you'd like to be treated even when you've no hope or expectation that it will be repaid or even noticed. True kindness isn't restricted to Friday, or to fucking Instagram for that matter. This bitch going around the place bleating about Kindness Friday and how the fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose, and judging and condescending to people who report their kindnesses to her like she's an authority on the subject - you're missing the point loveen! You're overthinking it! If you're actually kind and thoughtful and lovely, you don't need to shout about it: word will get round! Just like word has got round what a selfish and conniving article you really are Junie.
Foubder of the Perfetczionist Clob.
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Gals just a headsup: instead of kindness Friday this week June says we're to (checks notes) "maybe pay someone or many people a compliment".
If you've already inadvertantly done something kind for someone this Friday, don't worry, you can carry it forward to next Kindness Friday (8 March) or simply cancel it out by doing something mean to the same person today.
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She is such a snob about clothes. I only buy good and have them for years. Ffs good for you: most of us buy something good when we can and Dunnes, Zara, Carrig Donn, Penneys etc the rest of the time. I have stuff from all of these places that have also lasted for years. It’s so patronising.
Also there’s not many homeless people who can ‘buy good and have it for years’. And they’d be moved on fairly lively if they stopped in the doorway of the likes of BEO or her fancy shoe shop.
Might have been nice to donate her free hairdo to a homeless person living in emergency accommodation for example, bet the midwestsimoncommunity would help her find a worthy recipient.
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'If money was no objected I'd love a new front door' - is she for real?? She spends thousands upon thousands on her cushy, privileged lifestyle and has the cheek then to pretend that she can't afford a new door 😡😡😡 She's a disgrace and I'm embarrassed for her.
This selfless, meek, widow June act is pathetic. She's better off than most of us - how many single mothers can blow hundreds on one item of clothing/shoes and 5* holidays?? She's beyond privileged and still has to do the poor mouth act. And that Amanda donation was pathetic too. What a mean, greedy family they're coming across as. They should be ashamed.
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Wasn't Kindness Friday last Friday? June said so?

I'm more interested in tomorrow's acts of kindness.

@ItsDatCuw brilliant!
Is she not trying to make kindness Friday a thing. She’s done it for a two or three weeks now and I just thought it was her lame attempt at generating engagement 🤣🤣
God people will be so disappointed! 🤣Imagine going "in the hope" of meeting her. She has some notions. You can tell she has very little going on in life outside of the swims and that is why is she so adamant it is "her community" not "the community".
The way she goes on she makes it sound like a cult. Recently she said she was ‘so busy feeding and talking to the people that came to meet her’. She thinks she’s the frikin pope.
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