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Not once in 4 years did she bring Cory out for dinner or drinks. Not once in 4 years did she have a get-together with the people who were running her cash cow.

That is really appalling tbh. It's a completely exploitative relationship.

Very telling way to treat a person who does so much heavy lifting in your businesse.

More fool Cory for putting up with it. Siobhan must be desperate for podcast guests if she has to call on someone she obviously has little respect for.
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Her oul 'buddy' Maeve Kavanagh has made a career out of coaching bikini athletes (and being a general online coach) She documents her competition prep and would always say that it's not a sustainable lifestyle- but it's like any other 'sport'- you have intense training periods where you're on top of your game, then post-comp you need a structured return to 'normality'. Just like RB tried to do with Shiv but she (once again) knew better than anyone else and did her own thing and it went to shit.
I remember Amanda from RB commenting a few times when she post shit about her comp prep that structure and discipline post-show is as important as the lead up to it, basically putting Shiv in her place for fucking it up and making out it was RB's shite programming that made her disordered eating/dysmorphia worse. Shiv responded in her usual 'jokey' manner when a real-life qualified professional responds to her bullshit (running is bad for you anyone? 😅 ) saying something like 'Oh it was probably just me then'. YES Shiv, it was just you, because God forbid you take actual direction from someone who does this very successfully for a living!
Remember Shiv said on a post that she lost her period during the bikini comp prep and Amanda commented fairly lively that Shiv never mentioned that at the time and Shiv hit back in her usual passive agressive manner that maybe they shouldn't discuss her menstrual cycle publically like that. I don't usually remember what I had for breakfast .. But I remember that bit of scandal! Thete was a definite cooling of the relationship between Shiv and Recal after that. It reflected badly on Amanda and Daniel and their business and I wouldnt mind but they are ultimate professionals. Shiv just used the experience to drive engagement.
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I'm not saying this to defend her but I can't imagine how she could be enjoying motherhood when she is under so much stress at the moment.

She is used to a live of privilege and freedom - going wherever she wants, whenever she wants.

Now she has huge responsibility and no proper income. The furnace is gone and she's obviously not that interested in this new project. Anything she makes will be split with Cory anyway.

Imagine the stress of waiting for the next crappy product your agent offers you to advertise as your only source of income. Never knowing where the next huge rent payment will come from.

She's has no concept of managing her money either.
I hear what you are saying but this all 100 percent her responsibility and her doing.
The stress and pressure she is under is a direct result of the way she has lived her life and the decisions she has made the past 15 years.

I genuinely honestly do not have an ounce of sympathy or compassion for her.
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You can see her trying though. She met a financial advisor a few months ago. She then killed off the Furnace and started to double down on the YTT and drop hints at a rebrand. Then the SIP and "PT, nutritionist, yoga teacher" bio and half hearted videos about this new business venture. She's also done the stylist intervention, tried to get her patreon pumped up with a second podcast series.

I actually think her biggest problem is her lack of intelligence and bone-idle laziness. She's not smart enough to establish a successful business, she got away with winging it last time because the insta algo was in her favour. But she's also not smart enough to know that she needs help and needs to do a course, find a mentor and find the right team to level up her business acumen.

And the biggest problem she has is her lack of emotional intelligence. She lives her life on real time on SM so we all know her better than she knows herself. We know she was hiding serious food and body issues, binge eating and over-exercising under that "eat whatever you want, body building destroyed me" Furnace pitch. We know she saw herself aging out of the Bali market and was mad to settle down. We know she got knocked up on purpose with a guy she was convinced would settle down with her, and said guy has read her as well as the rest of us and is now giving a wide berth. We all know she's lost, and the chickens are coming home to roost after years of living a hedonistic, instant gratification, fcuk it all life for the gram.

Now if she had any self awareness and was willing to talk about those things, while doing the therapy she needs of course, and talk honestly about her fcuk ups and the things she now needs to address to course correct her life - well, I'd subscribe to that podcast.
As well as lack of intelligence and laziness I would ego to the list of her biggest problems - she honestly thinks she knows best PERIOD. She needs to humble herself to be in any way successful. Say with the yoga for example, if she had acknowledged that she loves it but doesn't have enough skill or knowledge to teach it so is going to attend in-person classes and learn as much as she can over time and take her followers along on that journey with her etc it would have made good content and made her a good yoga teacher as a result. Instead she knew best, went straight in to be a teacher and now no one can tell her a thing about it cos she's "qualified" - This makes her massively unlikable but also a charlatan in her field. She is like this in everything she does - instantly knows best, rushes it/forces it and becomes an insufferable cunt.
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My 4 year degree major was nutrition and I wouldn’t even call myself a nutritionist. Diet advice should come from a dietician, not even your average GP would have the expertise to advise on diet/nutrition yet there are the nutritionist spoofers who’re willing to pretend to be experts and because they’re cheaper, more accessible and give such generalised advice it all seems friendly and people fall for it. I know it’s not often we practice what we preach but look at this eejit and her personal nutrition. If it’s not a collab, she eats absolute trash from a packet and has to write “eat like an adult” in her journal everyday.
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So her latest podcast poo-pooing horoscopes.. like what? Why? What’s that got to do with anything?

If anything it’s hurting the yoga rebrand thing IMO, a lot of people who do yoga are a bit alternative in their beliefs & a bit crystal & witchy vibes I guess, she’s literally shitting on her prospective target market 😅

Not saying all yogis are airy fairy.. but if I wanna read my horoscope & believe it’s giving me guidance or making me feel like I’m on the right path.. who’s it hurting?

Why’s she out here tryna prove a point that literally bares no negative relavence on anyone’s health & wellbeing & further alienating herself by trying to seem so high and mighty, she really thinks she’s king dick INFWORMMMING people so they can make INFWROORRMEED DECISIONS. 🖕🏽
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I wonder at any point has she realised that having a ONS with Ned was a BIG MISTAKE. Has she ever muttered the words “what was I thinking?” to herself. What an absolute fool thinking it would work out between her and Ned. I just cringe at those videos of her and Ned up North buying the buggy. They were complete strangers 🫣 to each other. It was awful to watch.
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Shouldn’t be changing big money for coaching… hang on wasn’t that her exact pitch in London. “It’ll be very expensive and exclusive”.
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DM Me Hun

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Awww just two ridiculously successful boss bitches in their Primarni blazers off to buy an apartment outright after years of hard graft 🤪🤪

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Yet again.

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Really could have done without seeing her freckled bump again, and the “we” have created an early riser is that “we” her and Ned. The good old days when she was pretending she was in relationship with him recording the bump in bed ALONE!
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Is she for real??? :LOL:

Shots fired at best bud/stalker victim James Smith et al??

ALL of her friend group are woefully under qualified (if at all) to be running any kind of programs/paid workshops etc.

Tone deaf as usual, placing herself on a pedestal above her peers with zero self awareness.
Who is going to tell her??

She's woefully unaware lol. Jesus swept. Like she really thinks she is above everyone.
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She really is saying that socialising is a more important priority than her child.
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She has a f#cking Au Pair so she can go to the gym!

How is there not enough time between cabbage patch kid going to her Dads and her parents...

She is NOT an athlete, she is NOT training for anything. Where is the Au Pair money coming from???
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Madeline 74

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Why does she need a childminder. Baby daddy has her, her parents too. She doesn't work, just piss about on Instagram. It makes no sense at all. She just wants to pawn off that child as much as she can. No interest now she can't post her. And doesn't she believe the price the child minder has given, has to ask the oracle of Instagram. She is such a dose. Doesn't deserve to have a child made because her sister got pregnant.
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She’s a disgrace essentially admitting to driving while hungover (potentially still over the limit), all the way to Wexford and with a baby in the car. She’s an actual liability.
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Folks i think we can all agree that the one thing that must eat away at her is she didn’t capitalise on her platform when she was in her prime and kick onto another level. She could have done this by taking people on to grow the brand and taking more of a board room role. She should have hired a CEO.

There's no doubt about it, if she made better decisions along the way her brand could be global and she could have wealth beyond her wildest dreams in the 10s of millions and the life she wanted. Her following count could be in the millions.

She truly fucked it all away when she went to Bali and she turned into an absolute asshole of a human aswell.

Look how it's all turned out. She would have looked down on this not too long ago at all.

Honestly I think the above realisation of what she has thrown away will eat away at her for the rest of her days.

Let it be a lesson to any young entrepreneur!!
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I’d say she’s longing for Tinsel Ned. She was like the cat who got the cream that Christmas. Her plan was working and she had an instant boyfriend as he was now locked in! Tbf to Ned he did try with her but obv got to know her and thought differently and got out early. When you know better you do better and all that 😂😂.
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