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I love how Shiv gets on like travelling with Cardigan is such a FLEX. sorry shiv, you’re literally travelling to your sister. Who has a baby the same age and literally has EVERYTHING you’ll need. She gets on a flight at Dublin airport, close to home, and a few hours later she’s in a home away from home. She’s hardly globe trotting. Such a dose
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Let's break down her "living differently"

She did a Thailand/Bali - Dublin - Portugal loop from March 2017 to April 2022 never spending more than a few months in Bali at a time.

Also during that 5 year period:

2020 - Was in Ireland/Portugal from March to October (we all remember her breaking covid regulations to flit around where she wanted)
2021 - Spent May in Portugal before moving to London for her "hot girl summer" (her words - told us about her fanny wax and everything) from June to September. She basically just stalked James and Diren for the summer.

Hope you don't mind me reposting this:

The truth behind Siobhan's travel and LiViNg DiFfErEntly

Can we knock this living differently on the head once and for all? She took multiple holidays over 4 and a half years before deciding to settle in London. While away all she ever did was drink and train. She cannot claim to have experienced the culture in any of the countries she travelled to.

When I started following her I honestly thought she had moved lock, stock and barrel to Bali years ago. Basically what she did was take holidays for about 2 to 4 months at a time. The longest she was away was about 7 months when Bali reopened after Covid and that was when she had a breakdown - probably because she was away for also long.

Also her carbon footprint 🤯

I appreciate this is very long but the bits in bold should give you the gist!


In 2017 she did her bikini comp and took a fair few holidays. Life was good. Approx. 124 days out of Ireland – 43 of those were in Portugal so she “travelled” for approx. 71 days in 2017. 46 days in Thailand training with Titan Fitness Thailand. Hardly groundbreaking but not a bad life.

17 March – Portugal for 4 weeks

Back in Ireland for 2 months with bikini comp on the 1st of May

16 May – Dubai - for one week.

5 June – Tenerife – for one week

15 June – Portugal with a “honey I’m home” post. Back in Ireland 5 days later.

13 July – Holiday in Croatia for 9 days - Ultra Europe, Split, City of Hvar, Zadar,

3 August – Portugal for one week

23 August – Nice (with Hollie Campbell) for a week visiting Monaco, Cannes

3 October – leaves Dublin for Thailand

11 – Phuket for 5 days

16 – Ko Phi Phi for 3 days

19 – Koh Sumui for 3 days

22 – back to Phuket for 3 days

26 October – Abu Dhabi for 3 days

30 October back in Dublin talking about creating a life you don’t need a holiday from.

6 November – a week in Fuerteventura sponsored by Ryanair, she says a week but she’s back in Dublin on the 11th.

11 November – the same day she’s back in Portugal for 3 days.

4 December – Thailand with titanfitnessthailand for 19 days

23 December – back home – post about being a home bird.


In 2018 she was doing great. She was invited to speak at lots of events including Balance Expo INEC Killarney. She had lots of ad posts and ambassador deals with high profile companies. She was invited to EP and other festivals with these brands. Her career was taking off. She might have really made a name for herself as a coach here if she had stayed.

22 January – Portugal for 2 days to check out the venue for her first retreat.

2 Feb – Phuket – 44 days away including 3 days in Singapore, Cambodia and 4 days in Dubai. (Hegarty makes her first appearance on this trip)

19 March – back in Dublin

30 March – Portugal for her wellness retreat – 9 days

17 April – Phuket for one month. Back in Dublin on the 18th of May.

20 July – Portugal for 4 days

24 August – Stockholm for 4 days

Great start to the year – her own wellness retreat, 6 weeks in SEA, and a trip to Sweden by herself. Now this is where I think it all started to go wrong.

8 September – Met Sonny at a CrossFit event in N. Ireland and booked flights to Ibiza the next day– Ibiza – 3 days.

15 September – Bristol with Sonny for 3 days. Talks about this being her last weekend in Europe?

22 September – leaves for Thailand – 9 days

1 October – Arrives in Bali – 39 days.

9 November - Australia for 3 weeks

10 November – photo with James Smith, Diren and an unimpressed-looking Sonny (did she follow him there?)

1 December – back in Bali for 8 days

9 December – video surprising her Mam back in Dublin. - 2.5 months away

25 December – post about Thailand I’m coming home!

So in 2018, our mad traveller spent 44 days away at the start of the year, a month in April, and then a trip away at the end of the year for approx. 11 weeks taking in Thailand for 9 days, Bali for 39 days, Australia for 3 weeks and back to Bali for 8 days. She spent about half the year in Ireland


This seems to be the year that she took the plunge and went away for a few months at a time – approx. 8 months of the year away with 3 trips back to Ireland.

13 Jan – Phuket

9 Feb - Bali

7 April – Phuket

15 April –UAE

21 April = back in Dublin – Just over 3 months away

10 days in Ireland

1 May – Portugal - 3 weeks in Spain/ Portugal

21 May – back to Ireland

6 weeks in Ireland with 12 days away - Wales for 2 days, Marbella for Leanne’s wedding – 5 days, Croatia for Ultra Europe – 5 days

8 August – Bali 4 months

6 December – home

Back in Ireland for Christmas – no idea where she calling home at this point!


2020 got off to a great start – South Africa, Mexico, Bali then Covid hit.

16 Jan – South Africa with her family – 12 days

30 Jan – Mexico – 2 weeks

15 Feb – Bali – post about it being good to be home

22 March – back home covid – 35 days in Bali

5 months in Ireland

20 August – Portugal – nearly 2 months

14 October – Bali – honey I’m home post.


Jan – still in Bali – Nearly 7 months in total

5 May – Portugal – surprise video for sister 30th – 1 month

6 June – Moves to London to start her hot girl summer – 76 days

15 Aug – a holiday to Croatia – 2 weeks

1 Sept – back in Dublin

2 Sept – a holiday to France – 5 days

27 Sept – back to Bali – 77 days

14 December – Dublin for a month


11 Jan – back to Bali – 3 months

another honey I’m home post

30 April – back to Dublin

5 May – a trip to Paris – 2 days

9 May – Portugal for 4 weeks

17 June – The big move to London

16 November – The infamous holiday to UAE with the family – 8 days

Update 7.04.2023 - Back in Ireland. Living in Pearse Street (pretending to be in GCD), pregnant by a one-night stand that only makes the odd appearance in her life. Desperately trying to crack the Irish influencer market as she has no chance with the fitness market. Desperately selling the Furnace and trying to get money together. Always on the beg be it for manicures, food, etc. She has attended two influencer events with her agency - something she would have looked down her nose at before.

Had she stayed in Ireland with the likes of Leanne she could have her own gym by now and be a respected coach in Ireland. Instead, she followed stupid people like Sinead and James Smith and forgot how to do basic things like meal prep and sweep the floor. Now she is back in Ireland trying to rebuild her reputation. She is not getting invited to coaching events and instead is leveraging her following for the influencer market - two very different careers.
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Single mam tips. Oh how the mighty has fallen. From solo traveller, founder of Bally and all things lifting, she’s now offering single mams tips.

Unsolicited advice.

Fuck off.
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Of course she had to pick those photos for the 'I didn't know I was pregnant' bullshit trend. Big strong Slob, she fucking knew from the morning after the night before when she went out for brekkie & dragged Ned along that she was pregnant. Probably saying Hail Mary's over her eggs that she was preggo. She's such a dick of a woman 😣
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The woman who markets herself as a fitness influencer.....

Screenshot 2024-01-17 204256.png
Screenshot 2024-01-17 204302.png

I had to look for myself as it seemed off the wall even for her. The fitness influencer eats pizza for lunch and a spice bag for dinner.

We'll leave that here for the records.
Nothing gets past you Tatlers 😆
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Single mam tips. Oh how the mighty has fallen. From solo traveller, founder of Bally and all things lifting, she’s now offering single mams tips.

Unsolicited advice.

Fuck off.
Single parent? Thought you were a co-parent Shiv? And as someone who has been emotionally, physically, financially responsible for another human for the last 16 years with no help from the other side at all, there is a BIG difference. No I don’t want a medal, but it would be nice if Shiv stopped flipping her narrative to fit whatever “persona” she chooses from one hour to the next. Fuck off.
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Jesus I feel a rant approaching 🙄😂

You know, the real shame about Siobhan is that she absolutely squandered the opportunity she had to build something solid. She was one of the first out of the gate to build a training platform.
She was a walking advertisement for herself when she first started. That was earned through her own transformation photos, so her opinion on them now smacks of hypocrisy. It shows a real lack of confidence in her business and it’s ability to deliver results.
She talked the talk and walked the walk. She consistently trained and blogged.
Her transformation was inspiring and she was relatable and unguarded. That’s why she garnered a following. That’s what people wanted to see.
She didn’t claim to be an expert, she was doing her thing and training to become a personal trainer.
It’s not hard to become a personal trainer. I’ve been going to one for years and he would say the same.It’s extremely hard to become a good one, with a solid reputation, expertise in nutrition and physiology. It takes constant investment in your education and years of training clients . It’s a very personalised experience and you pay for that. Nothing compares to being eyeball to eyeball with your trainer 3 times a week. Being held accountable and pushed to your limits and beyond. You get that through building a client base with one to one training. She doesn’t have that. As soon as she could she ditched training clients. An online program was easy money.

I think her big mistake was when she started to get “gifted “ things. Her hair, tan, nails, teeth, boobs! She fell into the “influencer” abyss and forgot her following was based on her training and relatability and not her as a person!
She went from being a fitness influencer to what she thought was an interesting nomad living on her own terms and outside the norm!
She stopped investing in the furnace and her education and instead used whatever she could get from collaborations to “live differently “ and tell us all what we were doing wrong!

She stopped being any kind of advertisement for herself. She hopped from one fad to another, using trainers to get results. Speaks volumes about her faith in her own business.
She flogs anything and everything and has zero integrity.
The Bali crew all grew up and made something of themselves.
She went on the sesh for a few years and is now back where she started with nothing to show for it.
The Manchester gaff is a myth. Remember the villa in Bali she got a long term lease on…what happened to that???
She squandered a golden opportunity in favour of easy money. Her journey was the draw, not her!
She will continue to ring as much out of her z list status as she can, because what else can she do? She went on the piss and is now a 30 something year old with nothing to show for the last half a dozen years!
Her time in the sun is fast approaching it’s end, so she would want to do something quickly if she wants to stay at all relevant!
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The way she always emphasises how *slow* she is, or in this case, “very lightly jogged”. Honestly, that must be so alienating for any of her followers who are considering taking up running. She just constantly belittles those around her.
I just started running and I've been so proud of myself for getting up early 3 mornings a week and going for my little 30min run. My pace is slower than her "slowest pace". Good thing I'm aware that she's a feckin eejit and not someone to compare myself to. Otherwise I'd feel bad.

Also her sunglasses are shit.
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I don't like the gym there
I don't like the coffee there
I don't want to ruin my good eating
I'm stressed about the plane


the teeth sucking is worse since she went to the dentist
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It’s like the time I went though an airport with a guitar and someone at security called me a rockstar. They didn’t actually think I was a rockstar. They were just making a light hearted joke because I was cuttin about the place like Slash. Same with the gloves Shiv, sorry.
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Looking for a gym to rent to film content... surely if things were so good with Ned she'd be able to use his FOC 🤔👀
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Haha a Ryanair flight with her mother, a baby, and a free buggy - it's a long long way from her first-class flights sipping champagne for hours.

How the mighty have fallen!
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Let me drop my 17 year old, 15 stone, 5 foot 10, non verbal, moderate learning disability son into her for the afternoon and she can come back and tell me looking after a child isn't hard!!!!!!

She's in for some bloody land I tell ya.
Curly wurlys age is a piece of piss compared to an unruly toddler. Or an unruly teenager!
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Jaysus she just couldn't even let her mother go to Portugal for a few days without inviting herself along, jealous yoke that she is. And as for all the bleedin drama with the flight and the baby and how she won't sleep and how she is hoping she herself will get to sleep in the flight. Its not timbuktoo you are going to shlobbers its a short haul flight 🙄 Very interesting too that baby won't sleep in her arms! Says a lot about shlobbers and her mothering aura😆
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