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VIP Member
Isn’t there like an unwritten rule about the distance from a beach and wearing a bikini and when it turns from accepted to indecent exposure 😂.

Like you’d hardly go to Spain. Get into a bikini and sit in the park 😂.
Yes! There is in Aus! No one is wearing bikinis in the park unless you are on the coast & close to the beach. You don’t just wear a bikini down at your local suburban park. So weird.
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On the mpactive.

On the mpactive page Sinéad has 2 recent grid posts…. nothing for angry angry Shiv 🤭 As much as a blagger/charlatan/spoofer as Sinéad is, I do think she is good to her friends and is definitely pushing for Shiv to be included in this latest collab. Maybe there’s some big reason behind this or maybe it’s as simple as Sinéad being grateful that Siobhan gave her the initial boost of followers 🤷‍♀️ Either way, the sooner Sinéad sees the light (and what a FUCKING CNUT Slob is) the better!
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VIP Member
We laugh, but given it’s Shiv this is the most likely explanation! 😂
Like joking aside- they'd never even met face to face until IFS last year and I think there was one, maybe 2 stories/pics posted- then nothing. Cory was with a crowd of other Irish fitness/nutrition instagrammers the rest of the weekend.
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Yeah - I don’t follow any of them (Dominic Munnelly aside) Larry is a bit preachy and a Dealz version of a former bodybuilder called Ben Pakulski
Dominic is the rare exception. Follow him too and he's an actual good guy I well as being an excellent trainer. Doesn't annoy me like these Insta ones, I think because he uses social media more as an adjunct to the work he does rather than it being his job.

He's another smug insufferable instabore 😂 Didn't know they'd had a baby, been ages since I looked at his page. Even more insufferable now. 😒🙄
Had never heard of him but just looked at his page. The post with the consult call and the child in the baby carrier. Ummm...someone took those multiple photos of you? So not exactly going it alone, with your modelling session. "Look at me! I'm working! And I'm not completely useless with the baby I made!"
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Over it

Active member
I must say I laughed when the MP 'Sinead & Siobhan' collection was advertised on my insta feed. Siobhs must have been fuming at that!!
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She's probably so out of touch with what she really looks like as well. She probably doesn't see it like everyone else does.
I agree, I think she’s got that dysmorphia they get when they filter and edit photos of themselves so much they think that’s the real version, and think other people are deliberately making them look bad by taking an honest snap. I’d love to see her in real life to see how much she stretches her head, on her own pics she has this long forehead and teeth but not on anyone else’s!
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VIP Member
At this stage, she only cares about clicks and views. Her integrity is fading day by day. All in the hunt for that next hit off a #collab #ad #af
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Chatty Member
Janet who is currently building her own villa in Bali, and still has a long term lease on another she got renovated - used her followers to fundraiser €500 at the weekend for some Syrian woman she met over there who needed it for rent/refuge. Last year she got YouTube sponsorship for travel for €70,000 because she said it herself at one point it was a years salary. But yet for €500 this year for a woman she knows she used her following to crowd fund. She exploits poverty im delighted to see that article and there should be more follow up. Organising ‘tours’ for women to travel solo and she travelling for free herself on their money.
This. Have you seen the money she charges for the group trips it’s out and out robbery. She is another scam artist building her luxury villa in Bali on the proceeds.
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VIP Member
Trigger warning: ED

I don't mean to be dramatic but this woman has an eating disorder. Probably not a surprise to most of us, even me, but im shocked at the difference here to a few weeks ago. I know she's been known to doctor photos but even so. She's in an extreme binge and restrict cycle. I mean I've been there before and I can see the signs. But she should absolutely NOT be allowed a platform. This is so so dangerous
Remember there are many apps that photoshop you smaller in videos as well as photos. I presume she's using one of these. They can literally make you look half the size.
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Has anyone clicked on the clothing. Goes up to XL only. Which is a size 16. For all the shite they go on with I bet they had little or no control.
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