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I have been following Siobhan for years and have lurked on these threads for a long time and agreed with almost everything I've read. I still feel a bit conflicted. I sway between dismay, disgust and pity usually. I reflected and wondered if some part of me was a little bit jealous - I'm not entirely happy with work (who is?!), staying in one place in one relationship can at times feel a bit claustrophobic (again, entirely normal), I love travelling but rarely have the money or time (and haven't even considered it in a pandemic), I wish I earned more and Siobhan earns A LOT of money doing seemingly very little and rather unethically.

I have come to the conclusion that most of my feelings culminate in pity and here is why. Siobhan has to live with herself. Forever. She has to exist as the person we see her to be. And I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

I don't know if it's ego or denial, but her continual pattern of burying her head in the sand, deflecting, making excuses for "hate" she receives and general complete inability to take on any form of feedback or critique will catch up with her at some point. It is very abnormal and anti-social to behave in this way. Humans do not like the person who sees themselves as infallible and projects on to them. I read people's theories for months on the dynamic between her and Sinead - it was suspected that Siobhan had some kind of superiority complex and was jealous of Sinead, but to see it so blatantly and obviously in Direns podcast was shocking. The fact Siobhan shared links to it highlighting her seemingly complete ignorance that her behaviour and words towards Sinead in that hour were ignorant and belittling at best and cruel and abusive at worst was even more shocking to me. I think if Siobhan is reading this, please look back on the podcast with a critical eye - your behaviour was shocking and you owe Sinead an apology tbh. Then work out why you did and said what you did - what is missing in your life that you felt the need to do/say those things and take over?

I haven't had great mental health over the last number of years, but with some professional support and a lot of soul searching and reflection I am very happy with the person I am.
I give generously to friends and charity because i'm an empathetic and nice person - I don't do it to deflect from a scandal.
I would sooner wait another year for a vaccine than jump the queue in front of the most vulnerable and disenfranchised in society.
I don't know how anyone can promote shorts and leggings that cost less than a tenner. Not knowing or a lack of awareness is not an excuse in 2021. I care deeply about the environment and the welfare of people in all countries and that is reflected in my shopping habits/choices and lifestyle.
Cooking brings me so much joy. And exercise. I can enjoy them without overthinking them too much.
I have genuine friends that I could rely on for anything, and who don't expect anything of me. I don't need to buy their love and loyalty.
I don't earn enough for what my job is, but it's good honest work, I have everything I need and have retained my privacy and integrity.

When I compare myself to Siobhan, the over-riding feeling is pity. She might earn x5 more than me, have loads of followers, get nice comments and compliments every day, she might travel more and have a flatter stomach but so much of her life is vacuous and surface-level. I believe under all the bullshit and dishonesty, there's a good person underneath it all, but she needs to do a lot of changing which she currently is unwilling to do.
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Off to London for my 1st wax before I rob the homeless of a vax, don’t worry that I don’t pay tax I gave back buying breakfast at Mc’s.
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I’m a looooong time lurker, first time poster. 👋I suppose I started following her because at the time I was single and travelling/working in different countries (although not online) and related to some of the thing she said. I’m now engaged and have been settled in one place for the last few years so like all of us here my follow really is a car crash that I can’t look away from. 🙈

The podcast was the same. When she said something along the lines of “oh I just let her carry on because if she believes it then what’s the harm” and Sinead’s face just sank. She’s an awful friend. Definitely reminds me of friends I’ve had in the past that will make jokes at your expense so they look better🙄. A few of you have actually hit the nail on the head when you’ve said you recognise her behaviours either from your younger self or those around you, the monumental difference being we’ve all grown out of it by now.

I digress, the comment that really made me want to post was what she said about Thailand. I’ve lived in Thailand for the last four years. She’s off her absolute rocker thinking the massage ladies are just sitting around waiting to offer a service when you are ready.🤣 Foreigners are not nearly as welcome as she thinks they are and she has a long fall off her high horse thinking she contributes to the country (Thailand or Indonesia) or improving things for them in any way.
They’re (local Thais) not about a career or making a fortune because they don’t have that luxury or that freedom.

The vaccine antics today just top it all off really and she’s still carrying on with her ads and Furnace shite. I hope, I just really hope someone’s comment or message will make her take a step back and consider her actions as of late. Or I hope they will at least prompt someone close to her to say something. But we’ll never know. Cos despite her alphabetic list of values - she cannot accept she might be wrong about something.

I’m not sure what the vaccination situation is in Indonesia but Thailand have massively dropped the ball and no one really knows (Thai and foreigner) when they may be able to get it making it impossible to know if we will be able to see family any time soon. It will be the tip of the ice berg if she just waltzes back into Bali easily.

oops that turned into a whole essay.... and is the most writing I’ve done toda... glad to know I’m not the only one neglecting work 😅😅
It’s 10pm here, I don’t wanna go to sleep but at the same time looking forward to pages of new comments. Half expecting a new thread by the morning 😆
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We’ve gotten so much new blood into this thread today - its great to see. I urge all you newcomers to keep contributing because this whole ongoing community of “haters” is a real gift. When things are back to normal we should book out a conference room in a hotel somewhere and do a big “troll group” meetup 😆😆😆 maybe an annual summit in Hawaii or Las Vegas😆😆
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Ah yes some puma shoes.
Puma - the sponsor of the Israeli football association (which includes teams within occupied territories). Puma- the sports brand called out to be boycotted as part of BDS.

Maybe you can add that one to ur Palestine highlights- shiv.
Such a bell end.
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You have no bearing, yet it’s your taxes paying for her jab!! I’ve been working and living in London for months patiently waiting for my turn for the vaccine, haven’t seen my family at home for months on end and missing them sorely, and this BITCH on her holidays here can’t see how wrong she is for rocking into a centre designed for those who need it. I can’t. I don’t even have words. How can we voice this beyond this platform, her actions are grotesque.
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I wish more people would comment on Direns YouTube because she cannot delete the comments there like she usually does
Having had a few back-to-back messages with Diren through Instagram. He’s read the messages on YouTube but dosnt know if Siobhan has.

The irony that I think he has like 100,000 more followers then her. Yet he can answer messages and have a discussion through DM’s and yet she someone can’t read through all hers 😂😂
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Surprised there's no story with her kicking a homeless person out the way, or shadow boxing an illegal immigrant so she can get in and get the first vaccine before the poor people ruin the vibes in there.
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Also a long time lurker here but couldn’t NOT respond to her post about getting the vax. I am English, living in Ireland - haven’t seen my family in 18 months because I have followed guidelines…I was a tax payer in England for years before I moved to Ireland yet here Miss Entitled-non-UK-taxpayer comes swanning into London - a city where she is holidaying, takes a vaccine that is intended for vulnerable, homeless then wolfs down a McDonalds to celebrate. Like, who the F does she think she is? Uuuggggh I cannot BEAR her.
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She’s after getting the vaccine …. Sweet suffering Jesus …

funny how we didnt get a snap amongst the less fortunate queueing up .
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I’d love for this to be picked up by the mainstream media, proper shame her. She’s a disgrace
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Chatty Member
I'm starting to think she made the egg breakfast once and took picts of it from different angles 🙈
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Well-known member
Do you know what, let her off.

She is clearly miserable in herself, and the life she's leading. If getting a vaccine, or buying a rotten Gucci bag, or drinking herself into oblivion, or eating junk food that will clog her arteries, along with the cigarettes that are clogging her lungs, makes her think she's "living her best life" - she's a moron, and can't be helped.

She's either as thick as two planks posting the vaccine story, or is deliberately trolling to get interaction. Either way, she's to be pitied.
I do believe in karma in some form - I think it's already playing out in how clearly miserable she is in herself.

Give it another two years max I'd say, and she'll be a washed up, leather skinned hasbeen, with an alcohol dependency.

Siobhan, if you happen to see this - I don't know how you look at yourself in the mirror. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself.
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Chatty Member
She’s after getting the vaccine …. Sweet suffering Jesus …

funny how we didnt get a snap amongst the less fortunate queueing up .
She is an absolute fucking disgrace. Shame on anyone who joins her oven and pays her any money.. Shame on any companies who work with her!! The stink of white privilege off her is worse than the smell of those Birkenstock’s. Enjoy your McDonald’s and don’t choke on your smugness!!!
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