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I hope Sinead sees sense and stays away from from her for good. It’s clear Siobhan is jealous of her and treats her terribly because of that
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@Leskank thank you for emailing her and sharing your story. And I’m really sorry for your loss ❤

Unfortunately the fact that she shared getting the vaccine with a mc Donalds celebratory breakfast shows she sees absolutely no issue with it and that is honestly frightening to me...
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@brandambassador I think it’s fair to say that you brighten up these threads and these days for a lot of people! It’s a lovely distraction from what we might have going on in our own lives. Your family are lucky to have a comic genius in their midst!! 🤩
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Did she actually just say she presents herself without pretence? Lads she is biggest troll of all i actually can’t cope 🙈
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Cringing for her, recommending both of Smith’s books this morning. He doesn’t want to shag you, Shiv. Move on.
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That whole part was chronic. But I also think there’s a weird dynamic at play as Sinead seems to play into her power dynamics
I think Sinead leans towards having low self esteem because as she even explains on the pod to diren she had to go through therapy to recondition her self beliefs instilled from randomers telling her she couldn’t achieve because she wasn’t good enough... so although maybe she’s over come a lot of that stuff through therapy, when someone she considers a close friend ie. siobhan demeans her she’s like yea you’re right, I am a dunce. Because deeply she already felt like that about herself to begin with. Siobhan is a toxic jealous cow and sinead is actually too nice to see It for what it is.
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It has gotten to the point where I'm actually lost for words.... like SURELY you have some shame ... or ... or some pride?!

Like we know she reads on here. If I were to read even a handful of comments about myself where people had discussed my hygiene, my face picking, my diet, my drinking, my friends or lack of, my infatuation with another influencer (whether valid or off the mark) ... I would be totally fucking mortified.

If you can't log off Instagram because you need it for business then at the very least stop posting about ANY of the above ... but our Shiv seems to be doubling down and I can't understand how you could continue to do that to yourself. Surely she's not right in the head?!

Some of the comments on this thread get 100+ reactions and likes... how is it possible to be so deluded and free of self-reflection 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴
In fairness tho, it’s just one troll on these threads with various user names writing to themselves
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Chatty Member
@Leskank wishing you all the best and sorry for your loss.

So will Shiv's grandad be turning in his grave that Shiv had to resort to getting her vaccine from 'the Brits'. I hope she has hassle everywhere she goes now trying to explain why she has a NHS vaccine cert (if she can get one) on an Irish passport with no UK address. If other countries start to impose further restrictions on the UK because of Delta I hope she comes unstuck.
I wonder what will the anti-vaxxer friends in Bali she is so keen to impress and keep in with think?
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Fair play to him for replying at least in fairness, I didn’t think he’d bother. Even though it seems to be generic stuff.
Oh 100% I have more respect for him for replying and having a discussion then doing what she would do and just block the account. She’s his friend. I know he wouldn’t say anything bad about her. But even messaging him that he thinks well hang on. He has a point. Then he won’t be having her back on the podcast anytime soon 😂.

The less screen/air time she has. The less chance of random accounts following her.

I know James and Him are a hot topic here at times. But I will say I’ve messaged both and both have responded and it’s never passive aggressive messages. They take the time to write back. At the end of the day.. they’re a brand. It’s who you associate with that brand and Siobhan is problematic for a brand image.
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Queenicole copying Siobhan on her stories earlier saying hOw MuCH eAsIeR It iS tO GoJeK..just cook like a normal person and stop copying everything Siobhan does. They all left you stuck in Bali. I had a flick through her Ibiza highlights and she was a complete session moth by the looks of things, but now is doing the Hegs move of spirituality and meditation. Get a grip ffs
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It’s very telling that she “reads” so many books and is interested in everything around her and is travelling the world, yet has absolutely nothing intelligent to bring to the conversation. They only thing she has explored in London is dominos pizza and bars.
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It’s taken me 24 hours to make my way through the first 45 mins of the podcast vid. I couldn’t handle the cringe in large doses. I’m only just getting to the Feed Bali part and I want to shake her.

“But we raised loads of money” gahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! 😠 😡 😤
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I listened to 20 mins before I had to shut it down, might listen to the rest while cleaning later 😂 pretty sure Siobhan even said she didn’t understand dogmatism 😂 Siobhan came across as rude, arrogant, a pick me girl, trying to really force her (self proclaimed) intelligence and awareness on them. Honestly, she didn’t come off well at all. Her jokes didn’t land. The amount of things she’d say trying to be funny or like she’s “in” with James and co and when diren would follow up she’d go quiet and back track. I’m embarrassed for her. The first 20 mins was about how great and open she is, a real spiritual woke being with an amazing background in maths. Lol at her saying she’s had her spiritual awakenings and her trying shrooms in Gilli T (did she also say DMT?). I can imagine her over exaggerating the affects for sure. I should have taken notes, there were so many little things she did that irked me. How Sinead can remain friends with someone who cuts her off, story tops her, tries to remind her constantly of her superiority, belittles her in front of others and that includes the false compliments
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I don’t think Sinead is particularly academically gifted but does have other smarts and at least is a people person, Siobhan is neither of those things? The way she commented on the Dispensa fella ‘what you THINK is science based isn’t actually peer reviewed so..’ ‘*I* don’t know much about him so *I* would have to look him up before commenting but people that *I* like have discredited him so..’ how up your own hole/full of your own importance can one woman be ?? She genuinely either doesn’t know or doesn’t care about the person she appears to be on Instagram like Diren even having to say ‘she’s *actually* sound’ like admitting yeah I know she’s come across as a weapon but she’s alright realllyyyy 😬 when is she going to cop that the reason she doesn’t have people who like her around her, or a boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever is because of the way she is? Hygiene etc aside, she’s actually not nice. I thought she was harsh before when defending Sinead but thought oh she’s trying to be a good friend but then how she speaks to Sinead and about her? As Sinead would say, nah. Like others have mentioned, I’d say if Sinead or her family tried to tell her to cop on or change anything about herself she wouldn’t even hear them out, she really thinks everyone else is the problem not her. I’ve never even on Instagram seen someone with less humility! At least others when they do mess up they address it and it might be a BS apology but they’ve at least admitted and shown the self awareness to say yep that was wrong let’s move on now. I’d say hell would freeze over before Siobhan would ever even think she’s done something wrong. She really believes she’s smarter than everyone else in the room and that’s a serious flaw because then she’s not always learning as she says, she’s always belittling, she’s always condescending but walking into a group of people and thinking there’s not a single thing any of these people could teach me or tell me that I don’t already know or I know better than they do about EVERYTHING then you’re already limiting yourself. Not really the attitude of someone who’s spiritually ‘woke’, well traveled or educated.
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Does she forget that she literally went on about how easy prep was and that she could socialise and have fun while doing it? She went on stage hammered like! She ate asparagus and chicken but would “save” herself to go on the sesh once a week or so.
Also, she’s not being transparent about why she looked that lean or how long she was lean for. She did a competition solely to be restricted and for the attention, nothing more. She always said she wouldn’t do them and then jumped into one and it was purely for the photos and content for years to follow.
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