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Here is Simone’s statement.

“In her own statement released tonight, Anderson said the case involved different social media posts by Carr that a court reviewed "and subsequently made interim orders preventing her from mentioning me online under the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015".

However she and Carr had "reconciled" with the pair agreeing to settle out of court.

"I have a passion for helping the less fortunate and have worked alongside a number of charities in the past few years, utilising my large platform to reach a lot of people and generate donations and awareness for multiple charities."

Anderson said she donated $22,000 to several charities, including The Kindness Collective, Child Cancer Foundation, Dementia Auckland, and others.

"Over the November/December period of 2019 I donated large collections of PR parcels and personal items on multiple occasions to The Kindness Collective. I also shared their story and great work a number of times on my social media to get the word out about them.

"I have continued to do this ever since, and have also worked with a number of brands to provide large amounts of items like kitchen utensils, general household items and nappies to assist the refuges and other work they do."”
Thank you!! Sorry, Defo a TC here
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I know someone said it before but I think she was trying to say snag? It’s an Aussie term.

The snarler is a nickname for what’s between your legs babe 🤦🏼‍♀️
Haha thanks, that was me asking what it was she was trying to say. I’m an Aussie and we don’t really say snag, just call it a sausage sizzle
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Do we think she messaged herself. I love how in her talk she mentioned she had so much sh#t going on in her head. That really makes me think she does have sh#t for brains. No amount of journaling for five minutes every morning will fix that
--Maybe she's trying to appear professional and relatable. At least she didn't wear her 'jamas with the denim jacket
Sending more messages to herself from herself.
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Let's be fair Scammy wouldn't even have that type of $$ to hush someone.
She gagged Makaia when they settled in December 2020. Makaia was allowed to make one statement only, approved by both sets of lawyers.

’By agreement, this is the only statement I will make regarding Ms Anderson’s charitable donations….’


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Simones and pebbles legal fees would be well over half a million. Hence why it was mentioned above that she may have to sell one of her houses. They wouldn’t have been joking about that. Simmos career is over and she is on borrowed time and she knows it. Once pebbles article gets released it will show people the real simone.
Yea I thought the fees would be huge, didn’t think patreon could come close to making a dent in it all if that’s why Pebbles is putting it on there. If Simms has to pay Pebbles’ legal fees then that also doesn’t lend itself to why Pebbles won’t post it all publicly.
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Oh Simmo, when will you learn? Should there perhaps be a couple of wee letters (ad)ded to this post? 🤦🏻‍♀️
Something about this weirds me out.
Haven't blurred out R's face because quite clearly Simmo wants to show how perfect her baby was with his jabs 🙄
But the 'my baby' comment just sits weird. Maybe that's just me though 🤣


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A bit off topic…
Does anyone know where Scammy got that god awful high chair straight-jacket she puts Asher in every time he sits in his highchair? I’m a TC and too old and tired to be cleaning so much with the introduction of solids this time. The ones I have found via Google look dumb. I am blocked so can’t and won’t ask Lady Casserole herself.
I forced myself to check out her page in case I know the answer to this but I can’t see the exact product you’re talking about.
We recently started solids with our littlest and use bibs from Fudgey Pants which cover them pretty well and have a wee pocket at the front for catching dropped food too.

Failing that, you could always just feed your baby in the bath to make clean up easier. Worked for Simone 😉

edit: I just saw this. Who doesn’t love a discount code that won’t line the pockets of Simone!

edit edit: I just found this too and now I want one for myself!


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Chatty Member
Ok I’ve done some investigating, and the event is organised by Chrissy Ve, whose background is in supplying promo models lol

So tacky.. there are a couple of girls who had promo model businesses 10 years ago who then tried to up the class levels and supply catering and other stuff also. Deluxe events is the other one I can think of.
Both very bogan enterprises but created a lot of business for Norrie Montogomery and some of the worse plastic surgeons in NZ. Also supplied a lot of the creepier guys around town with arm candy… lol

I’m sure Chrissy can host a smoothly run event but tacky as hell and based on the quality of the speakers alone, very little useful information from any of the speakers.
The only plus is the drag aspect which looks fun
Omg tragic. I remember her from like 15 years ago. I just went and had a look at her IG and she has aged terribly 🫣 not what I expected at all
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I’m betting that she needs to find as much money as possible once everything goes public it is going to be a shitshow and she will be desperate. Well Simmy, I hope your ear holes turn into arseholes and shit all over your shoulders because of all the evil you have done. Your lies and dirty dealings will soon come out and you will be screwed just like yesterdays news and good fucking job too

There are people working hard to make sure it is rife in the media
do you actually know anything or just guessing?
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Wow that is so sad, giving up his comforter to his baby brother because that is how he thinks you should be comforted! Not by his mother. Thank God she Said she's stopping at 2 children.
Didnt she by ryder those same bunnies but in a slightly different white?
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Chatty Member
I just edited my post with a screenshot of what you’re talking about. They look so good!
I can’t link I don’t think but I’ll try …

Yes that is what I am thinking of! I thought hers looked different but she probably has an old design. They definitely look like they’d make some meals much easier! Yay us for accidentally being influenced by Scammy 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
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