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Well-known member
My big frustration yesterday was the total lack of mentions of Kirsty and conflicts of interest in any of the media reports. So to see all these revelations about her today is good.

But she really was a right shit house, wasn’t she?! 😳

In the meantime, can we all spare a thought for me at this difficult time please. I live in bloody Essex. I’ve decided to setup an appeal to raise some cash for the victims. I’ll be distributing “microgrants” to anybody who can demonstrate ownership of a pair of white stilettos or proof that they have worn loafers without socks on at least one occasion.

Dig deep people *rattle rattle*
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Fred Santos

Well-known member
I would imagine a lot of eyes from staff within the Essex County Council are on this thread at the moment - people who know things and were uneasy with what they saw and knew was going on. If you want to speak out but are worried about reprisals, then there are plenty of resources online - the term to search for is "whistleblowing".
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This is exactly what private eye's Rotten Boroughs covers (as @Cucumberthunder mentioned above) and I'm always staggered by the level of corruption at local councils, so often through things like giving contracts to their mates or their wives without a real tender process. This could be proper criminal trial level. The sums involved are huge. The arrogance of crooks and grifters...
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VIP Member
Is there a wiki on this bloke? He's all over socials even though I don't follow him and I can't figure out who he is, what he does for a living or why he's on local news.

Is he a Jack Munroe level grifter or someone who has accidentally gone viral a few times?
Initially he was an annoying self promoter who did gofundmes for charity. On a deeper look some of the gfms are less than transparent/legit. A further deep dive showed he managed to get £500k in contracts from Essex CC for essentially running some Facebook pages. He seems very pal-y with the person who would've been awarding those contracts. Oh and his company liquidated without paying a bounce back loan which was possibly fraudulently applied for (based on required levels of turnover).

Worse than Monroe IMO
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Oooft. Possibly the threat of press involvement? Or he's been asked for comment. Very much looking forward to the result of the FoI

The public interest is much more clear cut here than with Monroe. He's had public money for ???

Obviously she's a massive fraud and took advantage of vulnerable people, but for the most part it was middle class people sending her money of their own free will. Add in the bad mentals and the media's complicity in the grift and it was unlikely we were going to get a big expose.

With this however...I think private eye's rotten boroughs may be the least of his (and Essex CCs) worries.
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Of course he has CCJs, it’s grifter bingo

View attachment 2679996
Absolute gold.

This information simultaneously:

- Explains why the fat bellend repeatedly Tweeted his question along the lines of “why don’t banks give you a mortgage if you’ve been paying your rent” (he couldn’t get a mortgage due to the CCJs) and
- Provides one of many counter-arguments to his absolutely basic, in-crayon point: In that if you can only pay your rent by knocking other people for credit, you are not a good credit risk.

PS. Hi Simon 👋 you absolute fucking whopper, hope you’re having a lovely week.
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Disclaimer, I'm not religious, and I'm also a Jew. Nevertheless, I find this quote from the bible comes to mind at least once a day when I'm reading about this grifters.
Maybe a bit off topic, but I'll never understand why so many people want to keep on accumulating vast amounts of money. Multi-millionaires & especially billionaires, why? No matter how big your family is, surely you'd never be able to spend it all. Personally, I think I would find the obsession with money a major turn-off in a person.

I'll always remember the wise reply that the author of the novel Catch 22 - Joseph Heller - gave to his friend after his friend told him that the hedge-fund manager host, of the party they were attending, had made more money that day than Heller had made from all the sales of his very successful book.

Heller's reply:

But I have something that he will never have - enough.

Some people just never seem to have 'enough' - especially these bloody grifters we've been reading about lately. And the sad, and maddening thing about it all is, they're taking money from some people who don't just have not enough themselves, but are seriously struggling atm, but still donate a few £s thinking they're helping others even less well off. Shame on all of these greedy grifty effers - EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! :mad:
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Lobster Johnson

Chatty Member
Having worked in both agency and on the other side, the way people overplay the impact of social media and get away with it to people who aren’t social media savvy is astounding. Take impressions - it’s easy to get millions of them on one post but it doesn’t really mean anyone’s engaged or cares about the post. So if the wrong person at ECC after KOC left was rubber stamping his work and its impact it would be easy to hype up results based on very little if people don’t know what to look for.
Thank you. I was beating this drum to my own boss for a year. You can have me write 30 social posts aimed at fleet managers who want new truck tyres, but you're wasting your time and your client's budget because my experience on the other side of the fence told me that not a single fleet manager is making business decisions from Insta. I got fired for it in the end, though so what do I know?
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
His reaction to some questions is so extreme that I can only conclude there is worse stuff we don't know about.
Could be that the GFM stuff is small fry compared to all the companies that have been set up then dissolved. I hope someone with more business knowledge digs into that.

At least he was smart enough not to flaunt his lifestyle online like a lot of grifters. He could well have a Cotswolds haul to rival Our Jack for all we know.
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
The similarities between Fatman Si and Jack Monroe are really stacking up!

✅ Essex Celebrity Police Squad involvement
✅ Financial irregularity on multiple levels including charity fundraising
✅ Multiple unsatisfied CCJs
✅ Bemoan lack of mortgage approval
✅ Come from Essex
✅ Look like they smell
✅ Deactivate accounts when under scrutiny

Have I missed anything?
✅ wear the same clothing to every interview
✅ flying monkeys - fans are the biggest idiots on social media
✅ dissolved companies
✅ breast fixations
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VIP Member
Interesting article:


“Never Too Late, Mate” - as you’d expect from the name - is yet another Facebook group with Harris’s fingerprints all over it, which he’s an administrator of.


So O’Callaghan says that the cost of three admins for 6 months was £70,000; that’s an equivalent average annual wage of £46,666. each. Sounds quite high for being a Facebook group admin no?


More low-flying bullshit re: reach (“up to 5 million people every month”).


Translation: If Kirsty gets replaced then it’s unlikely that her successor will be contracting her mate Simon Harris on six figure sums to manage these bullshit low-engagement social media groups. Also no mention of SocialKind etc. - how much of Kirsty’s time on taxpayer coin was actually just then being used as prep for her private business enterprise?
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Hats off to everyone here who distrusted and kept an eye on and screen shotted Fatty from years ago now. And hats off to @Fred Santos who kept raising the Essex scandal.
(No matter how others are getting credit for it :rolleyes:)
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Blobby Harris is gonna be FEWMIN’ that 30p Lee, the BarryCliveKeith to end all BarryCliveKeiths, has shared that and HE CAN’T EVEN CLAP BACK WITH A RECYCLED “ZINGER”.

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