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Well-known member
I've heard his mate Kirsty, ex of Essex County Council, is a bit of a feeder:

That sure is a cosy little relationship those two have. Do we know whether she is responsible for rewarding any of the lucrative contracts that the slimy bell end is landing?
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VIP Member
I don't know how these things work; is it 83,000 different people, or 41.500 people watching it twice, or 20,750 people watching it four times (etc)?
I think for Facebook it’s someone viewing it for a seconds after autoplay. I don’t think it counts individual unique viewers either. So it really means eff all. 😵💫
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I've been having a crisis of confidence now this has got more attention because what if we're wrong, misread the docs, making something out of nothing etc. etc.

It could all be legit, and I think the idea is a good one as a way of maximising local comms in the digital age. It could be worth the amount of money that is being thrown at it (in terms of institutional budgets, it's a middling amount). And if there's other employees downstream of the payments being made to the named individual, then you know.

It's just all so muddy and weird though.
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Anyone else feeling a bit baffled what he spent the money on? 😂 Maybe he’s smarter than I realised but most online grifters slip up and post their flash houses, cars, sideboards and holidays etc instead of begging Martin mate to change mortgage rules for renters.

Unless he’s got a storage unit of Coca-Cola shirts stored somewhere?
Probably lawyered up early doors. Same for his Michelle Mone-clone companion.
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VIP Member
Come and ask me though, not them. Who's "we", Simon, if it's you and not the charity?Fucking grifter.
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VIP Member
Absolute drivel. The woman singing it is doing so in a manner someone would sing if they were entertaining two year olds. Which is fair as that is pretty much the mental level of it.

there's another one with her on his YouTube that must have been done for the COVID group

whilst looking for that one, I stumbled across this

"No Simon Junior, it's not bath time, I'm filming a biting 15 minute long satire on building a wall across the channel to go with my satirical GoFundMe"
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VIP Member
And just, for one moment going back to Jackie Weaver. The same Jackie Weaver (who everyone is very fond of) who gave a semi defence/justification on Talk TV yesterday - something has been troubling me about that link (showing she had done work for the Essex facebook page - and therefore likely knew Simon and Kirsty - but didn't mention it when interviewed).

Here's the link again

90 likes but 80K+ reach. There's something in here isn't there about "ratios" isn't there?

I am not facebook expert at all.... but an idle google suggests that a good "ratio" would be as follows:


There are plenty of examples of "influencers" having been found to have amassed followers by, for example, buying them. I don't think for one minute that this is what has happened with the Essex pages - but I do wonder how the followers were acquired. And even if they were engaged (they obviously were not - based on this post) - some kind of geospatial analyisis of where the followers and engagements were from?

The comms team at Essex County Council would have known about all of these analysis techniques but the two functions seem to have been kept apart and I have seen no reports published that describe the geographic reach or the broader effectiveness of "engagement" leave aside the economic evaluation detailing the 500K spent on Simon - and more on others (yes, as LG hints - if you trawl through the spreadsheets you see evidence of others too). The evidence of capmpaign effectiveness seems entirely to be about physical mobilisation - "about 450" for example, but moblisation of people and volunteers was something the wider public sector was doing anyway - NHS, local councils, voluntary sector. Was O'Callaghan, in some way, trying to credit facebook, and in turn herself and Harris for all of this? It's notable that nothing like as many followers have been created in Suffolk - or is that just becuase of fewer "activations"...?

Of course!

I just found a SECOND Jackie Weaver video 👀👀👀

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Fred Santos

Well-known member
If he was being entirely transparent - he would publish his accounts or whatever he calls his accounts. Where money has gone directly from GFM to a Charity then he should make that clear - but we already know that's not the way in which it works is it Simon? So, even just accounting for interest payments that he retains he would be doing very well - and of course, without oversight and scrutiny, the temptation to profit from public spiritness or a crisis must just be too hard to resist mustn't it Simon just to take a little bit more? Simon, if you've been "guided" intoyour general approach - then just remember, even if you are not that wise in the ways of the world - it doesn't mean the people advising you are either.If money is going through your accounts, it is you who will be on the receiving end of the consequences.
He's just going to keep it isn't he?
Yes, I think he will - and it wouldn't be the first time...
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Fred Santos

Well-known member
Here's something interesting - may be taken down at some point:

From about 1:18 onwards in particular

Talking about their suicide prevention work

O'Callaghan talks about rolling out training - first of all in Woodham Ferrers (Morter's area) and says they trained "about 450" (voice goes up) people and then goes on to say they have "to date trained about 45,000" (eyes to the side) people in Essex. There are a lot of "abouts" with O'Callaghan. The coverage then shifts to coverage of guess who, someone who has done the training. And who might that be you ask? It is our friend Simon. And where is he you might ask - at the Monkey Bizness nursery in Hockley. And which social media and comms specialist in the Hockley area has done promotional work and fundraisers for them you might ask? Simon Harris. Absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. But, if there are "about" 45,000 grateful recepients of suicide awareness training in Essex was this the only person you could get to speak so highly of it - or was that just for "expediency"

Happy for this to be shared
Just a little more on the suicide awareness training. I will say, that this is an an entirely laudible aim and a good thing to do. I am just interested into how the claims of 45,000 people came from. I wonder if, in face, it was "click throughs" or even impressions of something like the attached. Others have speculated that this training was the mental health resilience training they put on at the same point - but I think that is entirely different.

If the provider was able, from their own tracking data (the link on the facebook page has a tracking token) to show 45,000 sign ups as eminating from the Essex is United or related web pages, I would be persuaded - but the engagement levels eminating from posts - even something as simple as a like or repost, on other topics atleast, are much lower and we know that 10 - 20% engagement to post view/impression is considered "good" in social media. And if the data came from click throughs or tracking data that the training organisation was able to review - why be so imprecise?

The training, by the way, is here

As I said, a good thing to do, but I questions about the claims being made....


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VIP Member
I am pretty certain there's nothing to it other than possibly poor administration and record keeping. If they (the papers) do do anything about it and I was in his positon, I would hire an accountant to examine accounts and publish the results - it wouldn't be a massive job for an accountant to do - maybe a couple of grand and would stand him in good stead when it comes to self assessment or any kind of HMRC enquiry. It would involve him giving them bank statements and the like. I am saying this in the hope he reads it.

The real issue is ECC and O'Callaghan
Totally agree.
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