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VIP Member
Thinks he's Mr Fucking Motivator now doesn't he? Though it does kind of read like he's fallen off the wagon - as predicted - and is trying to convince himself that everything is fine.

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Fred Santos

Well-known member
Maybe the "cross border" reach as referenced in the footnote was the basis on which Socialkind(ness) began to position a sales pitch to Suffolk Council? In any event, local authorities are usually quite sniffy about spending money on activity which "benefits" people in other local authorities. If this is to be believed, every local authority in the land should be thanking Essex County Council, for ensuring their citizens were kept informed during the pandemic.
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VIP Member
Oh shit a Reach publication. Never mind then.

Maybe that’s why he’s ass mad about the mortgage thing. If she was the breadwinner and they split, he may be off renting somewhere grim. Perhaps he thought it would be easy to get a mortgage only to find banks don’t like to lend to people whose sole source of income is making Lynx Africa jokes.

He should visit the horny mortgage advisor in Southend who’ll approve you if you send feet pics.
I’m going to have nightmares about his feet now tonight.
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It almost sounds like money laundering, maybe the council decided to use big daft Si to funnel funds via him. They gave him an inflated sense of importance and a bung. Got Kirsty to flatter him and the rest was easy. Have any council bigwigs had any luxury holidays, fancy cars or hone improvements lately? Far fetched, I know but it's all frankly quite bizarre.
Where did the council get the money from? Was it a special government grant?
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Chatty Member
Simon did Are Cuntry too? I thought it was funny for about a minute and a half. I've seen plenty of posts of the type he parodies so I thought that's what it was, taking the piss out of people who come out with that shit.
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VIP Member
He's got kids, so you'd think he could have up to date funny material. He got stuck, 10 years ago. He won't change, racist and sexist and never funny. Happy Christmas you fat ponce.
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VIP Member
Or even if he was just a serial GoFundMe-er but always did stuff that went direct to charity. Annoying, not the most effective of altruism, but nothing to raise suspicion about what is happening to the money. But at least for me, it was as soon as I realised it was hitting bank accounts controlled by him that I was like "you what"
You found the breakdown of expenses on ECC’s website didn’t you? Do all councils do that? Or have they been hoist by their own transparency petard?
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VIP Member
Just a little more on the suicide awareness training. I will say, that this is an an entirely laudible aim and a good thing to do. I am just interested into how the claims of 45,000 people came from. I wonder if, in face, it was "click throughs" or even impressions of something like the attached. Others have speculated that this training was the mental health resilience training they put on at the same point - but I think that is entirely different.

If the provider was able, from their own tracking data (the link on the facebook page has a tracking token) to show 45,000 sign ups as eminating from the Essex is United or related web pages, I would be persuaded - but the engagement levels eminating from posts - even something as simple as a like or repost, on other topics atleast, are much lower and we know that 10 - 20% engagement to post view/impression is considered "good" in social media. And if the data came from click throughs or tracking data that the training organisation was able to review - why be so imprecise?

The training, by the way, is here

As I said, a good thing to do, but I questions about the claims being made....
Conversion ie actually getting people to take an action such as clicking a link to a website to read information from social media is notoriously bad - signing up to something or buying something is even harder.
Feasibly, he could have spent some of the £500K on boosting posts, which would increase their reach, but I am very suspicious of using FB views as an indicator of a campaign's success. Engagement and conversion is what really counts, and I'm not convinced that they were getting a lot of that. I run social media for clients, and the less savvy ones are still overly focused on number of followers and views. Those mean nothing unless people are actually engaging, and ideally following your call to action.
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VIP Member
There must be kickbacks here. simple simon didn't get all that money, nor did the pub. Low iq might save him.
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Well-known member
Was interesting that he finally gave an update on the baby formula VERY soon after it was pointed out on here that it had all gone suspiciously quiet...

Hi Simon!
Yeah I did suspect that would flush him out 😂

I find it quite telling that there is £24k missing and the best he could offer us was, “oh yeah, come and give me a shout if you want 250 quid.”
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Lmao the old sack of shite will be sobbing into his cheerios whilst tweeting how unbothered he is he’s got a FOURTH thwead on Tattle
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