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To be fair the blonde doesn’t suit her, it’s super brassy. She needs to go back to dark brown imo.
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I wouldn’t stay somewhere just because my parents lived next door. I thought that Dustin also couldn’t just pop over next door willy-nilly because of his dog allergy and her Mum would get funny over having to change her clothes before seeing him etc.
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Chatty Member
I found the house on RM and it was a pretty nice house to be fair but the things that put her off also put me off. Btw I found it cos the clues she gave made it so easy to find and I live miles and miles away.
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I viewed a house a few months ago was very similar to that house but with 6 bedrooms for £200,000. I will never understand people being happy to spend that amount of money knowing the area is shit and the house is overpriced.
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Depends where your priorities lie. I would rather be further from family and be able to afford a larger house in a nicer area, with beautiful scenery, cleaner air and lower crime. There’s a strange city mentality from some folk and I just don’t understand it.
Both of their jobs can be done from anywhere in the UK.
If you think people don’t want to live in North or West Wales, you’re very much mistaken.
It doesn't depend on priorities it depends on circumstances. With two young child that need childcare whilst you work it makes sense to stay near family for now. It's not her forever home she's already said that.
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Chatty Member
Has she gone for good?
For her own good, I sincerely hope so.
Certainly looks that way anyway as I don’t see her Insta account at all anymore so I’m assuming it’s been deactivated.

I hope she’s in a much better place going forward
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When mine was Dustin’s age I remember just putting little bits of food on my kid’s high chair table at a time, rather than giving them an entire plate to tip over (because they all do it at that age until they’re taught different). I’d give them a little bit more if they we’re still hungry.

Also is anyone else new here who wasn’t aware that there even was a Tattle page about her who has now been directed here from her stories out of curiosity? Because hi.
I only discovered it not long ago, when i, having always really liked her, started to get sick of some of the stuff.
Absolutely she’s got high expectations of him, he’s not even 2! Little bits on the high chair, sitting with them, lots of ‘here comes the airplane’. Because I’d rather that than be cleaning up food, few picky bits to eat/play with. He’s not going to sit and eat a plate of toast like my 9 year old does 🙈
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Be More Pacific

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She actually thinks you're gonna call them 🤣🤣
I feel seen! Haven't commented on her for ages either. Anyway, thought she wasn't going to look at Tattle anymore?

My gripe was more about the change of hair than the top cupboards! 😂 I actually thought the blonde quite suited her (no idea how she affords it though, being so poor and all) and her make up always looks nice (although she normally whacks a filter on) yet she's done some stupid quiz on TikTok and decided to completely change her look.

I am not going to ring Wren so rest easy 😂 but I do feel like it's a waste of money. If I had a really nice kitchen, it would be immaculate not a shit tip. And she constantly complains about the lack of storage in an extended Victorian house (lie - I've owned one, it was massive and mine wasn't extended) yet doesn't take the opportunity to put in more storage when given the chance? And lack of storage in her case is usually due to some very poor decisions like the bedroom/bathroom/dressing room situation.

She just frustrates me.
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I think she’s actually willing there to be something wrong with this baby!! It’s so strange.
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Like I’ve said upthread, if they genuinely live paycheck to paycheck they’re in the very privileged position of being able to earn more money than they currently do.

She said the other week their expenses come to 3k per month. So between two of them they’re only taking home 3k a month? That’s really not much each considering the jobs that they both do.

She could do bank shifts working around Terry’s hours so save on childcare. He could probably earn a lot more in his trade. She could earn on Instagram.
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They all say this as an excuse tbh, she probably just didn’t want to breast feed, and I think that’s 100% fine, but having a “reason” stops the breast is best patrol a bit.

Shit excuse to stop if that is genuinely the reason but at least that baby is fed
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They’ll get some free hours from April and the 20% government help - so you can probably pretty much half the daily fee. Mind you I agree with what you’re saying - I think she makes out they’re struggling for money more than they actually are: it’s like she thinks it makes her relatable. If you were really skint you wouldn’t spend £150 on putting an unnecessary wall up.
Also if they really were that skint then they have plenty of opportunity to make loads more money rather than whinge about it; Jodie can do Instagram brand deals and adverts and I believe Terry is some kind of tradesman so could start his own business.

I think she just enjoys moaning
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Don't really understand why she is making such a big deal re the jaundice? Unless baby has some greater health complications it's a case of feed alot (and unfortunately breast milk isn't actually going to bring down bilirubin as fast as formula does) and get baby in the sunlight. She's a midwife she knows this? It's pretty simple to make sure baby doesn't need phototherapy (unless there is a bigger issue at play stopping baby from feeding efficiently or breaking down the bilirubin).

Just get some bloody formula in her and her levels would be coming down!
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Chatty Member
Does anyone else feel off about a Healthcare Professional going on about a Mental Health Facility to 31,000 people the way she is?

Talk about it privately by all means but come on to f@ck.

That’s before we add in the fact that she has had her own mental health struggles.
Exactly! So basically she can air her opinion to thousands of complete strangers and seek advice. But In true instahun style no one is allowed an actual opinion unless it’s to arse lick 🤬
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