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Defo a narc
Yep. Both are cluster B PDs so overlap quite a lot

So.. Shannen is going somewhere on Friday which involves being away from home. Is she still hinting at being on “I’m a Celeb”? England has entered a second lockdown today for 4 weeks. “I’m A Celeb” is being filmed in Wales this year and Wales’s lockdown only finishes on the 9th of November just before the show starts on the 15th. England lockdown finishes in December. Surely she can’t be travelling to England or Wales tomorrow? Even if she’s just travelling somewhere for a quick trip like Manchester. She isn’t going on the show, it’s bullshit. If she was, they’d be getting her as late as possible because of the current situation and she’d have to have a test done which she would most likely fail because she hasn’t even been social distancing in Ireland. Nice try, Shannen. 😴

Probably just another weekend hotel stay!
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Chatty Member
That’s him 😂😂😂thought shannen had him well trained tying laces 🤣🤣🤣 your lace and fly down Luke 🤣🤣🤣

It’s mad the way shannen has never prompted his landscape company 🤔🤔 strange but she promoted his fake emojees company??
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She edits her photos alot too, and when she poses she always has an arm resting on one hip, something across her tummy, or her back is nearly folding back on itself. We all have things we're selfconscious about, but what I can't understand is why she complains about bloating and stomach problems but then fills her body with so much stodgy, processed and highly saturdated fried food. I suffer from IBS and have been under the care of a dietican in the past. Everything she eats plays havoc with a sensitive tummy. Even someone without digestive issues would struggle to function on a diet so poor. Her cholesterol must be through the roof. All jokes aside she is setting herself up for major issues further down the line.
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She’s crazed it’s definitely the drug comedown spurring her on, she’s frantic and manic trying so hard to explain herself. Shannen this thread only exists a few weeks hardly the cause of your anxiety. Would you give over acting the happy spa when it’s clear your raging, you know the vast majority of the public know your a bitter little bitch who thinks your above everyone else. That’s why you won’t succeed cos your intentions are anything but pure your acting the born again virgin to impress Luke and his family.
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I wouldn’t say he’s much better himself... if u look through her highlight on “my ❤“ they are having a meal and both think it’s hilarious that he took a forkful off food of someone else’s plate at the table next to them.... that’s where u can here her real accent. She can’t even pronounce dinner properly!!
I saw that video. Pair of scruffs, honestly
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That certificate! 🤣🤣🤣 looks like something you get in primary school for being student of the week. Looks dodgy af
I actually can’t stop laughing at the fucking state of it! My own job is a training instructor and by god no training course, ESPECIALLY with an expensive skill such as what she done, should ever be a one day course 😫 also if I jimmied up a ball of shit certificate like that my company would think I’m taking the piss

And she tells everyone she’s never had a nose job 🤥🤥🤥🤥 Ok Pinocchio x
I actually think she’s stunning there.
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I’ll be reporting the photographer for carrying out business if I have to. People are already pissing me off here as I live in an area with one of the most covid cases. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
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I am one of the people that are still suffering the effects of the virus months later. I'm a 32 year old healthy female. I have mild asthma but otherwise nothing else. I contracted the virus and nearly died in June. I spent a week in ICU Tallaght and another two weeks on a covid ward. The only place I was going to was Dunnes Stores so I caught it there. Months down the line I have been diagnosed with a lung disorder Sarcoidosis due to Covid. I can't walk ten feet without needing to stop and catch my world has been destroyed and then you have these people like Shannen paying no attention to the rules. I can't wait for the day she is charged with what she has done. She's an absolute disgrace!!!!
Really sad to hear that, I hope you will be alright.. loads of love 💓 that why I haven’t stopped replying on this!! To make others aware of her selfish actions!! Take care of yourself xxx
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Someone asked her how she got her makeup done and she said she got it done on Wednesday and shot some looks...I don’t believe a word of it.
She has a photo up now saying all dressed up and nowhere to go.... watching the late late with that same make up look 🙈🙈
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Well it’s nice to know she’s part human, she gains weight also🤣shes In no way fat obviously! but she has defo put good few pounds on.. has a bit of a tummy pouch in this pic and what looks like either hip dips or a muffin top in the second pic.. I’m surprised she didn’t photo shop it out! Or maybe she did and this IS her photoshopped ? I mean hillbillies and greasy take away foods everyday are bound to catch up on you eventually, especially in your late 20’s!
It's photoshopped . Look at the wall one side is perfect and the side of her close to that has no blemishes but look at the other side the wall has lines and her body and the dress close to the wall have a shadow , thats photoshop
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Don’t forget she faked pregnancy... then claimed she miscarriage!! Disgusting vile creature shannen is!! I’ve had miscarriage I would wish it on my worst enemy!!
imagine Luke family find this out!!! Doubt she get invite for Xmas dinner!!! They really need to do intervention get their son away from her before she destroys him!! Well she kinda already has!!!
There is loads more she has has done!!
She makes friends with someone get them to tell them her secrets, manipulates them, then she blackmails them to do as she says!!!
Jaysus you wanna be desperate to be friends with her!!!!

Another note, hey shannen how was free meal off ampex tonight!!! You fucked it in the bin again 😂😂 Stop wasting this business time and money!!!
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Even if nobody here knew of Luke it’s pretty easy to figure out he’s a drug dealer anyway! Look at her track record, she always goes for drug dealers because she knows they will have money and be able to afford to pay for her! Shows her morals eh🤦‍♀️
She has the morals of an alley cat.

I’d say VaVaVoom are thrilled that the gift they sent her in March is getting an outing now 7 months later, I bet that will really drive the sales up 🙄 To suffer and keep your composure would mean that you didn’t react hysterically to this thread Shannen love, so no foul mouthed rants, no defensive stories, no look at me living my best life despite what you say about me online grid posts and composure would definitely not be creating multiple false accounts to come on here in a rage & frantically trying to justify the fact that you are a very bad actress who cannot pull the wool over the public’s eyes. You’ve always wanted all eyes on you darling so here they are except you wanted us all to see you how you see yourself a pretty little princess 👸
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Someone said before that they all use some kind of paid app that comments and likes each other’s photo's. Not sure of the details. I cringe for her when I see her replying thanks pal to him 🤮
So funny , I'd say he is the same type of "pal" to her like Megan McKenna is/was 😂😂
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Nothing surprises me anymore with that dopey of a human. How do you know its for tan
She started following a tan called rose and caramel, some Sean Maloney guy brought it out it’s on his page and her bestie Chloe crowhurst page too. Pathetic.
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What a stupid unprofessional response!!! Outrageous reply!! They quoted it will be released this week, I believe.. Eh sorry what?? Are they the law?? Do they work in nhs, gov?? Note to them twats never do anything without facts or guidance! Working on your own accord! You are liable!! They broke they law on several counts!!
Are you really supprised by the response.this is coming from a company the sell counterfeit clothes openly on insta
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I also had a friend that followed Shannen. She asked Shannen a question too about something, not sure what it was about exactly. Possibly make-up, hair or fillers, and Shannen just ignored her question even though she had seen it. It’s actually embarrassing. 5 mins of Love Island and she really believes in her little head that she’s a star.
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