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Chatty Member
I’m a celeb is going ahead according to the daily mail, I’d say she’s hinting she’s going in but I wouldn’t wanna ASSume anything guys. Good luck to her isolating for the 2 weeks beforehand and the three weeks the show runs for. Luke left to his own devices for 5 weeks and I’d say a line of people queuing up to talk sense into him. 🐍
Knowing her it's probably nothing. But yes, imagine the anxiety knowing he is free to do as he pleases for a few weeks. No driving her all around Dublin, cooking for her when he gets in after a days work, taking her photo while she poses on the couch/step/bench. I nearly hope it is Im a Celeb just so the poor man can have his balls back and a bit of freedom.
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Ridiculous even more embarrassing 😳 it’s noticeable!!! Couldn’t grow their account naturally, people having interest and like for good reason!! But to take the lazy route buy fake followers and likes!! Scarlet for them..

well I’m glad she but all stuff up from uk, one way ticket, breaking covid restrictions and breach law on both island!!I’m 100% reporting her dogs in the morning for neglect!! That not being personal but I’m doing it to make sure their well-being ok, since Luke works full time, they be placed in box all day!! Shannen just upped and left to country during Pandemic to take photo shoot with others for bottle false tan, went up London one day then flew to Manchester!! Selfish.. so I hope they are taken off her and placed in home, where someone wouldn’t drop them like that!!! Really selfish of her!!
She defo didn’t fly to Manchester. She got a lift off a 40 year old in exchange for a quick blowie. Cheaper
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I think she's really going to regret sitting around doing nothing for the last few years. If she ever goes for a job no employer is going to look at her CV and be impressed by the fact that she's been out of the workforce for so long and hasn't used the time to do anything productive. Sadly, being an 'influencer' doesn't fly with the banks when it comes to mortgages. Even the very successful ones in Ireland are renting as it is not a secure and guaranteed means of income. But she needn't worry, she will sponge off whatever fella she happens to be with at the time. If I was Luke I'd be very worried.

Holy Mother of God is she actually a Trump supporter?
I just think all those jobs crammed into such a small amount of time doesn’t leave much room to master any of them so how did she rise to manager of jewellery shops on minimum experience? It just doesn’t seem feasible. She probably believes the theory that Trump is using COVID-19 as a cover up to arrest all the elite peadophiles in the world and save the children from Hilary Clinton and the rest of Pizzagate.
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She wouldn’t be able to get a job now. I heard she was doing dental nursing and such before love island, does she have a degree? She definitely wouldn’t work in customer service or any retail. Her best bet would be cam work, shoving brushes up her fishy fanny and bum. 👍🏻
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But yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah, lukey ye should kick her out the van and drive as far as ye can!
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Chatty Member
It’s not Normal how fake this girl is , she’s from Tallaght and she says “started on “ is that the word ???????? Sorry what ??? Does she not scare herself at how fake she is ?? Never witnessed Someone so fake in my entire life , Shannnen you are a nut case honest to god 😂😂😂
Sorry now, but she has posted many times about having anxiety around leaving the house and being in clubs around town. She has said she would be on the verge of vomiting at the thoughts of it. She is completely full of shit.
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Guys what's even sadder is the I'm a celeb guys were brought in nearly 2 weeks ago for testing, screening and photoshoots. Keith Duffy is the Irish person going in as far as I know, not Shannen. To be honest when she was on love island i hadn't a clue who she was, i only know her from her scamming days.

As if anyone actually believed she was going into I'm a celeb. We know you sold the story ya mup
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Guys.. I really wonder if there is a way we could get this thread to Luke? I know he has a Linkden profile but not sure if its active? An email address?

I highly doubt hes seen this thread.. I just feel bad for him yeno, having to wake up beside dragon breath
His brothers profile on Instagram is public, should find him easily enough. She is tagged in the comments on his last post, he is modelling t-shirts.

She started following a tan called rose and caramel, some Sean Maloney guy brought it out it’s on his page and her bestie Chloe crowhurst page too. Pathetic.
Thats who she got her make up done by last time she went to Manchester for the photo shoot in Archies, oh sorry I mean the business meeting for her new TV show.
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Well-known member
Found Luke’s address, Kenilworth rathgar👀I’m sure his family wouldn’t like if photos of Shannens 🐱 just so happened to appear all over the trees outside 🤔🤣🤣

Oh also, what ever happened to Eden clinic where she got all her fillers and Botox done ? Thought she used to go on and on how thats the “only” clinic she trusted 🤣🤣Now she’s tagged some “leah clinic”.. oh did Eden hear all the awful things you’ve done shannen, and refuse to give you free procedures anymore so you moved onto the next victims ?🤣
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Holy Jesus, the accent. Where is that even from? Between that and goading him into taking food off someone elses plate, and him actually doing it, they are common as muck. She's fooling no one with her Chanel and Dior picture books 😂
It’s so embarrassing if you love me you’ll do it..... if that doesn’t scream narcissist I dunno what does 🙈🙈
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Chatty Member
Not to put any profession down believe me I’ve worked plenty of jobs over the years to earn an honest wage, but how does someone with Lukes education end up working as a valet. I have a better job with a minimal education.
I agree. Very strange. I remember reading here that he got mixed up with the wrong people and had to leave his previous job. I would say Shannen is sucking him dry financially. The days of a one income household are gone. I personally wouldn't feel right expecting my partner to work while I sit around all day doing nothing. At the very least I would make sure dinner was there when he got home. She strikes me as someone who's main aim has always been to either find a guy with money or who's stupid enough to go along with the idea that she's too famous and glam to work a regular 9-5.
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New member
I posted screen grabs to this forum last night but they got removed for some reason. I had a wee look through her page after seeing how many fake followers she has!If you go through her posts and actually go into some of the pages that comment on her posts (esp the ones with ticks) you will see they actually aren’t following her. My theory is she is either paying for some comments or exchanging comments for comments.
She is no role model for anyone or anything ,emailing the companies that gift her things with all this evidence might change their minds on having her promote their businesses
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I know this tread is about Shannen McGrath but all of them are above the rest of us apparently! Look at Kim floods insta.... She's still taking bookings for work, jetting off here and there, doesn't give a shit. These girls should be fined!!
A lot of ‘new’ users on here join in to give out about Shannen and then quickly bring up someone else. We can’t discuss anyone else in this thread as it’s about Shannen. Love your name though it’s very original.
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For anyone who’s new here and didn’t see it, shannen is now preaching about all bodies being beautiful but yet her sister text this disgusting message to a girl that exposed shannen on Instagram, derbhle cassidy or something like that.. Shannen and her sister seem to be very very alike so I can only imagine the fat shaming messages shannen has also sent!
Strange how they base someone’s desirability on men finding them attractive. Shows you what’s important to them, the surface and superficial. Most mature adults know that it’s what’s deep down under the surface that makes a person who they are. A lot of men’s heads can be turned by the thoughts of an illicit encounter especially with someone who models themselves on ‘sex symbols’ it appeals to a mans desires. However the ability to attract a mans attention is very different to being able keep a man willingly. A man desperate to escape someone time and time again is not the actions of a man interested in a long term relationship. Surely at some stage you would realise that your looks may attract them but it’s your personality that makes them stay so work on your character and you won’t have to hunt them down desperately as they run from your clutches.
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Chatty Member
Seriously she spinning him a new lie every few months about her big news and big break!!! then she sidetracks him again by saying it didn’t happen.. feel sorry for me act!
I say she is so paranoid about him, constantly texting him and ringing him when he is out.. texting him to come back with coffee and food for her.. tracking his phone!!
Awh it’s gas the way she says luke obsessed with her 🤣🙌🏻Eh no love your obsessed with him.. not in health loving way!! I’m sad scary crazy way..
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