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Someone should find Luke’s family on social media and send them the links to these threads.. for their own sake.

His name is Luke Tally.
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Guys.. I really wonder if there is a way we could get this thread to Luke? I know he has a Linkden profile but not sure if its active? An email address?

I highly doubt hes seen this thread.. I just feel bad for him yeno, having to wake up beside dragon breath
I wouldn’t say he’s much better himself... if u look through her highlight on “my ❤“ they are having a meal and both think it’s hilarious that he took a forkful off food of someone else’s plate at the table next to them.... that’s where u can here her real accent. She can’t even pronounce dinner properly!!
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Wearing counterfeit clothes again.. scarlet for her..

Lol I’m telling yah she sitting at home in her apartment!! Lol she in hiding 😂😂😂
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Sorry guys I’ve been MIA, stupidly forgot my password and was locked outta my account
Buuut I’m BACK, Hey shannen darling !!😘I know you missed me 😉

but holy mother of dear GODDD I cannot believe my eyes watching her story today!!! What the actual fuck!?!
First of all, babe, you WISH you looked like Pam. Hate to break it to you the only thing in common is the blonde hair which you clearly copied to try look like her!!
secondly, you are in my arseeee doing a hair extensions course 🤣🤣🤣you always say how you can’t do your own hair or makeup, what makes you think you can do someone else’s and charge for it??🤣🤣🤣watch girls, this be another thing she promotes and never speaks of again!!
Lastly, DO NOT GET ME STARTED on this pathetic Halloween “shoot”... this girl is mentally mentally ILLLL. You put your hairdresser, mua AND your family at risk by doing this look, for what??? A few insta pics?? Babe you aren’t a celeb!! Nobody gives a shiteee about your Halloween looks. Be different if you did it yourself and showed off your own skills but you didn’t !!
you got it done to take pics outside your apartment on the streets in town to go back in and sit and eat a curry ? You are one pathetic pathetic woman Shannen Reilly McGrath.
By the way babes, absolutely no one, and I mean no one, is jealous of you. We actually feel embarrassed and sad for you ! Because you need a lot of therapy and help. By you calling people jealous of you actually makes you look like a bitch and extremely full of yourself ( but we all know that ) you clearly didn’t think you were naturally pretty if you got SO much work done ?😘
That's a good point, if she was really so happy in herself why has she had so much work done. If you compare her to the photo of Pam you can see Shannen's boobs and lips are actually bigger and more fake looking. She has taken it all too far.

she will be delighted if she wins the Dublin bus sleepover, gonna be ICONIC

Shannen if your reading remember the time you chopped up your ex CJs runners when he tried to dump you?? 😂
Stop, what?? She sounds like an absolute psycho. If a man did that to a woman people would be telling her to call the guards and speak to Women's Aid. As much as Luke seems like as big an idiot as her I am concerned for his safety if things should ever go sour between them.
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I think the girl looked grand before all this unnecessary cosmetic work she has done. Going around with her fake tits hanging out, caked in 24 inches of makeup in the middle of the afternoon in the shelbourne... the actual STATE..
I'm in my early 30's and she actually looks older than me. Getting work done unnecessarily causes more harm than good. The Shelbourne is a nice hotel, but there are more understated and classier hotels in Dublin. Either way, walking around in the middle of the afternoon with plastic tits hanging out is such bad taste.
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she looks like the type who just stinks you never see her with wet hair or just out of the shower shes always sitting around with thick grease hair waiting for her next blow dry i bet her breath is rank too you know when people get turkey mouths oral hygiene is out the window
I dunno about showers, but I remember she got her make-up done for an event before and was flying out somewhere the next day. She had the same face of make-up on in her airport selfie as she did the day before. She had obviously slept in it and then touched it up in the morning. As she wears very heavy make-up it's rotten to think about sleeping in so many layers of it, and then putting more on in the morning.
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Spunk?? The girl is so fucking boring she would nearly put herself to sleep! Hasn't a fucking clue what she wants to do from one minute to the next! If she actually focused on the eczema and remedies for it that would be much more interesting than her current "content" 😂
I hate the fact that she wont address the whole bperfect scandal because all her insta mates are defending it and she doesnt want them turning on her shes all about followers and likes no morals :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: but shes more than happy to give her tuppence in to the Julia Holbanal gossip yesterday shes so desperate to get in to the influencer world she reminds me of shannen when she mentions someone in her story and that person than puts the mention on their story shannen/grainne than repost that on to their stories its so pointlessss
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She blames her carry on in that relationship on her being young as if she was a little 16 year old. She was in her twenties inventing all types of scenarios to hold on to someone who didn’t want her. Walk away with your dignity Jesus Christ it’s shocking the lengths that she goes too to try hold on to someone 🙈
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Remember the other month when she was constantly hinting at being on “I’m A Celebrity”. Dream on Shannen.
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As if she is moving to manchester that will never ever happen 😂 😂 😂 😂 She is saying it now to make herself sound as if she has her life together and than when march comes around it will be "oh something happened and we cant move". Luke wont be making it as a dealer over here specially in manny where all the dealers know each other and wont want some ginger from dublin getting in on it 😂😂😂 and she has an apartment picked ??? she does realise you need to put down a deposit asap and they definitely wont be keeping it reserved for 5 months time and for her to prove that she is capable of paying the rent she would have to show her bank statements which would show alot of cash deposits from luke and his dealings shes living in fairy land 😂😂😂 why would ITV or BBC want anything to do with a nobody give over shannen and cop on lying 😂😂😂
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Good evening all, sorry haven’t had a chance to reply.. unlike shannen I work and study full time!!
Lol don’t worry shannen, covid hse guidelines don’t apply to you.. so carry as you do shannen.. book a holiday to red spots.. get your hair done on the sly when we all know.. scab off small business that are at breaking point.. don’t isolate! Sure why stop now shannen, it never phased you months ago!!
Keep promoting you’re fake career to your fake followers! Promoting counterfeit clothes!
Sure buy more followers for your photo shoot sitting on your coach ✌
But one thing you can’t control is us talking the truth about you 😊
Cause shannen your obsessed with us...... 😘
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She defo is writing these herself!!! Iv seen someone put this on Twitter around the time all the shit came out about her scamming all the girls!


She defo is writing these herself!!! Iv seen someone put this on Twitter around the time all the shit came out about her scamming all the girls!
And they weren’t saying it in a good way!
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New member
Girls the funniest thing i think about her constant questions about her fillers, boobs etc..
She does these question boxes what twice a week and if someones not telling her how great and brave she is they are asking about her fillers, boobs teeth and whatever else

How long will it take her to realise if she has to keep answering these twice a week her reach / engagement must be shocking.
Just a thought
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How does she have no shame? Posting a picture of herself and her deceased ex for the world to see?! If I were Luke I'd be gone running for the hills, the dirty tramp!!
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'It is especially made'... ffs 😂 She sounds like the kids on the Haribo ad. She really likes to gloat about the fact that she eats so much shite and maintains a slim figure. I'd say Photoshop goes a long way to help, wonky lines all over the place. Thing is, someone can be slim and still extremely unhealthy. Eating the way she does would be bad for anyone, not to mention the lack of any cardio based exercise. She won't be gloating when she has a heart attack.
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