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I’m not familiar with the full extent of what she said though and perhaps she poorly explained what she meant.
I really think you should read what she wrote. Perhaps you are right about Jewish people not getting racist remarks if they don’t appear outwardly Jewish, but I think there are a lot of scared and frightened Jews in the UK atm, with the marches that are happening in London every week and lots of people conflating Zionism and what’s currently happening in a foreign country with anyone who’s Jewish. Admittedly, Diane’s remarks were before this, but there were more recent targeted attacks against Jews that happened before she wrote her letter. She also mentioned several historical events regarding racism against black people such apartheid in SA, slavery in the US and the Rosa Parks incident as ‘proof’ of racism, saying other minorities only suffer ‘prejudice’, seemingly forgetting that the Jews were almost wiped out during WWII.

For someone who once said ‘white people love to play divide and rule’, she seems like a master of it herself. Her comments were crass and entirely ill judged, especially considering anti semitism has been a huge problem for the Labour Party.
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I love people like Pats for marrying eleventy billion times. I feel there are not enough Liz Taylor's/Zsa Zsa’s in the world
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David’s dead was the greatest piece of television ever. It’s so inappropriate but hilarious at the same time and I feel so guilty for laughing but tell myself Bowie would have found it funny.
It was just so ridiculous. Like if David Gest had died during the night the producers would have just left his dead body there for them all to find and not remove him or them from the house. What a bunch of thick fuckers
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Guys I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we have dropped the ball. How have the DM got this piping hot tea before us?!
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Chatty Member
Diane Abbott gets mad abuse and it’s horrible, and unjustified.
That said, I can’t really respect a labour MP sending their kid to private school, sorry not sorry.
She does get some muck thrown at jer . But she’s a little racisit as well. Her and Michael portillo used to have that late political TV programme and she would talk absolute dribble when it came to parenting black family V white familys.. she held some obnoxious views and just cast her unqualified opinions out there ..
She also made a total arse of herself on radio with Nick Ferrari when being interviewed about policing .. she had no clue on the numbers and was left with her arse in her hands again ..
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Have just caught up, re Diane Abbot I was listening to an interview with Angela Raynor I think it was & they asked her whether Diane should be able to be the Labour candidate etc etc. She said yes & gave her explanation & the comment that stuck out for me was
‘Diane has been on an anti-semitism course’
Which I thought - who the hell needs to go on one of those, isn’t it obvious what you should/shouldn’t say/think &
If the Labour Party don’t have an issue with anti-semitism in the party as they tell us, why are they running courses on how not to be racist towards Jewish people/communities!
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Is there something wrong with Diane Abbott? She was shaking whilst holding her speech and she had two women who looked like they were helping her stand and walk
I've just watched it. Most likely Parkinson's (it looks like a pill rolling tremor), if not that then an Essential Tremor.

I'd add; I'm 99% sure that tremor has nothing to do with alcohol. However, sadly, even these days people jump to such an assumption as soon as someone displays a tremor. It's crap for many reason, not least because it forces people to declare their private medical information far, far earlier than they may feel comfortable with. Not only do they have to cope with navigating the practical difficulties of a tremor, they then have to try and prove it isn't self created.
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I think people are overlooking the fact that Jade Goody was just 27 when she died. There’s no doubt in my mind she would have grown as a person as she matured into middle age. Can anyone in their 40’s on here say they are the same version as their late-20’s self? I know it took me until my mid 40’s to become the person I was always meant to be.
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Jelly Bean

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We're talking about a "politician" who revels in coming out with goading divisive rhetoric. And it doesn't matter how much people tell him that he's antagonistic, he keeps on coming out with the same shite. I've mentioned before about a mate of mine who works around Tufton Street and will often see Farage in the street, with someone calling him a wanker occasionally. Nigel's reaction is a smirk - he seems to love being hated, though of course there seem to be enough people in this country who love him.
I get all that. Farage is ghastly. But my opinion is throwing liquids at anyone, for doing their job (which is what he is doing) is just a slippery slope to much worse things. Farage is a horrendous bollox - we all know that - but he isn't really the point of this imo. I don't think anyone should be assaulted.
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Regarding Pitt and Jolie, I think it seems pretty clear that something ugly and explosive happened on that plane.
I also think that AJ will never rest until it’s been fully brought to light and BP faces the consequences.
If that’s an accurate and honest account then it’s pretty shocking, and the very least he could do would be to hold his hands up to it and apologise privately and publicly.
I feel for those kids more than anything.
I think as a couple they were a toxic combination, and I find it hard to believe there’s been much stability in the children’s lives.
Saying that though, they do seem to adore their mother and they’re clearly fiercely loyal to her.
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Restless Native

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There's always been nepo babies. Liza , Carrie Fisher, Michael Douglas, Jeff Bridges etc.

The problem imo is the completely talentless ones
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What did she say about parenting as a white family vs a black family?
She’s made many an ill judged comment, pertaining to race. When asked why she sent her son to private school she said ‘West Indian mothers will go to the wall for their kids’. ‘Blonde, blue eyed nurses from Finland’ aren’t fit to work in the ‘multicultural’ NHS, ‘white people love playing divide and rule’ and the one that landed her in hot water most recently was that Jewish people don’t face racism.

No idea what she was like as a politician in the early days as I’m not old enough to remember, although her constituents love her, but I honestly think she’s a liability for the Labour Party as a whole these days (along with her old buddy Corbyn, although I think they’ve got shot of him).
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I’m sure she’s a lovely person but I can never forget Grace Dent, when she had her soap column in the Guardian, describing Gail as looking ‘like a permanently disappointed pigeon’.
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Colin Gibb from Black Lace has died and I'm not sure why it's not bigger news, from Agadoo too their appearance in Rita Sue and Bob Too (a brilliant film) they were a cultural phenomenon and Wig Wam Bam is still a banger!
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