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Yes that was empowering. It was in 2015 and she said we shouldnt be encouraging unhealthy lifestyles by allowing shops on the high streets to stock above size 12. People should only be allowed to shop online for those. What a dick 😡
She is honestly ridiculous. Bigger framed women can be above a size 12 and still be a healthy weight, but that’s besides the point. What does she expect bigger women do to? Walk around in a bin bag? Losing weight is bloody hard work.

She gives us brummies a bad rep we’re not all as thick as her.
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Robert Webb was an absolute knob at university - really unpleasant to a friend of mine when they did a play with him. Hopefully he’s matured into a nicer person.
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I really hate Noel for that. INXS were a great band. I still listen to them thirty years later and Noel's looking an awful lot like an old has been right now.

I think it's unlikely tbh. His parents are intellectuals and not into the fame game at all. And I know everyone cries over Bob Geldof and his saintliness but quite frankly, he can't have been much of a father. Peaches and Pixie were complete arseholes and he was literally funding Peaches's smack habit.
I think Geldof has a God complex. He wanted to be in control of Paula and be seen as a saviour of the family.
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I love him. Quite nerdy, but now quite handsome with the weight loss and the beard.

His wife Victoria Coren I love for her brain and the fact she won $1M in a poker tournament. She's pretty annoying on Only Connect though. Way too arch.

Apparently DM and VC spend a lot of time doing crosswords together. Again, nerdy but so cute. Their kid is called Barbara. She'll have an IQ of 200 and will end up as a Cambridge don specialising in linguistics.
Both really heavy smokers too which surprised me. I thought that was a habit that had almost died out these days
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Does anyone remember the Big Breakfast ?! They used to do something which I think was called on your doorstep, like they’d knock on a random door & you did a competition or something? They did that in our town one time, the day before my older sisters & some friends were walking through town after school & Mark Lemar & two other guys were sitting outside Woolies smoking, wolf whistling & Cat calling girls in school uniform & doing autographs etc My eldest sister (who was probs 14/15) called him a perv & he called her a silly little cow 😂 All 5 of us hated him with a passion after that !! Reading his name gave me the rage after all these years !! 😂
I used to love the Big Breakfast, especially Paula Yates doing interviews on a bed (remember the Michael Hutchence one?!). And didn’t Denise Van Outen go out with Gary Glitter back in the day?!! 😱
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Remember it was late 1970s though, so there may have been some kind of examination, or consultation at the least. Completely intrusive and unnecessary regardless!

On the KM front Mr Ellis and I were struggling to conceive around the time of the wedding and I remember saying that I bet she’ll have had some kind of tests prior to getting married, such as the day 3 & 21 bloods and urine tests and the test to establish AMH (quality and quantity of eggs). Not that it would have a bearing on whether the wedding would go ahead, but prudent to have the professional assistance teed up if need be. She wouldn’t be fighting with her GP to get a referral onto an IVF waiting list anyway...
I have zero time for the Kate surrogate rumours. There is no reason at all to think she didn’t have her three children herself. If it looks like a duck etc.

Why would she be in hospital with a surrogate? If a surrogate got ill, she would leave her to it. They ended up having to announce the pregnancy early because of the hospital admission and the whole thing would have been totally avoidable if she hadn’t been pregnant herself.
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That incredibly inspirational Jamelia? She really annoys me. No tea thats not in the public domain (dysfunctional family, failed relationships etc) but I dont think she comes across very well on shows like Loose Women.
I think she got banned from Loose Women. Or at least not been hired again. I cannot stand her. She spouts crap about everything and she is really offensive. Said that bottle feeding babies should be illegal. Think the LW ban was because final straw was disgusting comments about overweight people.
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What about Pierce Brosnan and his wife? I hope that they really are in love as they seem to be.
A relative knows Pierce Brosnan and has nothing but nice things to say about him. She says he is a lovely guy. Which makes me happy!
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Yeah, I’m not disagreeing. I think it got to Michael more because he actually thought his career was on the decline (whether it was or not, who knows?). His solo career hadn’t done as well as he thought. And there’s a bit in the book I mentioned upthread where Paula and Michael had a party, and he put one of his songs on without saying who it was and someone told him to turn this shit off. I think he was in a downward spiral and being humiliated on tv like that won’t have helped.
I would choose Michael Hutchence over Noel Gallagher any day. Noel thought he was the dogs bollocks, and humiliating Michael in front of his peers must have really hurt. I agree that he was probably depressed anyway, and self medicating with whatever drugs he was on.. But still, a shitty thing to do to anyone..

Oh good digging seaborgium!! ❤
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Just did a quick search of Stephanie davies' Instagram. It's painful and woeful. She's talking about a Caroline flack petition but I wondering, after February she gave a shit.

There is something I really dislike about Davies. Just attention seeking.
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In the 80s my uncle who went to St Martns was very in with John Galliano who was seeing Jasper Conran. Once he, my uncle, was with JG and they went to JC's shop or studio and in the back room he heard a kid acting up followed by a woman shouting and swearing at her then a really, really loud slap. He said him and JG wanted to laugh at the sheer shock of it and they were young it seemed funny. But he noticed tha the child just cried out then was quiet, which was odd as they were braced for sobs. When they emerged it was Paula Yates and one of her daughters he didn't know which one but I assume the eldest.
Paula never took to Peaches who saw her nanny as her mother figure and slept in her bed for years,
That's awful :(. I do think that the 'earth mother' thing was a huge lie she was trying to cultivate decades before the 'influencer' generation. And it's obvious the nanny was the one doing the heavy lifting when it came to those girls. Fifi has been pretty scathing about Paula and has more or less admitted they weren't close. I think Paula was utterly obsessed with men and making herself as sexually available as possible.
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It wasn’t covered up at all, infact, it was widely reported on. There are loads of documentaries and films about the murders. I suppose because I live in Essex, when it happened, everyone was talking about it, and I know many people who knew the three guys who died. The general consensus was that whoever did it deserved a medal for getting those scumbags off the streets...
If anyone wants to see the photos of the aftermath and what looks like the autopsy pics then here's a link. EXTREMELY GRAPHIC UNEDITED PICTURES at the link. You've been warned.

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Well what he specifically said was the guy is really engaging and quick witted IRL, talks completely differently and has an incredible knowledge of music and the history of radio. He’s got a degree from manchester uni and a masters, came from a rough background and worked incredibly hard to gain the qualifications and experience to get “the top jobs”. Apparently commercial radio production is a well paid job with few positions but lots of qualified applicants (makes sense) so only the best get real career progression.

Common sense, making snap decisions and coming across intelligent and capable to guests and company execs seem to be key aspects of being a successful radio producer
Pretty sure Karl has no qualifications (unless you count an E in history gcse), let alone a Masters. He worked his way up through hospital radio after school. He is one of my heroes so I have read way too much about him 😂
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Comments would be very different if Henry Cavil was ugly..just saying

Terry Richardson (the photographer) was the guy who shot Amy Winehouse (and Blake) in New York at Milk Studios. The shoot was famous because while Terry was snapping away, Amy was carving “I Love Blake” on her tummy using a shard of broken glass. Terry didn’t stop the shoot- even though it was completely obvious that both Amy and Blake were totally off their faces on drugs and alcohol, and kept running to the toilet together every 5 minutes..

Hands off my Keanu!!! He’s been my crush since the first Matrix film ❤
Stop could you imagine taking photos of two sweaty junkies cutting with glass shards..fuck sake. It's real deviant shit.
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Fifi was the oldest, so can't have been the girls nanny.
From what I’ve heard, Paula was obsessed with Michael for a long time, and it’s also true that she interviewed him (in a very flirty manner) when he appeared either on The Tube, or The Old Grey Whistle Test (can’t remember which) So they knew each other for a few years before getting together. But, I don’t for one second believe that Fifi, Peaches and Pixie are not Paula’s and Bob’s. Mainly because I’m old enough to remember when Paula was pregnant with Fifi, and this was when Paula presented The Tube, so it was quite a big thing back then to see a pregnant woman presenting a tv show (Paula was quite the trailblazer). Paula also wrote a book about motherhood, and at that time, was madly in love with Bob. Paula also said that Bob was aware about her crush on Michael Hutchence, because Paula had stuck a photo of Michael on their fridge.
When Paula and Michael got together, he was in a serious relationship with Helena Christenson, and they were widely believed to have secretly got engaged. Bob was devastated when Paula left him, he tried to get Bono (who was a good friend of both Bob and Michael) to act as an intermediary, and when Paula decided that she was never coming back, Bob put into place a plan to completely blacken Paula’s name. Bob really was relentless, and the British media loved it, here was Saint Bob, a man who was loved by millions over Band Aid and Live Aid, and Paula was nothing more than a cheap tart, who had “dared” to leave a national treasure...After Michael died (was it suicide? Or as Paula said, a sex act that had simply gone wrong) She was utterly convinced that there was no way that Michael would ever leave her or their baby.
It’s worth noting as well, that on the night that he died, Michael had a couple of friends over to his hotel suite, one of them was his ex-girlfriend, and her boyfriend. They said that Michael spoke to Paula on the phone, and was devastated to learn that Bob would not allow Fifi, Peaches and Pixie to travel with Paula and baby TigerLilly to Australia to meet up with him. Michael then got angry, and phoned Bob, and there was a lot of shouting and pleading from Michael, but Bob wasn’t going to budge. Do I think that Michael killed himself over this situation with Bob and the kids? We all know that Michael was suffering from depression over the accident where he fell and smashed his head, and we also know, that on the night he died, he had been heavily drinking as well as taking drugs. But personally, whatever Michael did that night, he didn’t purposely take his own life. I watched a 60 minutes Australian documentary on Paula, this was just after Michael died, and Paula had moved with baby Tiger, to Hastings. It’s actually a really good documentary if anyone fancies watching it. And Paula looked good, was great with the baby, but was obviously using heroin to self medicate. There was a famous line from Paula which she said that when they first had sex, Michael had done 5 things to her that were “illegal”.... If I can find the 60 mins interview I’ll try and post it here. It’s well worth watching, if only to see just how Paula behaves when she’s lost the love of her life...☹
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