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coming out of lurking to spill some more tea on Trinny and Susannah. I know someone who worked with them on WNTW and he said they were really nice....IF YOU WERE A MAN. Couldn’t be arsed to engage with women however. :mad:
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DVO went out with Gary Glitter?!! Wow! I didn’t know that. Gross.

The Paula Yates and Michael Hutchence interview was incredible (for all the wrong reasons). There’s a great gossipy (but ultimately quite sad) book written by one of Paula’s ‘friends’, think it’s called Michael, Paula and Me about everything that went on behind the scenes. Tbh, I’ve always thought that Pixie Geldof had a look of Michael 😬
I've read that book (yes, I am a sleb biography addict). Paula comes across as a bit of a lost soul. Her mum was a Bluebell Girl and quite the party fan. Paula's relationship with Hutchence was very sexual and they often took extreme photographs of one another in the days before camera phones.

Does anyone watch that Autopsy programme on Channel 5? The episode about Hutchence's death was very interesting indeed; apparently he'd got into a fight with a taxi driver, fallen and hit his head on the pavement causing permanent damage to the area of the brain relating to smell. It made him seriously depressed afterwards as he stated that "he could no longer taste his girlfriend ..."
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Shame about Alison, she seems such a great lady but you can never tell can you?

I was quite active in the Labour Party up until recently and I don't know about Diane's drinking problem (I never saw it and I've been in the pub with her) but there is something definitely up healthwise. I thought maybe she'd had a stroke or maybe Parkinsons. I've spoken to some of her constituents who have confirmed something healthwise but won't say what (her constituents are fiercely loyal and she's a very popular local MP like Jez). Also, her son has serious mental health problems and I think she is in a bad way both physically and mentally unfortunately.
I know people with health problems have been labelled as drunks or druggies before, its quite nasty, she probably does have health issues. As for carrying her in the House of Parliament to vote that wouldn't be done. I know Civil Servants who have worked with alcoholic MP's and they either shut them in their offices to wait for them to sober or send them home in cabs, they don't drag them around the Houses of Parliament ffs.
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Anyone got anything or know anything about Karl Pilkington?
Probably no great surprise but one of my commercial radio friends from back in the 90s worked with Karl on XFM and said he was the most knowledgable producer he’s ever worked under, and was amazed when the character he’s now known for came about.
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Hmmmm PMK has to be the worst one though, for selling her daughters sex tape..😱 And I remember a blind that basically implied that PMK was the one who “suggested” that Kim, Kylie and Khloe’s pregnancy’s should be timed to all be revealed together, you can still look it up on BlindGossip, it was called something like 3 shoes dropping. I personally don’t think Liz is anything like PMK, although she does have a strange relationship with Damien, and apparently, he has nothing to do with his father (Steve Bing). I don’t know Steve has ever helped Liz out financially- as he is/was a billionaire? So, it seems that Liz has been the sole provider for Damien, and he idolises her. Also, does anyone remember when, a few years ago, Liz’s nephew was stabbed in a London? He said that a gang were chasing him and his friend, and after he was stabbed, he managed to get away, and was hiding behind a van, and whilst this gang were trying to find him, he phoned Liz (He calls her “Aunt Minx”) and she was at some party in New York, but credit to her, she got his details as to where he was hiding, sent the police and an ambulance, left the party, straight to JFK, and flew home on the next flight. Her sister lives on Liz’s Estate with her son, and Liz did an interview with the Mail On Sunday, which she asked for her fee to go to a charity that supports the victims of knife crime. There were other rumours about Liz having had an affair with Bill Clinton when he was President, but she denied everything....😬
Yep that's the nephew, Miles.

Liz isn't short money, she's been "supplementing" her income for years. And I do believe the Bill Clinton thing, doubt it was a relationship though, I'd say strictly business.

I think it's well established Kris has sold more than just her daughters tapes.

Do you remember there were naked photos of Kim and Kourtney with a older man, when they were underage? It ended up being a FBI investigation because they were under 18. It was glossed over on the tv show, made to sound like a teenage mistake. But there was an older man involved.
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For some bizzare reason, I had Kim Woodburn’s Celeb Big Brother’s best moments come up as a recommendation today. So, I’ve watched it, and fuck me, it’s one of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen!! I can highly recommend this if anyone needs a good laugh 😂😂😂. Just type in CBB19 Kim Woodburn and thank me later. It’s fucking hillarious!! WHY was CBB cancelled?!! 😂😂😂
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I hated The Crown series 3, OC made the Queen so unlikeable and hard nosed, HBC was miscast I think, I really didn’t gel with her portrayal of Margaret and Tobais made Philip seem like a wet weekend. I rather liked the younger cast with Anne and Charles standing out. I also really enjoyed Princess Alice but they only had her for a small time.
The whole season was such a mess.
It just feels like they are rushing through things to get to the Diana years, it makes me think they ran out of steam after series 2.
Completely agree it was such a let down after the first two. They should have aged the existing cast. As you say the younger lesser known cast members where the reason I kept watching.
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OMG the BBC have got the well respected academic Jamelia spouting forth this morning. Yes, Jamelia, the one hit wonder sometime panelist on Grumpy Old Women. She always comes across as a right bitch. Any tea?
That incredibly inspirational Jamelia? She really annoys me. No tea thats not in the public domain (dysfunctional family, failed relationships etc) but I dont think she comes across very well on shows like Loose Women.
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I watch a life coach/ drama Chanel type thing on YouTube by Shannon Lester, she’s a former editor at Star magazine and white she hasn’t met Beyoncé herself she claims that her former boss was at a group dinner her once and said she was very childlike and Not very bright, struggled reading the menu and couldn’t grasp small things, apparently that’s why she doesn’t do many interviews and was so very managed by first her dad and then Jay. It makes sense that this could be true when you think her parents basically stole her childhood and pushed her in to the spotlight from such a young age but like I say it’s not firsthand knowledge. There’s tonnes of Illuminati rumours with her and Jay too and the obvious “pretends to write her songs” but definitely doesn’t which I think is well documented as she’s had dealings with people like Sia who refused to let her claim songwriting credit a song she didn’t wrote
She's another Michael Jackson, exploited by her parents, no childhood, worked to exhaustion, business transaction for a marriage. I'm not surprised to hear she's childlike, none of these stars are like their image and I doubt any of them have much control over their own lives or finances.

Lipstick Alley, go in hard on Beyonce and Jay Z. Beyonce's management has had threads removed but they won't stop the gossip and details are brilliant. Especially about their massive debt

I’ve always been convinced that pixie was Michael’s too.
And here was I thinking I was the only one 😀
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In the last thread there were mentions of Eminem’s connections to Jeffrey Epstein, being on the list of guests who travelled on his plane.

One thing I found weird about Eminem was that he mocked Elton John for being a n in the beginning of the video for Ass Like That. But now they’re good friends and Eminem gifted Elton a diamond encrusted cock-ring.

Just bizarre. Why would you be friends with someone you think is a n? Why would you also buy him a sex toy?

And why would you be friends with someone who accused you of being a paedophile?

On the subject of Elton John, he was caught with mild child porn of little boys, but got away with it by saying it was “art”.

Edit: why dies this site not allow us to post the short form of paedophile, or the proper spelling of n?
I knew of this diamond cock ring (remember him mentioning it on Graham Norton or somewhere and found that weird in itself) but never knew about Eminem calling him a paedophile. Eminem on Epstein’s plane too. Elton and his strange ‘art’. This is a lot of tea in one post 😅👏🏼 Going to do some digging on Eminem’s relationship with Epstein right now.
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Yeah, I’m not disagreeing. I think it got to Michael more because he actually thought his career was on the decline (whether it was or not, who knows?). His solo career hadn’t done as well as he thought. And there’s a bit in the book I mentioned upthread where Paula and Michael had a party, and he put one of his songs on without saying who it was and someone told him to turn this shit off. I think he was in a downward spiral and being humiliated on tv like that won’t have helped.
I cant buy another book on the back of this thread or Ill spend the whole of lockdown immersed in the sordid lives of various rock stars and their groupies o_O
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Pearl has always fancied herself as some kind of designer, she used to sell vintage dresses to a trendy shop called The Cross, but they cancelled her because she literally couldn’t be arsed to get the stock over on time, the same with her band Powder, people just got sick of Pearl constantly letting everyone down. She made Danny let down Supergrass on several occasions, usually at the last minute when it would be nigh on impossible to get a replacement for him !! There was another story, where Pearl went to Paris to see Danny, and watch a Supergrass gig, she was also meeting her best friend there, and as it was her friends birthday, they had planned to go shopping, have lunch and head over to the gig together, but Pearl had smuggled heroin on the Eurostar, and when she got to the hotel, did all the heroin with Danny on the first night. So, her friend arrived at the hotel the next day, and bearing in mind it was this girls birthday, and of course Pearl was fucked because she’d been up all night caning the heroin with Danny. So she was in no fit place to go anywhere, but managed to get to the gig, and this was when Supergrass were first starting out, and this was an important gig for them, as there were lots of industry people there, so Pearl is backstage with her friend, and she’s asking everyone to get her heroin, and when she couldn’t get any, decided to crush up 4 Ecstasy tablets and snort them in one go. Apparently, Pearl collapsed, and was taken back to the hotel with her friend, and Danny was on stage by this time, so he didn’t know what had happened until after the gig, and the doctor saw Pearl- gave her a shot of something (she never said what) And the next morning was back on the Eurostar, going cold turkey, having ruined her best friends birthday and potentially ruining her boyfriends career, and the first thing she did when she got home (her mum had babysat for her) was to get her dealer round, and buy a load more smack, and got off her face in the bedroom, while Danny was seeing to the kids downstairs. 😳
I am so so not interested in Pearl! I will let you guys enjoy, whilst I skip by..... She is boring, boring, boring.....
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It’s not true about hymens and virginity. Some girls are born without them, and they come in different shapes and sizes. They can wear down or break over time with normal non-sexual activity.

They can also remain intact after penetration if
she is relaxed and well lubricated. As a virgin I often use fairly large sex toys and nothing ever broke or hurt because I was fully relaxed, aroused and wet. But when I tried using a menstrual cup after years of vigorous self-love 😳, I was frightened and obviously not aroused, and ripped my hymen trying to remove it.
Can we please avoid sexual stuff :( sorry it's a major trigger of mine. Don't want to sound like a prude.
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Sorry if it's been posted already, but the talk of Peaches Geldof reminds me of this story:

Last Thanksgiving I was staying at a friends house for a few days before a trip to South America. I'd been spending most the time on the couch for the three days I was at the house. My friend lived with her boyfriend and one other girl who was "recording" her "album." I would occasionally see this girl leaving early in the morning and coming back late at night while I was on the couch. On my final day at the house, Thanksgiving day, the girl returns at about 2:30am (Thanksgiving festivities would start in a few hours.) I'd kicked back a few beers already and was having fun sitting watching TV. She comes in and pauses for a moment looking at me. She says "have you been living here the whole time I have?" I laughed and thought this question strange, she was showing how oblivious she was to the world. I said that I had only been at the house for 2 days. She sits next to me and we begin talking about tattoos, which both of us have a good amount of. She had a cute English accent and wasn't bad looking at all. The tattoo discussion leads to us deciding we should get each others names tattooed on each other. At 3am I grab my friends car keys, and head out. We drive all over Hollywood looking for a tattoo parlor, with no luck. While driving around we get on the topic of drugs. At this point in my life I was very into all drugs, as was she. She told me she had a bit of heroin she brought with her from the UK and asked me if I was game. I was so the hunt began.

We drove all around LA looking for the supplies we needed. We drove to various pharmacies looking for needles and cotton. We finally found one, which as a look back on would be a funny sight. A well dressed guy and girl walk in an 4am looking for a 10 pack of diabetic syringes. We get them and begin the drive home. On the way back she mentions this is heroin base, meaning we need to dissolve this in lemon (I guess this is a British thing, I never have seen this in my years in NYC.) We stop at a Dennys, asking them for a stack of lemons. Once again we got strange looks but it worked. We get back to the house, where I was promptly yelled at for stealing my friends car, and getting warned what I was about to get myself into. Once all the commotion settles down, we go to the girls room and rig up. At about 5am I was high as a kite and we start to watch a movie. Things get hot and heavy and before I know it we're naked. I go down on her while we're still having odd conversations about mutual friends and past hookups. I was too high to get hard and she knew it. After blowing me for a few minutes she asks if I was ok. I tell her I'm to high to get it up. I then immediately remember I'd packed a Cialis in my bag. I run out of the room, bring it back, and pop it in front of her. She laughs as we continue to have a naked dance party on her bed. I finally feel the blood rush to my member and the action begins. We did it every way possible, and for a young girl she sure knew how to work it.

This is where things get weird. Close to 8am she starts saying how someone was coming to pick her up. We'd continued to use all night so I was quite foggy about the happenings. I faintly remember her asking me for a ride and me driving her somewhere. I awoke at about 1pm in a sauna, throwing up all over the place. I started freaking out. I look around and see her on an exercise machine outside the room, looking in about the same shape as me. I get out of the room and people come past me cleaning the puke like it was nothing to them. I'm standing in the room groggy, in a speedo, and confused as hell. I look around and read some stuff realizing I'm in the Celebrity Scientology Center in LA. This girl ended up being a hardcore Scientologist and a D-List celebrity, and we were doing a process called Purif. I showered, got my clothes on, got her, and drove back to my friends, nodding out and puking the whole way.

Needless to say when I got back my friend and her boyfriend were pissed. I had "ruined" Thanksgiving. I sluggishly passed the day along and at 11pm went to LAX and flew to South America. Not until days later when I looked through my camera of the pictures of that night did I fully realize everything.

TL;DR: Did heroin, fucked a minor celebrity, woke up in a Scientology center, ruined Thanksgiving, left the country.

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I always thought that singing was an odd choice to base a tv show on. Give almost anyone ten singing lessons and they’ll be able to sound good at
Tv karaoke. It’s the quality of the song that brings success. It’s no coincidence that after the labels stopped buying in the best songwriters and producers for Cheryl Cole and Nicole Schersinger (to name two) the hits stopped overnight. It’s also no coincidence that after dumping the guy who wrote all his hits, Robbie Williams became about as successful as Liverpool are at winning the prem!
Plus there’s also the fact that of all the X Factor contestants, Jedward seem to have had the longest career
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Two things I want to add to ongoing discussions.

Firstly, in relation to the hymen:

1. I remember watching coverage of the royal wedding, either the morning of or the day before. Kate arrived with Pippa and her Mum at a hotel or something. I distinctly remember the reporter saying she had been for her medical exam, and this was to check she was not pregnant - it always stuck me as pretty old fashioned and ‘royal’. Now this was 2011, no idea what they’d have done if she was, and can imagine that when Diana and Charles married it probably was more invasive.

2. I won’t go into detail but when a woman is raped, the police doctor will ask (if appropriate) if she was a virgin, because they can then say well it’s clear penetrative sex has happened based on the exam - presumably because of the absence of the hymen.

Secondly in relation to drug taking shit parents:

If the kid is safe, well, fed, clothed etc then they don’t give a shit, it’s only if there are serious safeguarding concerns that they will even consider involvement, never mind removal of kids etc. Furthermore, even if kids do need safeguarding they’ll go to a relative or safe person before a stranger. These people all had nannies - it might not be right but basically why would social services use public money when the nannies can do the same job and be paid for privately. A bit like a rich old woman who needs care - the council won’t pay because she can fund it herself.

just wanted to add me two penneth worth 🤓
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