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Well-known member
Anthony Daniels (C3PO) absolutely hated Kenny Baker (R2D2) allegedly because Kenny was not classically trained. The crew loved Kenny but found Daniels difficult and he apparently sat on his own in catering.
I've certainly met ac-TORS like this! So bloody snobby. Apparently Alec Guinness (dodgy borderline pweirdo) always super embarrassed about doing the film as he considered it trash but when it came down to it was very professional and "the show must go on dahlings"
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What do I expect them to do? Spend the millions donated to them on actually helping animals in need maybe?
They have no power of entry.
They have no power of seizure.
They have no power of arrest.

All they have is the power to prosecute... privately. Everyone has that power! :LOL:
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In the end my husband and I rang the RSPCA about the situation. They were absolutely useless and couldn't care less. They told us that because the dogs weren't being starved or beaten then they weren't being abused. This despite the fact that they were locked in a tiny run 24 hours a day and were never taken for a walk.
What did you want them to do? They're a charity, not the police! They have no legal authority.
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Phoenix Lazarus

VIP Member
i just remember his glasses and beard. well he was sat down eating . He was always with another man, i dont know if he had a wife, i never saw one. They used to get the same table every month and were always really quiet and polite. Soz i know thats shite gossip but me and my dad still mention it, it was quite exciting at the time.
Oh well, I suppose even he was capable of being low-key and normal on occasions.
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VIP Member
Isn’t there something about him pleasuring her with a champagne bottle and it broke inside her?? 😳
don’t think I dreamt it!
What?? I’ve never heard of that one before. Nothing would surprise me.
Him and Ramsay got very close physically as well.
This wouldn’t surprise me either. I honestly thought he was in the closet before I read the cheating rumours.
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VIP Member
Funny. I actually met him in a queue for one of Prince's shows a few years ago where he'd announce a show on the actual day and you'd line up old school style for it. He seemed nice enough and was clearly a huge Prince fan. He can't be all that bad then.
Well obviously you had a pleasant encounter 👍🏻
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Well-known member
No they are too separate viruses, you can spread facial herpes to genitals but not vice versus. But it would make sense as it’s the only one I can think of that you get flare ups and you could cover with make up.

Oh, thank you! Never knew that, assumed they were one and the same.
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