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Mark Wright wants another shot at being a professional football player. He ballsed up his chances when he was younger. He has been approached by Billaricy Town (dodgy spelling) but said he wants to play in a professional league so has knocked them back. He’s 33. He and his wife are so lucky. Again, what is his talent? And his wife just plays herself in every part and has transformed herself with all the tweaks she has had. I reiterate how lucky they are to reap all that income without having discernible talent. But that’s not enough. I am all for ambition but talk about self delusion.
His brother used to ‘play’ for my team and was flipping useless and supposedly he actually is a professional footballer 🙈😂
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I just watched her insta stories and I really don't think she's implying he cheated,although it wouldn't surprise me if he ever did.He's a dog.
I think the way I wrote that was confusing.
So he’s been texting his ex from home for a while.
His new wife has posted those insta stories of comments saying he’s ugly for some reason so thought maybe she found out hence the posting
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There was a thing I read in CrazyDaysand Nights? I’m not sure, if it was that one.
Bidens son has got a girl pregnant, he got divorced as he slept with his and his wife’s sister in law, and one other near relation sexual relationship.

aThe top of any hierarchy tends to the incestuous, there’s just less of them, and boundaries are for losers.

John Kennedy had an affair with his sister in law, as his wife Jackie did with her bro in law after the Presidents assassination.
Prince Philip had an affair with Princess Alexandra, his wife’s first cousin and a more distant cousin to him. Alexandra is still invited to things, that’s how they roll.
Also, Prime Minister Macmillan's wife had an affair with her cousin bisexual Boothby, sometime sexual partner to a Kray.

Thats why the fact that woman who it looked like had an affair with Prince William was still invited to a State Banquet.
You’d think William would no better after his parents history. So many journalists have confirmed this story though.
Anyone else seen poor Catherine shake off ?Williamson touch in that video?
Yes, I saw the video. I thought it was very telling as she had always seemed totally besotted by William.
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Hi! Long time lurker of this thread, but I stumbled across this tweet and thought you lovely lot would like to see it too!

I loved Dennis Quaid in The Parent Trap!

He doesn’t seem so nice to work with though..😥

Isn’t it a joke? I looked up the full version

Someone asked re John Hamm a while back, someone on CDAN says they met him and he’s a real douche
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I always find she finds herself hilarious, but I don’t. She really milks the “funny” stories and over sells them.
She actually tried stand-up, but couldn’t get booked.

It worked out for her though!
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I often read celebrity biography books, when I pick them up at the library. But they are so unmemorable, I have forgotten if I have read them a month later....
I start a lot but don’t get into them. I get really bored reading about people’s childhoods and school stuff.
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I wonder what timeframe Holden was shagging Ant, if it is true. When and how long. Presumably Lisa, his ex knew? She has never hinted at that.
Bought off, she knows no good will come from tarnishing the image of Golden boy. Showbiz is so hierarchical, people get screwed over like this. A big pay out probably came with a non-disclosure, implied blackmail really.
Same as Princess Margaret and Princess Beatrice breaking up families. The victims know they are on a hiding for nothing to complain.

Well, I flattered it with that description really. I’m not a conspiracy theorist , but something made me look this up, I suppose because they way the little ones were left to fend for themselves. It’s just more like strange or neglectful actions by the dad really I suppose.
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Big Red Dog

Chatty Member
Re the brief mention of Tony Slattery, poor thing had a dreadful time of it. I adored him in the 90s and even wrote to channel 4 who sent me some signed photos! He has had dreadful problems with his mental health and addictions- he is making something of a comeback currently. This guardian interview with him is a fascinating read:

He was on one of those channel 5 programs recently about the 80’s or 90’s he looked as rough as fuck.
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Louise redknapp desperate to be young and out there, what’s with her lips and teeth this week?! No lips to suddenly dark bruised area and huge white teeth. She’s desperate for fame.
I cannot believe she is doing a concert on Friday with the situation we are in. She looks so overly think in her latest insta posts

Me I loved it. The scottish scientist magician that was BGT in Saturday was on Faking It. He was a Scientist faking it as a magician lol
I love it! It is still shown on London Live (although I assume probably not outside London) Did anyone ever watch the Sack Race? It was 2 comedians competing who could get sacked closedt to 3pm on their first day in a job, so funny
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Rockin' Robin

VIP Member
Has anyone been reading the extracts from Rupert Everett's latest memoir, being serialised in the Daily Fail? It is certainly an entertaining read, he has a flair for writing.
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Which one? I read one written by Nikki about 20 years ago I think. I imagine there is a more up to date one.

i read Scar Tissue. Didn’t love it. And I did love the rhcp. But it was so unnecessarily wordy and floral and I thought he was a dick to comment on Fleas sister being a hellcat in bed. They had a big problem that AK wrote about shagging his sister twice. AK talks about informing all women he has mentioned to show what a great guy he is, but then follows it up with “but they couldn’t do anything about it anyway”
He is very up his own arse. That’s for sure. And does that terribly Californian thing of giving everyone a compliment no matter whether they deserve it. He opens with talking about a nurse giving his injections for hep C I think. He describes her as beautiful then follows with some disclaimer “I don’t find her attractive tho but she is to someone”. Such unnecessary fawning that gives an air of dishonesty and bullshit to the whole book.
I don’t know if I’ve described that very well. It’s like people who say “he’s a lovely guy, he hits me and is an incontinent alcoholic abuser but his spirit is so beautiful....” that kind of bullshit. He talks about a gf being inhibited in bed. Stuff like that which didn’t need to be written. These are joe average people. They didn’t ask for details of their sexlife to be printed.

I liked him far less after reading that book.
I’ve spoken before about the Aerosmith book I read years ago that detailed ST proclivities. I think it was Brads wife who wrote it.

I find the older books tend to have better tea
I’m really sorry I can’t remember I found it in a staff room where I was temping for the a couple of days and managed to read it on my breaks cover to cover, I remember there’s a bit in it where Tommy Lee talks about being in prison for giving Pammy a whaloping.

Also Nikki Sixx banged Bruce Dickinson's first wife Jane
I’m sure he did Pammy but neither of them would own up to it and Tommy always believed they did.
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