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I agree with you all, I can't imagine either Merchant or Gervais being like that. Seems like it was just a made up item but I found it odd that the writer would choose those two to write crap about.
They both work with really sensible and nice producers and teams. I just can’t see it.
Showing my age a bit, but I was dead against Stephen Merchant hosting a remake of The Crystal Maze - he was fantastic in it!

Talking of which, any gossip about the wonderful Richard O'Brien? I know he's pretty much retired and reasonably recently remarried, living in NZ.
I’m on one today... Richard O’Brien is bloody lovely too. He did a voice over for something I worked on once and he was an absolute dream. He’s back and forth to London a lot. Just super nice with some fabulous clothes that I’d like to be thin enough to borrow.
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Another Welshi here. Tom Jones (Jones, not his real name) treated his wife appallingly. He kept her secret when he started out so he was more appealing. Then he basically ignored her and shagged around full time. The mourning was fake, he hadn’t taken any notice of her for years😡
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I think Gavin Rossdale is also gay !! I came across a few snippets.
I think he’s an equal opportunities arsehole or dick, no pun intended.
whats more to the point is his horrible treatment of others, as I’m sure you’d agree.
he was involved with a famou person, in his prime, a man, but can’t be arsed to look it up.
Most of the Primrose Hill peeps don’t seem fit to be parents. They’re Jeremy Kyle types with lower body fat and a Groucho’s membership.
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I liked a few GA songs and Sarah seemed like the sort of girl I could be friends with and have a bloody good time. She never harmed no one.
Although I have cancer and keep being told about length of time I have left, I know nothing of what she is going through with breast cancer (I've bowel cancer which has spread to my lungs and pelvis).
To see her former bandmates be so publicly supportive is galling. I know, I've had former friends try to get in touch with me, via Facebook, since I got told 5 months ago that no more can be done for me. They make me sick. They all mocked me when I was married to a man 29 years older than me and I could see the glee on their faces when he died. And now they want to be friends with me, wishing me well and all that bull crap.
I hope Sarah pulls through and makes a full recovery. Seems like she has a good support network of family and friends. She doesn't need three cliquey former colleagues.
OMG, I can't imagine what you're going through, make sure you have the people you love and that love you unconditionally and consistently around you to make you feel good. Forget the fake, sly bullshitters. 😘
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Me and my brother used to call the late Stephen Gately, Stephen GAYtley. We though it was hilarious at the time 😶
I remember watching that clip of him on the Late Late show when Boyzone started and I think I was more surprised that the other band mates were straight than Stephen was gay. It makes me so sad that he couldn’t just be himself and had to cover it up for so long.

It’s such a shame that so many people are still in situations where they feel they need to do that.
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Finished the Steve coogan biography today. Really into biographies at the moment.

Anyway, to the surprise of absolutely nobody, he comes across as a deeply unpleasant and bitter man. Even when he talks about how he was doing well professionally and making millions, utterly joyless.
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Just saw this on Facebook, some on it have been mentioned in previous threadsView attachment 219800

I’m presuming it’s for sleeping with anyone under the age of 18??
I think it’s because they were mentioned in a document that is meant to be Epstein’s flight log. There is no doubt that some of them are pretty dodgy but there are a heap of these memes flying around. They are created by Trump supporters to discredit well known democrats. I find it very hard to find any of these credible... check out the latest Cristy a Teigan thread for background. I think it’s all a bit nutty.
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Jim Corr is a Covid denier. Who’d ever have guess it?

I was called a ‘Karen’ by an anti masker on Facebook the other week. I thought is that really the best you can come up with?
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Twitter is on fire, with rumours about the super-injunction a scruffy dishevelled politician has taken out, to stop the papers publishing the fact his girlfriend and baby have buggered off, because he's been fiddling with another woman :D :D
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Just realised I totally forgot this little nugget of information - I've randomly met Laura Whitmore a few times back in 2015 - she was at the time wearing a few of my friends dresses she designed, said friend invited me to a few minor celeb parties as by that time she was invited to loads of things with that crowd because her dresses we're kinda up and coming I suppose. Laura Whitmore was absolutely lovely, she had 2 friends from school over visiting her in London and we all just sat in the corner of the room for a good part of the night talking about 'irish mammy-isims' lol. She was really down to earth and made a point of taking our numbers with the intention of organising another night out. It didn't happen but we seen her at another party later and she was again really lovely. I always think people who maintain good friendships with their friends from back when they were in school while gaining fame can't be all bad. I seen she started to get a bit of bad press recently and it didn't sit well with me as I like to think I'm a good judge of character and in the few times I met her you could tell she was a nice girl!

Not many other celebs stand out from those very few parties I went to but I do remember Millie from MIC and Mark Francis were there, didn't speak to them but she was off her face and he genuinely looked disgusted when she went to speak to him. I really wanted to go and chat to him as I did love him in MIC back in the day but decided better of it. I think I fell in love with him when he stated that "anytime someone cheats on you, they should buy you a Prada handbag then exit your life" - or something to that effect. I'm owed quite a lot of Prada handbags!

I'm sure more minor celeb gossip will come back to me from my years in London and I'll report back - I'm now back in NI and it's not quite as exciting but a mortgage for a house in Belfast is much much much cheaper than London!lol I often take notions of moving back and then my OH swiftly reminds me our youngest is enrolled at the primary school and that was a complete and utter handling to organise with waiting lists!!
Remember when her ex Pro Green referred to her as “London’s gurning” 🥴😂
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Surprised my James Corden gossip from way back in SCG thread 17 hasn't gained more traction :)

'James Corden - Now, this didn't happen to me but I trust the person who told me. Quite a few years ago on a film, everyone was on a break and they had some fun catering in as a reward to the crew, candy floss etc. One guy had a toffee apple in his hand and was talking to another crew member, without a word Corden walked straight between them and as he passed SLAPPED the toffee apple out of the guys hand and onto the floor. Corden kept walking and never looked back. Crew members shocked into silence. Haha, awful!'

Think the film was the Gulliver's Travels remake with Jack Black.
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Theres talk now of ITV being “desperate” to sign boy Beckham the Brooklyn one. An entirely un-interesting person in every respect with no discernible talents.
also talk of Lottie Tomlinson, sister to Louis, famous for that and er....does shagging your dead mates bf count?
Can’t stand it when they give airtime to reality stars exes etc.
what’s next the Chuckle Bros former bin-man? John McCrirricks retired chiropodist?
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If Strictly starts in September they’ll need to start training very soon. They usually start at the end of August. So it does all fit when you think about it.
What exactly does ”training” for the most promiscuous programme on telly involve? Pelvic floor exercises and stocking up on small blue pills?
Typing in superinjuction on a compare the prices website?
i wonder if Ross Kemp will be taking part? Perhaps the Beeb can’t afford the insurance for him?
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New member here. Have a few friends in social circles IYKWIM. Things I’ve heard over the years:

GC. Gay rumours are true. Had a friend who worked on an exclusive Caribbean island. He spent two weeks with a male companion.

Royal Family member PE also Gay. Well known in the Police/Security sector. They cover up and help the ‘meetings’ to occur.

Ex Footballer FL. Cheated on his first wife with a friend of mine....

Ex Footballer DB. Notorious cheater. Wife knows. But stay together for the brand.

There are more. Just trying to remember them all through the menopausal brain fog.
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