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Yes I think winning the election and 'getting Brexit done' was all he planned to do. Never mind the next 5 years! Then covid happened and him and his shower of incompetents have made an utter hash of it.
Yes he wanted to be Prime Minister and that was it, there was no plan or vision he just wanted the status, and he has proved to be woefully incompetent. Going to a posh school does not mean you are intelligent.
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Why do/did Louis Tomlinsons sisters get such a lot of press attention? I know one of them died, but without sounding unkind, they seem to have ridden off his coat tails.
Simply because of their big brother's incredible worldwide success as a member of 1D. He employed the oldest girl, and paid for the younger ones to go to private boarding schools.

Unfortunately, he indirectly paid for Félicité's fatal addiction to recreational drugs, because without access to his enormous wealth, she wouldn't have been living in Earl's Court, taking xanax and snorting cocaine and mixing with fellow addicts, she would have been at 6th form college in Doncaster and probably getting wasted in the park on cider with her mates, like an ordinary teenager.
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I was at senior school with a boy who got 100% on every test he sat on maths/science subjects. I even remember the time he got 99% in one because he cried. The rest of the time he pretended he was Roland Rat. He was a nice boy actually, I wonder what happened to him.
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Article in the DM about James Cordon. In the comments section lots of people saying what a horrible person he is. One even quoted the story about him on the plane that was told on here a few threads back.
First time posting on this thread:- I absolutely detest James Corden, can’t believe there isn’t a thread on him, unless I’ve missed it.
What an attention seeking twat, he’s got to be involved in everything, I love League Of Their Own, but he just spoils it, he’s the fucking presenter/ question master but has to be involved in the games. . . you don’t see Sue Barker jumping out of her chair on Question Of Sport, pushing the guests out of the way so she can get a look in, self righteous fucker he is.
And all the arse licking on carpool karaoke boils my piss.
Think he’s the next to come out as gay, he just loves all this dressing up malarkey, and his middle name is Kimberley. . . . . watch this space
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Anyone else think it seems like Russel Brands people are doing some preemptive damage limitation Here? Painting them as destined to be together

How did they meet when they were teenagers? He is 12 years older than her. I knew someone who worked with her for a couple of years and he dumped her at least twice, she veered from telling everyone at work how fantastic he was and how much she loved him to crying her eyes out in the loo and calling him every name under the sun. Her dad also made him sign a legal contract before the wedding saying that she would get the house if he left her. She was totally cracked on him apparently and he eventually took her back on a permanent basis because Katy Perry didn't want a baby and Jemima Khan diumped him, she was his last resort no matter how she tries to dress it up.
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Won’t you have a cup

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Adam Ant spoke candidly about his BPD well before it was fashionable (for want of a better word) to do so and wrote about it in his book, which was excellent.

He certainly raised awareness, both when he had his breakdown and when he spoke about it years later. From the fan pages on FB there are people who say he helps them come to terms with their own BPD. He indirectly helped my friend after a breakdown when I got her tickets to a gig to give her something to look forward worked a treat and the gig was amazing too!

I’ve always loved him and after reading the book a certain song makes me feel very sad because I know what he was going through while it was being made. I hardly listen to it now and it was one of my favourites.
Agreed. Poor Adam. I remember the spiteful news stories when he had his breakdown. That wasn’t even twenty years ago: it shows how times have changed. The tone of those stories at the time was “ha ha, Adam Ant is a nutter now, look at him, the has been, waving a gun around”. It was reported appallingly. As if his breakdown made him fair game.

He published his autobiography a few years later and as Princess Charming notes, was very frank about the mental health problems he had had since his teens.

I was properly rooting for him, not just out of sympathy for his problems but because of his frankness and dignity. I’ve been to see him a couple of times in the past few years and I am happy to report that he is as good a performer as he ever was. It takes some guts to put yourself out there again after being destroyed in the press.
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Tom Jones has form for this stuff. Horror actress Elvira lost her virginity to him as a teenage dancer in Vegas and he was so rough that she needed stitches afterwards
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Here we go again with the small penis attacks 🙄 just because you don’t like him doesn’t make it ok to sneer at his genitalia. Many nice men have small penises and when you insult one, you insult all of these men.

Smaller penises need to be normalised and accepted.

Sincerely, a woman.
It does when he's (apparently) abused a lot of women. And if you publicly display yourself in a obscene manner, and are photographed I'd say you deserve whatever comment you get.
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Chatty Member
Adam Ant I was a massive fan of : remember reading that he walked up the walls whilst having sex and took the lady with him as they were united (so no speak) so they would flip over,!? If there is an ounce of truth in that it's damn impressive!
Think I need a series of diagrams to understand this, or perhaps a gif!
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To be fair most owners of tiny todgers don’t whip them out in public. If they do they are fair game for discussion, especially on a gossip forum. See also the woman who stuck pringles in her vulva.

They are nicknamed “privates” for good reason.
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Yes he wanted to be Prime Minister and that was it, there was no plan or vision he just wanted the status, and he has proved to be woefully incompetent. Going to a posh school does not mean you are intelligent.
On one of the Harry and Meghan thread there was a discussion about her going into politics, with people saying she wasn't intelligent enough.

I pointed out who was currently USA President and UK Prime Minister. I did describe him as Boris the Clown (This is considered polite in Scotland).

Somebody came right back at me saying that he was described as one of the most brilliant brains of his generation when he was at university and that I was letting my politics colour my views!!!

I actually wanted to say, no I'm letting the little old wine drinker me rumours from the Secret Celebrity gossip thread colour my views 😀😀😀
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i presume Laura Brand is his wife. Shes presumably become another one of those celebs, like Joe Wicks who became parents less than 2 years ago but are experts in parenting. At least Pippa Middleton was roundly mocked for her terrible book and the publishers lost a load of money on it. Serves them right.
Yes she is. Its also interesting that last year Russell was criticised by the media for saying that he leaves all the childcare to Laura as she is so much better at it than him, he said he never changes nappies or does feeds. In an recent interview to promote her book she claimed that Russell was brilliant with the kids and that he was the one who bathed them every evening and cooked for them and that actually it was her fault that he didn't do enough as she was over controlling about their children 🙄 . Sounds like Brand the narcissist has actually managed to gaslight her into thinking that all the criticism and stick he got was all her fault and nothing to do with his chauvinisim and lazyness.
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I suggest you spill that tea then Joanie 🥰On another note I thought of you earlier- I was using my Christophe Robin mask! ❤
Ah, Christophe’s hair masks are amazing!! As for Pro Green, he’s a really lovely guy, and he just said that she (Millie) used to belittle him in public, called him her bit of rough, and used coke to keep her weight down. Apparently she only married him because she felt sorry for him..
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It's really sad to hear about Sarah Harding, I hope she makes a full recovery. I can't help but feel sorry for her, I know in the past she's gone off the rails and has been well documented. She strikes me as someone with a lot of issues but a decent person.
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Chatty Member
I don’t wish to upset or disappoint the Ant fans among us, but I’m afraid I’ve heard something decidedly unsavoury about Adam.

A musician acquainted with my other half was managed by him the best part of a decade ago, when she was just starting out. She resided in a spare room at his home for a while, during which time he regularly hosted parties, apparently typically very druggy affairs. She claims that there were often a number of girls and young women present, many of whom ended up barely conscious or passed out altogether and were subsequently taken advantage of by he and his friends.

On one occasion, she awoke to find herself naked on a bed with absolutely no recollection of how she got there or what had happened, and some time later received a message from someone who had been in attendance (terminally ill, shortly before his death) apologising for having done something awful to her, which he didn’t specify.

I appreciate that this is effectively hearsay, but I do regard her as credible.
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Princess She-Ra

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Sean Lock gives zero fucks. He seems to be one of the few who is what you see, I imagine he's quite boring. No hookers or coke in his closet!

Ah yes that would make more sense than his mum. I misread the earlier post.
Sean Lock is a dick. I happened to be on the same boat trip as him and his wife in Australia years ago. He had a lovely day snorkelling and basically left his wife to deal with trying to get the kids in and out of wetsuits on her own. At lunchtime he sat at the front of the boat, eating and chatting away whilst his wife tried to sort lunch from the buffet for herself and the kids on her own. My husband noticed too and thought he was a knob (but didn’t recognise him)
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I’ve never understood how he and Katy Perry got married
So bizarre.
His persona was a hollywood film star at the time so she fitted in with that and he probably thought he would get contacts and more acting roles on the back of her success. Her career soared and his bombed. he then returned to old faithful Laura who is the Mumsy "I bake my own bread", love babies and publish "creative" books "where all my ideas are pinched from pintinterest" type while he plays the spiritual guru./ lord of the manor in Henley on Thames.
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