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They do, it’s been tested. CDAN is not to be trusted and has blood on it’s hands.
How do you mean it has ‘blood on it’s hands’?
CDAN posted a clearly anti semetic reader sent in blind about Anne Frank which has put me off them - either they thick or willingly offensive.
What the hell?! There was a blind on Anne Frank?! What did it say, I can’t see it?
Am I the only one thinking a certains gossipers are chatting a lot of :poop: ? Love coming on these threads but some of the stories make me :unsure::unsure:, especially when the same people seem to have had a chance encounter with every celeb under the sun !!
I do agree with you that some stories on this thread or blind gossip sites are a bit OTT and I don’t end up believing them. But I just take things with a pinch of salt and enjoy the fun ones. The only ones I have real issue with are blinds that are blatantly sexist, racist, homophobic, misogynistic which are hiding behind the guise of being ‘gossip’. That’s why I find the Meghan Markle threads sometimes hard to read. Or the idea that every young woman in Hollywood is a yacht girl...
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You know when I went through my 1st (and hopefully only!!) divorce I would have agreed with you. I only saw the mothers point of view but over the years my eyes have been truly opened. There are a lot of incredible dads out there trying to see their kids and the ex’s are using those children as weapons. F4J do no favours to the genuine dads out there. So yes there are abusive dead beat dads (my ex is one) but equally there are some vicious mothers too. Just my point of view though.
Exactly this! My husbands ex wife has consistently tried to withhold access when hes not been able to pay - due to redundancy I might add. Thankfully 10 years on his 3 kids are old enough to not be coerced any more but it was horrific for the first few years. She moved them 50 miles away mid divorce while he was trying to sort 50/50 custody. We had to get a prohibited steps order as she gave less than a weeks notice.
I cant stand parents who think their child/ren is/are some sort of Pay Per View access.

Not gossip sorry, but we looked at F4J very briefly and ran a mile. They're so vicious and unnecessary.
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My son used to sell drugs to Tommy turgoose.

Only found out recently about my son dealing so please don't judge me
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Luckily it seems Sly has stopped with the plastic surgery as he was starting to resemble his mum at one point if I recall correctly!
Anyone remember when Jackie Stallone arrived at the Celeb BB house? “It’s Jackie”!!! ....”Yeh iss Jaaaykeey”.....(Hard to translate Jackie Stallone !!)😂😂😂
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Does anyone have any tea to spill on James Martin ?? He seems a grounded type of chap, With a love of sports cars
Also popbitch -
You'd think one of the fringe benefits of working for a celebrity chef would be that they'd maybe whip you up a little something for lunch or afternoon tea. Not so.

Someone who worked on a major project for James Martin was only ever offered Tunnocks Caramel Wafers and Diet Coke as refreshment – even during the frequent 10 hour days they had to pull.

The one time they did get to eat a proper meal at his house, it was prepared by Martin's own chef. But when they thanked the chef for the delicious meal, James butted in to say, "Yeah, but it's my recipe though."
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That sealed his fate. 😂
He also said in those emails that Katherine Jenkins OBE was a “fucking joke” And she was a coke head lol

Vernon Kay trousers quarter of a million for Im a celeb.
Oh dear god no! How will he be able to sext people he‘s not married to from the “jungle”?
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Shady Pines Ma

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Hi - first post! *waves*

Used to live in Ealing quite near Dom from Dick and Dom.

One Sunday we were in our brunch place (where we often used to see Tomasz Schafernacker with an array of hot companions) and Dom was in there with 2 kids who were going to be on the show to meet them. He was lovely with them but noticeably pissed off. About half an hour later Dick turns up visibly still off his tits in dirty clothes barely able to sit still or focus.

Poor Dom was working his arse off to be kind and entertaining but Dick was a MESS.
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Hi all,

I’ve been be reading and lurking here for months, so thought I’d finally sign up and share some celeb stories as I remember them.

Joanna Lumley is one of the loveliest, most genuine celebrities you could meet (hence her nickname of Joanna Lovely). We were in the same room once, I was minding my own business while she chatted to someone. She saw me shivering, stopper her conversation and walked straight towards me, grabbed my hand and said “oh, darling, you are frozen!” She then proceeded to hug me and rub my hands until she deemed me suitably warmed up. She’s also rather beautiful, even now in her 70’s. There’s an elegance and presence about her - you can see why she modelled for the likes of Bailey in the 60’s.

Matthew Perry is another one who you’d expect to be very “showbiz” but is actually the polar opposite. He’s shy and you get the feeling he doesn’t believe the hype that surrounded him. I met him socially several times while he was living in London (15 years ago or so). Fags and coffee were his drugs of choice and if he was doing anything else, we never saw it. A really sad, quiet fella. You just wanted to bundle him up and make everything alright.

There were rumours way back that Courteney was the love of his life and the feeling wasn’t mutual. I don’t know how true that is? But during an interview with Claudia Winkleman, Courteney asked if she was single. Claudia said she wasn’t and CC said something along the lines of “that’s a pity, you’re just Matthew Perry’s type.” Claudia and CC look quite alike. But that’s just conjecture and we’re for the goss. 😁
Been watching Friends since lockdown as I never religously watched it when it was on. Then my kids ( 8 years) apart have both watched and I still was shocked episodes I had never seen. So in 3.5 months I have watched 10 years! Matthew Perry is my BIG crush! And apparently just like his character.
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Mrs Stan

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I think it's largely true, sadly. Luckily when I see those attitudes online, they are usually handed their arses back to them on a plate. Having said that, some of the best feminists I know are in their 60s/70s.
To see a woman like Joanna who is in the business, intelligent and highly regarded come out with such drivel publicly and for it to be printed in a magazine geared towards women and it go unchallenged....just so disappointing:(
I seem to recall she was pretty widely challenged at the time the interview came out. It's a very outdated attitude along the "boys will be boys" line, which also needs to be quietly retired.

On the other hand good old classy as a classy thing Joan Collins has talked many times about the Hollywood “system” and the whole casting couch thing I remember on a Parky interview once you could see her eyes fill with anger when she was talking about it.
If you've ever read a single Jackie Collins book you know that that dark side of Hollywood has always been a thing. I'm sure there were rumours about when Jackie and Joan first went to Hollywood and the situations they ended up in, many of which made their way into her sleazebusters.
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Someone I know was loosely involved with one of his make overs. Apparently he was a total sleazebag. Always chatting up the young girls.I dont mean under age, I just mean anyone more mature wasnt honoured with his attention. He wasnt there alot and just swanned in and out and was there at the end to take the glory. It was an amazing make over and everyone was grateful but he isnt as involved in the process as he makes out.
My husband took part in a DIY SOS and he was the total opposite in our experience. On site every day, chatting to everyone, posing for photos when I brought our kids down etc. DH said to him I bet you get sick of being asked for photos all the time. He said how can I, these people are the reason we are all in a job and on tv. If I don’t take the time for them, theyll stop watching.
Ok he doesn’t get actively involved but he’s not got the skills and he admits that. On the last night they had a do in a local pub. My husband noticed he made sure he spoke to every single person to thank them.
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Just googled and she died in 2018 apparently
She died from alcohol toxicity. Her housemate was baffled as she didn't appear to be a big drinker.

Best gossip about her was that she was invited to audition to be a Bond girl. They had got her mixed up with Kelly Emberg the model.
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Breastfeeding isn’t supposed to be deeply private though. It should be no more private than bottle feeding.

Myleene is a knob, but I’m sick of mothers who breastfeed getting attacked for every last thing, including daring to be visible in public.
You seem to not understand the difference between ‘private’ and ‘hidden’. I am in no way attacking anyone for breastfeeding, but she’s not ‘daring to be visible in public’, ie sitting in a cafe, restaurant or other public place breastfeeding her child. She’s posting it on a public platform for attention.

Bottle feeding your baby is also a deeply private, bonding thing that may or may not happen in a public place. Share pictures with family and friends, by all means, but don’t post to a public platform for cheap publicity.
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I used to know Richard Madden as we used to go to the same drama school and I really couldn't disagree more with the posts on the other thread about him being a diva - unless he's changed massively, he was honestly such a lovely guy, I've known him since he was about 12. Humble and kind and a great laugh. A very chubby wee boy, certainly nobody could have known he was going to turn out to be so good looking (a lot of his looks is clearly down to hard graft!). Unsure if he's gay, he was never out when he was younger but sure he might be

Edited to add: I think he was also quite bullied because he wasn't alpha male and he was from a fairly bad area where only bad kids were popular. Also he was on a TV show with Toya Wilcox on BBC 1 called Barmy Aunt Boomerang as a character called Sebby and I think that was quite tough on him as it was quite cringe - very little evidence on the internet of that existing!
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Re the abhorrent York Crime Couple
Fergie actually tried to fix Beatrice up with her first boyfriend, who had killed someone in a fight or something similar. Wrong for so many reasons, virtuallly pimping put your daughter, persuading someone to sleep with your daughter who isn't attracted to 'em, eughhh!

Fergie also took money from Epstein after he was a convicted sex offender.
She also provided bolt holes for her dad to cheat on her loving step-mum, a woman she said had been very good to her.

Andrew, anyone interested should watch the Sean Attwood videos, especially enlightening is the one by a former protection officer. One actually told me once years ago that he was a "rude, arrogant bad tempered bastard", turns out those are his best qualities.
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Leanne from Corrie held the door open into the ladies for me in the Trafford Centre - mind blowing
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Long time lurker, never posted. Hi all!
Weirdest celeb goss I’ve got;
My friend once went to a wedding a few years ago down in Devon. Celeb chef Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall lived in the local village and crashed the wedding party wasted (side note; everyone in that village hated him, said he was always drunk and an absolute mess, as well as rude. Said he acted like he could do whatever he wanted around the area, hence the crashing of the wedding party!)
Anyway, the night goes on.. one of the bridesmaids ends up getting drunk and taking him back to her room (. She wakes up the next morning disorientated and Hugh is w*nking himself off with her (very long) blonde hair wrapped around his you know what. My friend confirmed that despite being massively freaked out, bridesmaid was fine and didn’t feel too violated. Not sure how but as long as she’s okay that’s all that matters!
Whenever I see him on tv I can’t help but think what a massive creep and a gross human being.

in other news; have met Anthony Stewart Head a few times and he is super lovely!! That’s all I can think of for now.
Hugh -w*nking- Whittingstall
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