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I can’t believe what I’ve just seen. That crazy bastard stay ace has went to a FOODBANK whilst on holiday. Social work need to whip that wean aff her at the airport she’s a fucking crackpot!
She’s saying the British consulate sent these people. This poor woman that gave her stuff must have been explaining to her that she grows all the fruit and veg herself etc. That Stacey couldn’t give a single flying fuck. She basically laughed in her face. She’s defo on the run and not wanting to come back.
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Howling at Lydo coming on aww raging to do a live kicking aff at Jack & dot dot , and it getting ruined by John bhoy slevering shite 😂
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I think it's pretty evident that she has some variant of Paranoid Personality Disorder. She believes everyone is persecuting her and she's completely unable to accept criticism or responsibility for her behaviour.

She should be in the fucking Spa, not Rosie Bush for her billionth attention-seeking unaliving attempt.
Absolutely and that cannabis thing she’s smoking is making it ten times worse.
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I think arlo barlo has relapsed. She’s duelling sonic the beg-hog and she’s out her banger. That’s a shame I was rooting for her as well.
I'm gutted to hear this, it seems to happen when her wee lassie is away. She had got back on track and Taylor was really helping her. Think they had a wee fall out and took some time away from each other but are still pals.
She's actually a good lass and quite funny too. Hope she can recover again.
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aye she’s just a big fucking ned, that done a complete u turn and now tries to act like a decent person. There’s a reason she ran away to Greenock. Mind she used to cut about with that Brian and Skye.
I seen her saying both they grandkids have special beds to sleep in. They’ll be saying they are so far on the spectrum. I’ve not seen her grandkids for ages but I didn’t get that impression of the older one. But these scumbags will say anything to ensure the money comes in. Must be half the children in schools these days are getting diagnosed. It’s shocking and taking the bell away from the kids that genuinely need it.
well they don’t have a special bed when they are staying at her in the cupboard, its a regular toddler bed in there.

Brian & Skye, another pair of embarrassments! She soon clamped it on tiktok when she had to get a job instead of making an arse of herself on the daily! She was meant to be a bridesmaid at the wedding actually.
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The motor family is the family of the wummin Frankie made up was me that Rosie was shouting about in Blackpool I’m buckled but that poor wummin , the woman’s husband has a car business 😭😂
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Still blaming the toddler fkn hell. And saying she woke up to It so the toddler has got the baby from her moses basket/cot whatever and threw the baby I don't fucking think so. There's no way a toddler has caused those injuries. Dropping the baby from toddler height isn't going to cause that!! I've heard of babies falling off beds and being fine. If anyone came in and lifted my baby wen I was asleep u can bet I'd jump awake no matter how tired u r you just have that instinct
The comment I seen said one of her versions of events was that the wee one climbed over her, lifted the baby, climbed back over her and dropped her off the bed (all while she was asleep 🤔). The other version was that she went for a shower and came out to the baby over the baby gate, sorry that's so horrible to even write that 😭
My youngest two have a similar gap as her oldest and youngest and I could never risk leaving them alone together, I get she's on her own and it seems impossible at times but I take my toddler to the toilet with me. showering/cooking etc the baby is in his bouncer in the same room as me! I can't get my head around her blaming that wee tot. Even if it was true, she's still a baby so it's down to her!
I don't believe it for a minute tho, the person commenting said all the baby's bones were broken, my toddler couldn't even lift my baby as a newborn let alone have the strength to break bones. It's so fucked up!
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Aye she’s definitely out her face, sad to see. I quite like listening to her when she’s her usual self she’s like a real life younger Isa from still game. She’s sitting gouging now☹
Where are these people's friends?! I saw someone comment saying the live had been shared to Karin Dee so she would phone and get her off but she must not be on! Surely someone must have her number to cut the live when she's sleeping on live?! I really like Arlene and have alot of sympathy for her, I hope she overcomes whatever is going on right now!
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I've saw the account in comments for a while, never saw the real girls account before. Whoever it is is clearly another bam, he said he had the "decent ones" in his box 🙄
Anybody decent wouldn’t encourage a young lassie with blindness caused by some sort of brain damage she’s had from birth to be ridiculed, she openly talks about her disabilities & what caused them . It’s just no right, like can you imagine she comes across this. It’s no as if they are ripping the pish out of one of the many cretins on that app who do cause harm or damage to folk
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Lego heed burke must be worried
nobody said they had tea on her, silly cow 😂 i posted her drunken rant because her mask slips when is full of it & shows how horrid she really is. But KURSSSSSTY is more than welcome to come spill the tea any time to the Tayto life 😁 on holiday & reading Tattle when she is hardly mentioned, must have something to hide if she checks here often to see if anyone is talking about her 😏
Am surprised these mutants dont have their own thread hens
forgot this pair existed 😂 will never forget the random Thursday Avril sat getting pished off peoples money she put her paypal up fot without organising someone to collect her son, cue her phoning people round not long before he was due to come out of school to get him picked up. Another scummy mummy with her priorities all wrong. She might be different now mind you, i haven’t watched her tiktok for ages.
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Er mad Janine and Lydo acting like KD & Pandemonium fae wish slevering shite about pizza gate & Jill dando , wits next they’ll be telling us Cliff Richards been uptae nae good 😭😂
Couldn’t listen to them! He hates me as much as he hates you blocked me outta his lives 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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This is disgusting the child being blamed being called nuts etc by the lassie in the box.
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Cass is Ryan singing to you. He's got plenty to say about you.x 😡
The mad mod must have blocked me on all his accounts, couldn't see him on til I went on my other account 🙄 he'll have been sent in as cavalry since her thread went up 🫣🤣
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And now she’s just reverting back to that big giant hairy that she is.
I doubt she's even a lesbian, just like Bush - only playing lesbians because nae man would go near them. They'll take any bit of affection / attention they can get. Bet you she's had at least one knee trembler in Benidorm
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Awk i thought Dourface finally got lucky with him 😏

is the person she was drinking with last week her new burd i wonder 🤔 never seen her on any her tiktoks before.
I often wonder what happened to Dourface , Slowpoker & Mandy , those were crazy times . I loved Slowpoker’s banter , still can’t get my head round them deserting tattle for the tramps from schemetok especially Slowpoker as she was always on here x
I never cared for her that much when she was here, and i certainly didn't miss her when she fucked off. She always seemed like she'd fit in more with Schemetok than she did here. From her stories, it sounded like she was raising a bunch of Neds and was pleased about doing so. Gave me the boke tbh.

Her man sounds like a piece of shit aswell. No wonder she liked Hulk. She obviously has a type.
I honestly howl at you 😂😂 you’re more savage than wee Nana and that’s some achievement 🤣🤣 x
I never cared for her that much when she was here, and i certainly didn't miss her when she fucked off. She always seemed like she'd fit in more with Schemetok than she did here. From her stories, it sounded like she was raising a bunch of Neds and was pleased about doing so. Gave me the boke tbh.

Her man sounds like a piece of shit aswell. No wonder she liked Hulk. She obviously has a type.
I honestly howl at you 😂😂 you’re more savage than wee Nana and that’s some achievement 🤣🤣 x
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Aye they wur off like a shot. They did sound as if they where playing along with her n her mad ramblings
They’ll have made their minds up that she is an unreasonable person so there is no point in any further conversation. I wouldn’t be surprised if they went back to base and immediately started drawing up plans for what happens next in regards to who looks after her son. And it won’t be her.
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