Saxenda, Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro advice and support #9

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My injection day is a Wednesday and I generally spend my Saturdays stuck to the toilet 🤣🤣 never been constipated though.
I am at soft play and I am so unwell 😂 dreading the half an hour drive home. Thank god I work from home. This would not be manageable in any other situation.
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my question is - I did a boots consultation out of curiosity and they refused me because I take gliclizade.

Im prepared to come off diabetes meds to go onto the injections - which I will be doing via a consultant anyway - but before I try anywhere else has anyone had the experience of them allowing you to come off diabetes meds to go onto MJ/wegovy? I don’t want to be dishonest about my meds in case I’m putting myself in harms way.
The risk as far as I'm aware with gliclazide is lows. I'm with Voy for my MJ as couldn't get through NHS and on sitagliptin, metformin, glimepiride and dapagliflozin and told them about all those. Maybe if you can do a consultation over the phone to discuss with someone you can find a provider as the online forms are just gliclazide = no.

I'm hoping my nurse will re-refer me to get this on prescription as it's so expensive but honestly life changing for my diabetes. I was constantly above target due to my diet but since taking the MJ have been 80% in range with nothing over 13mmol for weeks whereas before I'd have dawn phenomenon higher than that.
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The risk as far as I'm aware with gliclazide is lows. I'm with Voy for my MJ as couldn't get through NHS and on sitagliptin, metformin, glimepiride and dapagliflozin and told them about all those. Maybe if you can do a consultation over the phone to discuss with someone you can find a provider as the online forms are just gliclazide = no.

I'm hoping my nurse will re-refer me to get this on prescription as it's so expensive but honestly life changing for my diabetes. I was constantly above target due to my diet but since taking the MJ have been 80% in range with nothing over 13mmol for weeks whereas before I'd have dawn phenomenon higher than that.
Thanks so much for responding. Do you mind me asking about your experience of them not prescribing it on the nhs? I’m running away with the idea they’ll definitely prescribe it, my bmi is 36.5 and my diabetes hasn’t been well controlled for a while now - your results on MJ sound great! But I’ve received a DESMOND referral in the post yesterday ( I told them I’d already done it and that wasn’t the problem, the binge eating it) and that did make me wonder maybe they won’t go down the MJ route first.
Does anyone know if you can count the clicks with Mj? I’ve got the 7.5 ready to take tomorrow but after not working out the correct dosage of MJ using the insulin jabs (and basically giving myself almost 10 after a month of 5 🙈) and not being able to eat for a week I’m anxious to have anything more than 5 atm. So just wondering if I can count the clicks or whether that’s just Wegovy pens
I asked to be referred to the hospital for oz/mj last summer, and my gp nurse was supportive. when i saw the hospital nurse she told me the consultant said there was no stock of injectables (to be fair at the time it was when there were lots of shortages reported) and that insulin was my only option which I declined due to risk of losing my driving licence.

I'm hoping now I know there's not a shortage of MJ cause I can get it online as soon as I can get referred back to the consultant I can argue the point, and also demonstrate the benefits I've seen so far.

I've done the Expert course rather than desmond and been through adult weight management a few years ago which was helping but I moved house to a different board so got taken off it.

Be firm with them you want to address your blood sugar and your weight so mounjaro or ozempic would serve the purpose better than insulin and probably be preventative of complications in the long run as well as benefitting your mental health.
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I’ve taken my third 2.5 dose today and have barely eaten anything. I had a packet of crisps and a banana earlier but don’t want to eat anything. I don’t even feel sick, just no appetite whatsoever. I’m gonna have a protein bar and an apple just so I’ve eaten something
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I’ve taken my third 2.5 dose today and have barely eaten anything. I had a packet of crisps and a banana earlier but don’t want to eat anything. I don’t even feel sick, just no appetite whatsoever. I’m gonna have a protein bar and an apple just so I’ve eaten something
Oh that’s interesting I’m on day 2 of 2.5 MJ and having to do the same. I thought the suppression wore off.
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I’m really considering MJ and have been reading through all the threads and seeing the highs and lows is really helpful. I’ve probably got about 8 stone to lose but am picturing doing this for the first half to build some momentum and then take it from there. Has anyone else had success with this approach?
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My order has been approved.
I’m really considering MJ and have been reading through all the threads and seeing the highs and lows is really helpful. I’ve probably got about 8 stone to lose but am picturing doing this for the first half to build some momentum and then take it from there. Has anyone else had success with this approach?
This is the approach I’m taking and going to prey works
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For my third week of 5mg on MJ my weight stayed exactly the same, I was slightly disappointed because although I hadn’t had the best weekend, I had tried very hard to make things up again but better to stay the same than to gain. I usually inject on a Friday but I completely forgot and then I was out all day on Saturday so I’ve injected yesterday. Had a bad couple of days food wise due to pre booked plans but I’m hoping I can turn it around again this week and at least have another week of maintaining if I don’t manage to lose anything.
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The the poster who had a randomer comment about weight how very bleeping dare they.

We are more then the sum part of our bodies. I spent my teens and 20s because I didn;t conform to body perfect sterotype thinking I was worth less then others. What an awful mindset. I really hope our next generation of girls don't have that instrude on their headspace.

Just back from a break. Walked loads, did eat and drink but used the Oz and not one ounce up. I have held my weight loss for 12 months plus now. I'vee always lost weight but never maintained and to maintain without any borderline ED behaviours is ground breaking. So anyone struggling or wondering should they start stick with it.
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I did 5 months alone, just changing my thinking around food and drink (alcohol was also becoming an issue for me) and now almost two months on Wegovy. I'm actually now eating like I presume how thin people without a weight problem eat. I'm enjoying food but not overeating, I'm eating what I want but also considering health (as opposed to just calories). The days of grabbing some bread and cheese as a snack or eating a whole pizza seem to have long gone. I have a long way to go but it's a wonderful feeling.
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I’m really considering MJ and have been reading through all the threads and seeing the highs and lows is really helpful. I’ve probably got about 8 stone to lose but am picturing doing this for the first half to build some momentum and then take it from there. Has anyone else had success with this approach?
In part, yes. I lost 5 stone a few years ago just calorie counting and for the most part kept it off. In the past 18 months or so, 1 stone of fluctuation, forever up and down because of binge eating. It's because of the binge eating that I started MJ. I needed the food noise to stop and it has. I'm on month 2 of 2.5 and I don't have the food suppression, but still have no food noise. So using this as a time to relearn hunger and fullness cues to try and sort this binge eating. I'm going for a third month on 2.5 as it seems to be working in that I'm learning I can leave food on my plate if I'm full, I'm acknowledging genuine hunger and respecting it by eating, if I'm not mad hungry at dinner time, I have a small dinner, I don't chase that feeling of being constantly full. At the end of month 3 I'll assess how I'm feeling, how my mindset is etc and decide then whether or not to carry on with MJ or solo
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👋🏻 checking in, I’m starting my 7th week and have lost 10lb which isn’t a huge amount compared to losses other people have seen but I’m still happy with it.

I’ve had my first dose of 5mg today, it’s too early to say how I feel on it but MedExpress have contacted me to remind me to order my next pen. If I leave it a week to allow me to decide whether to order 5mg or 7.5mg will it mess up my prescription with them?

My doses have been 2.5mg x 4 and 3.75mg x 2 to try and minimise the side effects of jumping to 5mg.
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👋🏻 checking in, I’m starting my 7th week and have lost 10lb which isn’t a huge amount compared to losses other people have seen but I’m still happy with it.

I’ve had my first dose of 5mg today, it’s too early to say how I feel on it but MedExpress have contacted me to remind me to order my next pen. If I leave it a week to allow me to decide whether to order 5mg or 7.5mg will it mess up my prescription with them?

My doses have been 2.5mg x 4 and 3.75mg x 2 to try and minimise the side effects of jumping to 5mg.
It won't mess up your prescription no, I've left it late this time (pay day) but they dispatch so quickly that I'll still be covered
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