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Do you think it’s worth us putting together a q&a of all the most commonly asked questions for the first post of the next thread?
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I have been reading these threads with interest as am thinking about trying one of these meds (though need to chat to a dr about some pre-existing health stuff). Thought I would join a fb group or two. Oh my they are intense. Tattle yet again turning out to be a much lovelier place than people would imagine!
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Good luck 😊 I’d definitely say go with Asda if you just want 1 pen to try, save boots and their discount code for if you decide it works for you and you want 5 pens 😁
Hopefully it doesn’t make you feel unwell, but the times it has made me feel crap I’ve stuck with it and it does pass as your body adjusts to the dose. There was one increase that was horrendous for me - I think it was 1.2mg up to 1.8mg, I had constant sickness - would literally vomit mid sentence out of nowhere which was grim, dizziness, headache etc but it lasted about a week (maybe 2, it’s a blur now) and then since then I’ve been fine. I just delayed increasing to 2.4mg by a few days and then did it by increasing clicks rather than jumping up. I still have the odd rough day - this week for example I was a bit headachey and light headed for a couple of days midweek but it’s passed again now. A couple of paracetamol, a big drink or something sugary usually helps. And if I forget and go too long without eating - as in 24 hours+ (which sounds ridiculous to a normal person but it’s so easily done for me because I’m not hungry at all most of the time) I do find I feel sick or vomit still. But because I know about it I force myself to eat something. And drinking plenty of water will really help. The nausea for me feels like travel sickness (and I’ve heard others say it’s like morning sickness but that’s not something I’ve experienced) rather than nausea you get with a sickness bug, and travel sick pills did help when I struggled with it at the increase that made me feel like shit. I’ve always had travel sickness, or been the kind of person that’s sick easily so I don’t know if that’s made me more susceptible to that side effect. But if you do get any side effects it really is worth trying to power through it because they do pass as your body starts to tolerate the medication. Good luck!! Keep posting and updating us on your journey ❤


I was at the pub last night and saw someone I haven’t seen since last summer. They asked if I’d had a gastric band as I look so different now 🤣 then they sent me a photo of us from last summer and I can see why they thought it. I’m now down from a 22 to a comfortable 12 and still losing. I may do a before and after pic one day if I’m feeling brave but nobody IRL other than my boyfriend knows about the Saxenda so I don’t want to out myself 🫣
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Hi all looking for advice. I’m 5 feet 9 and just under 19 stone and willpower is my issue. Will one of these help?
I’d say so. For me I am ‘good’ for an extended period, but then the ‘food noise’ in my head becomes overwhelming and I’ll binge for a day or two ruining all my hard work. Like so many of us, even when I’m being good I’ll be thinking of my next treat meal or cheat day! After 2 weeks on Ozempic I can honestly say that whilst I’m eating 3 times a day, I don’t crave foods any more and I can genuinely not think of anything I fancy. It’s an odd feeling but one that I suspect naturally thin people experience as their normal. Nice food still tastes nice to me, but if you took my plate off me half way through a meal I’d not be bothered.

My neurological pathways clearly haven’t entirely caught up with the chemical changes in my appetite and cravings, as I still regularly mull over stuff I would usually salivate over (cake, salami, cheese, takeaway, chocolate) but my thought process is more surprised and mildly irritated, like “Why don’t I fancy these things?!! I LOVE these foods, Meh!” It’s like walking into a restaurant you’ve always loved, and unexpectedly being really put off by the smells coming out of the kitchen, like, wtf? 🤔. I keep metaphorically walking into the restaurant, and mentally I keep going “Yep. Still dislike the smell.“

TLDR On Ozempic I don’t feel that I even need willpower anymore because food has lost it’s power over me.
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@raspberryjuice can I ask if you have has any noticeable effects on you face? I've read about ozempic face, which is basically where you lose weight on your face and get wrinkles and I am a bit worried. Got 50+lbs to lose but currently have no wrinkles and would like to stay that way for a few more years :ROFLMAO:
Ozempic face is a catch phrase made up by the media. Anyone who loses a lot of weight through any method will be left with a less fat face.
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Hi everyone, first time posting in this group. I started Ozempic last week after gaining over 4 stone since covid started, I fell into a bad pattern at the start of the first lockdown, eating and drinking too much wine - then it’s just continued since then! At the end of last year I tried calorie counting but I just gained and lost the same 1lb for weeks! I heard about Ozempic from a friend who lost a lot of weight and looks fabulous now, so I thought I’d give it a try! The first week has gone well, so far no side effects really, my appetite has reduced massively and I don’t have the urge to snack anymore! Plus my evening glass of wine has been knocked on the head, i poured a glass on Saturday night and even the small turned my stomach! I’ve taken my second shot of 0.25 this morning and so far so good! I’m 3lbs down and hoping to continue seeing the scales reduce for the next few months! I feel great and haven’t had any sickness so far. Is anyone else on Ozempic?
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I posted this on the other thread but it was right at the end before it was closed and this one opened. I would love peoples opinions, but stuck on what to do.
‘Advice please needed - for the past 5 years I’ve been weighing myself on those old fashioned doctors scales. My weight is high so it spins around past the top number and then I have to add on the extra weight myself. I use stone and pounds and the highest number ends and then 8lbs later the 0 starts so it’s been a bit complicated adding the extra weight up. It also has kg and someone suggested I try and use that as well. It’s worked for me so far but today I was weighed at a hospital using an electronic scale and I’m actually 11lbs lighter than what I’ve been reading myself as. I should say now that I’m terrible and really unconfident when it comes to maths.
I’m thinking that I should buy myself a proper electronic scale but that would mean my previous measurements will be off and then I’ve lost 5 years of weighing myself (I like the little progress graph on MyFitnessPal). Should I carry as I’m hoping I’ll get down to the highest number on my dr’s scale or buy a new one and then go through MyFitnessPal and rework out what I had previously calculated (I take photos of the scales) and change them accordingly?’
Isn’t accurate weighing more important than the MFP graph? I’d log the 11lbs loss on there and go from there on a set of new scales. Progress is still progress and your graph will still be there for you but at an accurate weight.
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I am 5 weeks without a full dose now. The shortages are killing me. I felt like I had a sh*tty weekend food wise too. Picking and mindless eating. Grrrr. No weight up but maybe I need to track.

Just rang my pharmacy and still no straight answer. I have 25.7% of my starting weight gone. Am 5 ft 4 and down to 10 stone 4 lbs. I would have blamed ozempic for my tiredness levels but hey I'm still tired.

For anyone having a shitty week 1 stick with it. Its made such a difference to me. I am no longer cringing when out at how I feel I like, clothes are a pleasure again and my poor menopausal body no longer aches carrying that 3 1/2 stone around. Have a cardiac appointment in May and feeling very hopeful that I won't get a lecture again.
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I think it’s fair for people to be mindful of whether someone may be susceptible to abusing the meds due to an ED.

I am so bunged up I feel like (excuse pun) shit. I’ve hardly eaten today cos I just haven’t any room for it but I want to eat and feel weary. I have a little left of one pen and then another pen left and after that I’m going to go it alone I think. I’m feeling really bloated and big today and not like it’s working much.
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So I've been of saxenda a few weeks now and I'm happy to report I have maintained my weight. Some days I'm hungry some days I'm not and have to remind myself to eat. I could happily pig out and just eat crap out of boredom but that urge is not there like it used to be. Think I will buy saxenda again after my holiday. Happy loosing xx
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Chatty Member
Ordered my saxenda today & should be here tomorrow, very excited to start if anyone fancies a new starter buddy?
Have read that 3L of water a day helps?
I am keeping it quiet as to how I am loosing the weight as diet culture is huge at work & I can not be bothered with the judgement of the SW gang 😆 Each to their own and all that but those women are brutal (I can tell you all about syns in my lunch due to that club!)
So, here’s to Saxenda & hopefully good results once I put the work in too x
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First week done and 2lbs off. Which I’m super pleased with, plus I can tell I’ve lost inches as my work trousers are looser around my stomach!!
But the best thing about having ozempic? The quietness I get from not having my brain constantly thinking about food. It’s so refreshing, and I bloody love it.
Second jab was yesterday afternoon and so far no side effects 🤞🏻
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I've found a pen and gotten a new script. Thank the lord. 1 month without and I've noticed the boobs are bigger but scales are not increasing so to anyone new starting get the measuring tape out. Its one of my regrets as there are definitely times your shape changes and the scales doesn't move.

To anyone dissappointed with slow weight drop I was you but down 50 lbs in a year is a significant amount over time. I do find it strange but so few seem to notice or say anything. A friend who is always skinnier seems a bit narked by it. She doesn't know I'm doing this as she'd be very disparaging. I must have been the security blanket friend who is always heavier or less hot.
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Day 3 and had minimal side effects so far. Definitely noticed I am a bit nauseous especially when I am due to eat or haven't had enough water! My partner already said that she thinks my face looks slimmer - not sure I believe that but I guess I could have lost some water retention or something!

I cannot believe how much this has stopped the 'food noise' in my head. Every single day for as long as I can remember, I wake up and start thinking about all the nice food and treats I am going to have all day, probably as a dopamine hit. I can honestly say I have barely thought about food at all for the past few days and only eaten when I am genuinely getting slightly hungry, and even then, its only enough to satisfy me and then I stop. I never, ever thought this was possible, I'm quite stunned.
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Where from? Health Express declined my order even with a “modified” weight that puts my bmi over 30 AND a photo from when I actually weighed that much. Tight fisted pricks! Although I’m not technically OBESE anymore I’m still overweight with a long way to get to my goal weight. Not sure where else I can try 😞
If you’re not obese then you don’t need a drug which is to tackle obesity.
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I’ve added Ozempic and Wegovy to the title as I know a few have switched to Ozempic and others are keen to move to Wegovy as soon as it’s available.

Support and advice for those using weight loss injections 😊
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Do you reckon taste buds come back after ? 😬
For me not while I was on the jab. I cannot tolerate alcohol at all. Still no great desire and Im sure Ozempic isn't in my system at the moment. If someone came in with the nicest raspberry and white chocolate concoction for lunch I'd turn my nose up at it (which is a first)!.
However Im happy. A year ago I was burst at the seams. Heading for 14 stone. Down 50lbs now. Normal bmi. Also perimenopausal so had had a real battle to shift a single lb before.

I do need to go clothes shopping though. I'm like a scarecrow.
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The best way I can describe it is that you feel as though you’ve been hypnotised. It’s not a physical feeling of being full. More a mental indifference to eating. I’m someone who constantly thinks about food and is prone to binging then restricting etc. to be in a place where I’m not obsessing over food it’s just mind blowing for me. For the first time in my life im forgetting to eat!
I’m so glad you said this because I was a bit anxious that it won’t ‘work’ for me because if I’m honest I overeat mainly due to fucking loving food (🤷‍♀️😂) but also boredom. I rarely eat for hunger, and I actually don’t like the feeling of being full, but I regularly snack pretty much all day and in small portions but high fat/calorie.

The bit in bold is me all over; I’ll be an angel for days but then I’ll have an ‘off’ day where I’ll have a 500 calorie snack 6 times in one day. I kid myself that I don’t binge, because I never eat large quantities in one go, but in reality that’s what it is because I can easily shovel over 3000-4000 of calories down my gob on an ’off’ day (as I say not loads of food per se, but small super high fat snacks like meats, cheese, cake etc.).

Worst case, I was thinking that well if all this drug does is make me feel full, that’ll make no difference to me because my over-eating actually has nothing to do with satiety. But if it can help me relinquish a bit of foods power over my brain that’ll be grand!!
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