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Well-known member
I didn’t want to say it but I do think FS will attempt to end her own life, if not while she’s inside then when she gets out if she doesn’t get some serious help.
I can not even begin to comprehend losing a child, but to lose a child in such horrific circumstances and knowing you’re somewhat to blame?
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I had to hold back tears reading Frankie’s verdict, and seeing her mugshot just made it more real. I don’t know why I feel so sorry for her, she obviously did allow the death of her child be it knowing or unknowingly (I’d go for the latter, I think) but that’s something that will now live with her and her family for the rest of their lives. I sincerely hope she gets the rehabilitation and support that she needs throughout and coming out of prison. She just looks so young and naive. Knowing her partner murdered her baby. Good god. You just can’t even fathom can you.

Rest in peace darling Star ❤
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Chatty Member
Well said.

I am going to stick my head above the parapit here - I still have a lot of sympathy for FS. I do not believe she is evil, I do not believe she ever could have thought something so horrific would happen. I believe she felt as I once did, as I have said before - "this is my life, this is how it is, this is how I have to exist". I would not have dared question my abuser if he had told me not to do something - even if that thing was to take a child to hospital. I cannot stress this enough - YOU ARE NOT A RATIONAL, FUNCTIONING HUMAN BEING WHEN YOU ARE IN THE CLUTCH OF AN ABUSER.
I agree. I still have some ‘sympathy’ (not even sure if that’s the right word… understanding, maybe?) for FS even after seeing the horrific bruising. I don’t need to ‘wake up’ to anything, it’s just my view. The way she was manipulated by SB and her low iq and high compliance played a huge role in this whole thing in my opinion. I can’t begin to imagine how it feels to be brainwashed by someone who claims to love you.

Others don’t feel the same and that’s fine, this thread has always been full of lots of different opinions and views, neither side is right or wrong. She will do her time and then have to live with what happened for the rest of her life.

SB on the other hand, I don’t think she’ll ever realise the gravity of what she’s done. She’s too big headed to see that her actions were disgusting and wrong, she’s clearly a danger to vulnerable women and society in general.
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Lulu Goss

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Nobody had said that she should walk free - why are you making things up? I personally think that she is not evil and should not be treated as such. She made terrible choices, nobody disputes that. But she was vulnerable and she was brainwashed.

If she ever has another child, I would think that child will be removed. (Rightly)
I’m not making it up, previous posters have said that she’s already served time so that should be taken into consideration and she shouldn’t get any longer. Like I said, everyone’s entitled to their opinion but mine is that turning a blind eye to your baby being beaten black and blue isn’t just simply a “terrible choice”.
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Can we stop attacking each other over our opinions on the thread? Jfc. We’re all adults here (some of us at least). You’re on an open forum, you’re going to see comments you don’t like or agree with - that goes for everyone here. We’ve managed to discuss the trial without things spilling over too much, we’ve come this far. If you can’t agree on something, you can agree to disagree and scroll by, or make use of the ignore feature Tattle offers.
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I hate to be morbid, but I do wonder how long it took Brockhill to start abusing Star. To go from the beginnings of a new relationship, to the death of an infant, in ten months is shocking.
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So FS abandoned Star with the great grandparents for 11 weeks because she couldn’t handle being a mum. And SS didn’t investigate then?? That seems like actual evidence she wasn’t coping & how could they believe that the allegations later made by the great grandparents were made maliciously when FS had happily handed star to them months/weeks prior! So so many fucking mistakes. As far as I’m concerned social services have blood on their hands
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Of all the things FS 'Should have done' the one thing I am probably most sad about is that she did not just ring David and say - Enough now, come and get us ... then it would have all been out of her hands, they would have got treatment for Star, they would have protected her from SB, they would have helped her to bring Star up, even let her go out drinking with her mum, just as long as Star was safe, that's what makes me sad
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Anyone else feeling emotionally drained since the verdicts? It’s bitter sweet and I’ve been stuck between feeling relief that justice was done for Star but also so sad at the whole situation. Then having more of visual and audio insight into the evidence to put things into a bit more perspective. Those injuries didn’t go unnoticed to rest of the family and friends, others who loved Star and would have cared for her. I can’t imagine how helpless and tortured they feel.

See you all tomorrow for the sentencing 😔
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Chatty Member
I can’t speak for Star’s family. But in their position I think I would get more peace from the possibility that FS could be rehabilitated and could turn her life around than from one which would see her ‘tortured’ by other inmates.

It’s not a civilised society if no attempt is made to rehabilitate someone who is capable of that. It’s not ok to just throw away the key because other people are horrified and don’t understand.

That doesn’t mean that I’m not heartbroken by the photos of those unspeakable bruises on Star’s face. It doesn’t mean that I think she’s innocent of wrongdoing.
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Wackie Jeaver

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One (of many) thing that really disturbs me is how everyone is saying what a beautiful child Star was. Which indeed she was. But it should have made no difference if she was a plain little girl, or fat, or god forbid, not white. I hate that her beauty is seen to make the crime worse.
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I just cannot make sense of it. That picture has made me think Frankie will get a more severe sentence. Five chances missed. Just unbelievable except for knowing it’s true.
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This is what I don’t understand, where the fuck was Jordan! He was her dad, he had a care of duty. He could of easily went and took that baby away, he’s on the birth certificate he has parental rights. He should feel just as guilty for seeing bruises and not doing a thing and not bothering with his daughter but playing the doting dad on facebook and robbing money in her memory 😡
I agree but Jordan is a convicted criminal whose moral compass is at 0 so probably his empathy compass is the same. He is not your average dad or even a lousy crap dad. That baby drew the short straw in life by having those two as parents/carers and then SB thrown into the mix.
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For me seeing the photo cleared up beyond reasonable doubt whether the bruises were passable as accidental or not. Everyone here was shocked by the photo and the severity of the bruise.

Having followed the trial like many of you , every day - and a having a now 20 month old boisterous boy who is expert at collecting a bruise or two in his endeavours - I've compared and contrasted any little accident he's had during this time. I've watched him topple over and immediately throw his hands out to save himself. It's fascinating.

One really clever thing that stuck out to me - "rarely bruised on cheek because shoulder protects" ..... wow I thought - how interesting. We regularly have leg bruises and the odd head bump are classics from time to time.

So one of the days during the trial, I went to get my baby upstairs from his nap, He's fully steady on his feet but I still hold his hand coming down the stairs. There is a stair gate at the top and on this particular occasion - I was holding his hand and the stair gate sort of swung back and caught his cheek as he took the first step down. I went cold. Would this bruise his cheek? I almost laughed to myself 'there's these experts saying it's almost impossible to get a bruise on your cheek and here this chap has gone and managed to get one.'

BUT..... then a couple of hours later, it wasn't a bruise. It was a little tiny red mark which faded after a short time. A tiny dot. The size of a 5p pence if even.

The impact of the accident was enough to make me jolt and make him say 'ouch'.....

I wondered then - okay what are we talking about in terms of these bruises? Little marks ? COULD they be accidental? Explained away. Toddlers are notorious for having heart-attack inducing accidents, even in the most loving and safe homes.....

THE IMAGE TODAY..... it looks like she was severely as hard as possible smacked - how she didn't loose teeth - I don't know. ITS HORRIFYING, THE REALITY OF THE ABUSE IS HORRIFYING!!!!! It looks like a punch you'd see on grown man after a drunken fist fight. IT LOOKS WORSE THAN THAT..... NOOOOO EXCUSEEEEEEE
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Just wanted to share something that I have been thinking about for a while regarding a fear of social services etc.

This isn't in anyway to defend FS as obviously the circumstances are completely different, and in my situation I hadn't harmed my son in any way.

After my son was born, I think I had post natal deprsssion. I don't know to this day whether I did as I was too scared to call a Dr.

I had suffered a very traumatic birth and didn't bond with my son at all. It actually probably took me a good 10+ months to feel like he was mine. I never felt like I knew what to say to him or how to be a mum. It took a long time to feel maternal. I obviously looked after him and took perfect care of him but never felt very much, I sort of felt like I was babysitting someone else's child.

I had a huge fear of social services taking him away (even though they would have no reason to). That is the reason why I never called a gp about how much I was struggling. I was frightened they would take him away as I was struggling. I really was terrified that if I admitted I may be depressed that they would take him away.

When he was around 9 months old he pulled a wire and Alexa fell on his head. Completely accidentally obviously and I still had that fear that the doctor would think terribly of me and call social services.
But I obviously did the right thing and called 111 who arranged a doctor's appointment and he was absolutely fine.

I just wanted to add my experience as I remember reading somewhere that even very shortly after Star was born, FS had a fear of SS taking Star away, and this would have been before any of the abuse took place? So she would have no real reason to think they would?

i wonder if it could be that fear she had always had re SS, combined with being under SB's spell and genuinely believing the bruises were accidental, that caused FS to just not want to take further action with regards to dr, hospital, etc

Just thinking out loud I guess 🤔
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