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So FS did plead guilty to 8 counts of cruelty. The judge will take the cruelty and the plea into account in sentencing.

I know it sounds strange but I am looking forward to reading the judges statement on sentencing. I feel like Justice Lambert is a decent sort. It will be interesting to hear her thoughts.


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You must've missed the part where AM asked FS in court about the black eyes and FS stated that SB gave her one from the bottle, and the other was given by RE by accident when she was round at the house later. She also stated that most examples of violence from SB weren't major / as major as the black eye from the pub incident

No AM asked FS in court about the black eyes etc and FS herself downplayed them, stating SB had given her one black eye from the pub incident but that the other black eyes was caused by accident by RE at the house later on and that her face obvs looked worse as a result
I’m sure she said she couldn’t count how many times SB had assaulted her but it was often and started early on in the relationship when SB bit her cheek? Then she mentioned the incident with the shoe and the hairbrush? Wasn’t the pub incident the same time she got the black eye off RE? I thought when they got back to the house SB and RE shared, SB was giving FS “a hiding” and RE pulled her off and hit FS in the eye in the process?
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There not travellers! Or gypsys or Romany or Irish I am a traveller my self we do not except anyone who’s abusive to children in anyway! When it comes to child care we are strict if she was a traveller she’d be diss owned but all community including her family! She’s a wanna be don’t have a traveller bone in her body scum both of them there’s no excuse for the mother of the child either I would walk on glass for my kids when it comes to them no one comes first at all a mother lives for there children even at a young age some traveller wommen get married young some as young as 16 and become mothers and very protective mothers so no excuse for frankie thy she was young and vulnerable it’s her baby who she gave life to and she aloud someone to take her life Need h hung both of them
I can understand as a community that you may wish to distance yourself from this murder but SB is quite patently an English gypsy. As you already know, gorjas do not know, understand or use the traveller vocabulary. May I ask how you feel about SB's sexuality? I have many traveller friends and they all tell me that homosexuality is absolutely taboo.
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Also why is it with scummy families like Brockhill’s they will defend each other come hell or high water, even when they’ve been found guilty of a terrible crime in a court of law? Last week a scummy young women from North Wales was found guilty of killing a young man on a moped. She’d shown zero remorse and had been driving with broken headlights, yet her family were all over SM defending her saying it was an ‘accident’ and attacking anyone who slated her. Most of them can barely spell as well.
I've said it on here many times - travellers will ALWAYS stick together against a world that they perceive to be against them. A criminal traveller is a better human being in their eyes than a law abiding gorja, by default. I imagine the traveller community will put 100% blame on FS, saying SB has looked after many kids and never harmed them, it must be FS who did it etc.

We gorjas are beneath them in every way, they do not think we have the right to judge them. As I've said I have traveller friends, mostly in their 20's and 30's. Some of their (older) family members have expressed disgust that they are friends with me.

I have respect for the travelling community and some aspects of their culture are exemplary and we could learn a lot from them. But be under no illusion, gorjas are second class citizens to them. Remember SB saying her family had warned her to stay away from the "low class" Smith family? I totally believe that happened and that they believed they were superior.
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I have been following this from the beginning and i did feel sorry for fs. I don't know how I feel about her now but it's safe so say she failed as a mother in every sense.
I don't know about anyone else but I don't feel like justice has beem done. The verdicts were right for SB and FS, but I don't want to be in a society where our children have been failed by tbe system so monumently. That poor baby deserved so much better
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Forgive me but I don’t understand why people are feeling sorry for FS? Have I missed something? It’s just in those texts and in the live updates from court videos etc, the way she treated Star was horrific, not as bad as SB but a lot of the things she did were just as cruel!
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Corinne really cracks me up I can just imagine her sat there typing 🤣

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I feel really overwhelmed and emotional I’m not sure about anyone else. I haven’t followed the threads this morning, I just saw the verdict. It’s been a lot to take in these past 2 months and its finally come to an end (for us). I really feel for Star’s family I can’t even imagine how they are feeling right now. While I’m so glad SB has been found guilty I can’t imagine it even feels like justice for them. It’s heartbreaking 💔
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As much as we can all say she should of took the baby to see a doctor, this was during lockdown how hard was it to actually see a doctor? I still can’t get a face to face appointment it’s all over the phone, what are they going to diagnose with that?
Not that hard actually. I rang 111 at midnight during the main bit of lockdown. I suspected my DD had shingles. We had an appointment made at hospital for 7am in the morning and then we had another appointment with a consultant at nearby hospital at tea time because the shingles were in her eye.

Since lockdown, my children and I have had plenty of face to face appointments for things that could not be helped over the phone, eg shingles, infected wounds etc. It depends where you live, and how insistent you are, I suppose.

I wish people would now stop making excuses for Frankie. you no longer need to give her the benefit of the doubt anymore. She has been banged to rights. Low IQ or not, she allowed her poor baby to suffer in the most horrific way. Anyone who has seen that bruise and still believes she thought it was an accident is deluding themselves, she knew, even a five year old would know. A hand shaped facial bruise and a finger tip bruise all on one side of her face? Just stop. Please. A jury of 11 people have seen far more than us and have given their verdict. I cannot understand why people are still questioning it. Your initial thoughts were wrong, that is all there is to it.

Lockdown or not, FS would still not have taken her baby to see a GP. The lockdown is just a very convenient excuse.

I cannot believe that people are still trying to justify and excuse FS’s careless, cruel behaviour even though they have seen the bruises her child had and she did fuck all about. I’ve been even tempered and have bit my tongue all through this thread. To still see people excusing FS’s behaviour after everything today…I give up. Hiding behind covid is the most pathetic excuse there is.

She should have taken her, there’s no question of that, even if it was over the phone initially or whatever. To my mind it seems like she was trying but she was strongly discouraged by SB and the high compliance came into play.
She didn’t try at all. she did nothing. Nothing at all.
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What I don’t get is if professionals who definitely know about patterns of non accidental bruising bought the story of Star falling, how can we know for sure that FS knew it was non accidental. Obviously the jury think she knew but I can’t make sense of that personally.
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In this article, David explains how SB gradually increased the distance between FS and her family. Which is classic abuser behaviour. The flat where Star suffered her fatal injuries is several miles away from where Anita and David were living. I didn’t realise that.

I also think it’s time trolls on FB stopped attacking FS’s mother. They really should be ashamed of themselves.

Forgive me but I don’t understand why people are feeling sorry for FS? Have I missed something? It’s just in those texts and in the live updates from court videos etc, the way she treated Star was horrific, not as bad as SB but a lot of the things she did were just as cruel!
Why don’t you read through all these threads from the beginning? I’m not about to go around in circles yet again.
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Wow. Such empathy(!) I don’t believe FS is evil. She made terrible choices but I really believe she regrets them.
she referred to her beautiful baby daughter as 'it' :/
i'm really shocked at the empathy towards FS. she has many mitigating factors sure but she undeniably allowed star's death to happen. she played her part and i'm glad she will deal with the repercussions because of it.
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Looking at SB’s mugshot is making me angry. I just don’t understand it. It’s not like she was a frustrated mother who flipped one day. She had no responsibility for the child, yet she kept taking her, and beating her. They should have left her with David and Anita. I don’t get it.
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Well said.

I am going to stick my head above the parapit here - I still have a lot of sympathy for FS. I do not believe she is evil, I do not believe she ever could have thought something so horrific would happen. I believe she felt as I once did, as I have said before - "this is my life, this is how it is, this is how I have to exist". I would not have dared question my abuser if he had told me not to do something - even if that thing was to take a child to hospital. I cannot stress this enough - YOU ARE NOT A RATIONAL, FUNCTIONING HUMAN BEING WHEN YOU ARE IN THE CLUTCH OF AN ABUSER.
PLEASE KNOW I GET THIS!! I am a survivor - not to this extent, but abused- I know it. I've been there. I empathise and understand. If we took your point of view as the facts, then what about her own cruelty while SB wasn't around? She didn't have to do what she did. It's clear she had her own campaign.

It's all okay projecting and empathising from our own experiences, I did this too at the beginning and its all okay thinking about 'well we can understand why she didn't react because XYZ' ....

but that bruise picture looks like she fell off a fair ground ride, or was smashed into the side of a window - it looks catastrophic - it looks ACHING!!....Nothing that could be explained. Nothing that would EVER happen accidentally. It looks like a HAND PRINT!!!!


There's no excuse. There HAS to be a line.
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Chilling 999 audio of shameless mum & lover blaming two-year-old boy for Star Hobson’s murder after tot stomped to death

Very clear that she shouted fs into the room, evil cow.
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You have sympathy for a mother who allowed her child to be abused and murdered?! People like you are what’s wrong with the society!!! I know people with a low IQ, I know people with severe learning difficulties. I know people who have escaped abusive relationships to protect their childrens safety. All of those know how wrong allowing a child to be hurt is. Even animals know to protect their own! Fucking boils my piss people having sympathy for FS it really does!
Just stop being so rude.
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There’s reading about the bruises then there’s seeing the picture that has been released today. My gosh, I can’t even think of the words. Poor little girl 💔
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Went onto FB earlier.
Saw two comments saying “they should be shot on sight” and “FS should be forced to have a hysterectomy”.
Logged off and considered wine.
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