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I would have to agree. Normally partners get jealous of kids when they feel the other partner prioritises the child more than them and spends more time with the child. In this case neither is true. FS prioritised SB and they didn’t live together to cause arguments of this nature. I think she is just sadistic and enjoyed the power she had over Star who could not defend herself. She enjoyed not just physically abusing Star but also mentally, one that stuck in my mind was the ‘being nasty then nice’ google search. I think she enjoyed tormenting Star by experimenting on her such as by giving her a chocolate, kissing her and then unexpectedly following this by giving her a slap.
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It’s frustrating for those that few FS shouldn’t have been found guilty of causing/ allowing but I have to say it’s frustrating that anyone who feels this simply believes that if only the rest of us were more empathetic we’d agree with you. Empathise with all that has been said about her across all threads, agree in large part, still think she is guilty and deserves significant sentence.
I think the image of Star's bruised face has changed their minds now.
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It does sound like she’s creating a version of events. The way she just rambled on there was no sense of urgency, she’s barely even told them what was wrong with Star before she started the story of “how” it happened.
The operator asked if she was conscious and breathing and she practically said “yeah kinda but anyway, this is what happened” 😡😡😡
It reminded me SO much of Emma Tustin on that police bodycam. Calmly getting her side of the story in, no hysteria at all.
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Poor David and family. My heart aches for them.
But justice has been served. Let’s hope SB gets as long at ET.

I’m kind of gutted for FS but I think the Jury went with what was right evidence wise. I just hope her sentence isn’t long and has her family waiting for her.

I feel drained and I’m glad after tomorrow it’s over.
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Chatty Member
When you think about it. Star must have changed in her demeanour so drastically that most normal mothers would have realised that she was being beaten. As well as the bruises, she would have been terrified most of the time.

This was such an extreme situation. SB is unhinged. The watching FS via FaceTime whilst she was asleep.

I can hardly comprehend that this could have happened and that SS just closed the case.
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As far as I’m concerned either:
1. You’re too thick to understand that mistreating your child is wrong or
2. You know that mistreating your child is wrong even though you’re thick.
The fact that FS was clever enough to get away with as much as she did leads ne to suspect its 2.
She should have got a far heavier punishment.
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Chatty Member
That's interesting, thank you for posting. I'm still a bit confused regarding " if SB refuses to accept that she’s guilty." Isn't that exactly what she will do but now the jury have decided she is her protests mean nothing, could it actually help her sentence if she now admits or would that make it longer? Sorry to drag this out, I'm just interested in the process
I’d be surprised if she suddenly admits it and comes with a mitigation argument of “yes I did it but I didn’t mean to kill her”. But that’s basically all she’s got. Curious about the nod when the verdict was read out. Was it an accepting nod or a sarcastic “of course you’ve found me guilty, in a gypsy lesbian, you’re all racist homophobics” nod.
I don’t think admitting it would give her a shorter sentence at this stage, except I suppose refusing to admit it could result in a longer sentence.
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She was already scared of SS from when Star was newborn, so I don’t buy that necessarily, no. The visits were the housing officer werent they? And fat lot of good they did anyway. And she said she wanted to take Star to hospital for her leg. Would she have said that if she knew the extent of Star’s injuries?

I just think if she really knew, there would be more messages about it, and those later texts of “she can’t be left to throw herself” (which she wasn’t doing) and “The marks on this baby is ridiculous, what's happened to her foot? I'm not blaming you by the way, I'm just asking x" wouldn’t make any sense. I don’t dispute she has hugely failed Star. The evidence just doesn’t stack up.
I think this is one area where we will never agree. I’ll just say that FS did cancel visits from SS on a number of occasions, it was reported in court, not just the housing association guy. The only time Star was seen by a doctor was when the police took her to hospital. This baby seems to have been born unlucky, if that’s the right word. Even on that single occasion she was seen, it was by a junior doctor with 4 months experience rather than someone more experienced who may have rung alarm bells.
I don’t particularly care about FS’s messages, as words are just that words. Her baby was screaming in pain with her broken leg, FS admitted this, her baby had other injuries including severe bruising and she just talked about taking the baby to see a doctor. This wasn’t an isolated incident, this happened over a number of months and never did she actually seek medical help for Star. What kind of human sees a baby screaming in pain (let alone your own baby) when her leg is touched and forces that baby to walk on it?
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The no 1 psycho video is terrifying… Watching the car drive to the plant knowing what is to come is heartbreaking. Poor Star must have been so scared. I just wanted to leap into the picture and rescue her
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Chatty Member
God that’s so upsetting. She hasn’t processed it at all has she.
She referred to her in present tense during her evidence didn't she and people called it out as playing games. She just hasn't grieved it all has she I don't think.
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It’s all so harrowing. All of it. Even in her last moments their was no regard or urgency for her care.
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Wackie Jeaver

VIP Member
FS looks like a baffled child in those mugshots. SB oth... I think the verdict was correct, FS could and should have protected poor Star while she still had the chance.

I know the actual blame is with SB and FS, but the social services have a fuck of a lot to answer for, and "lessons will be learnt" is not good enough - never has been, but nothing has changed in the years since Victoria Climbie and long before that.

ETA, I remember an awful case of a little girl from my childhood, and I'm 60 now. I should be able to remember her name, but I'm afraid I cant - I must have been about 10, because I remember my mum shielding me from the details.
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Chatty Member
Perhaps, but the way I see it is that FS cancelled visits from SS because she didn’t want them to see the bruises, she admitted she was worried they would take Star. Now, if a parent knows bruises are innocent would they be worried? Probably not. This begs the question whether she really didn’t understand that such severe bruising (and I believe the most harrowing ones have not even been released) does not just happen from accidents. Star’s face is covered in bruises in that video, even her ears are green. If she didn’t cause these bruises herself then surely you’d think where are they from? Also, I believe SS only saw Star a couple of times, the visits when Star had the most severe bruising were either not scheduled or postponed.
She was already scared of SS from when Star was newborn, so I don’t buy that necessarily, no. The visits were the housing officer werent they? And fat lot of good they did anyway. And she said she wanted to take Star to hospital for her leg. Would she have said that if she knew the extent of Star’s injuries?

I just think if she really knew, there would be more messages about it, and those later texts of “she can’t be left to throw herself” (which she wasn’t doing) and “The marks on this baby is ridiculous, what's happened to her foot? I'm not blaming you by the way, I'm just asking x" wouldn’t make any sense. I don’t dispute she has hugely failed Star. The evidence just doesn’t stack up.
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Chatty Member
In reality they are massively underfunded and underreaourced.
There used to be services you could refer families to which would have offered support but it's all gone.

Instead you've got a social worker with fuck all support, no resources and expected to detect everything. That social worker will also have a massive caseload

It's not a job I'd ever consider doing because they are damned whatever they do or don't do.

Blame needs to lie where it belongs....with the killer .

Sounds like some things were done, on at least one occasion Star was taken to hospital and examined by a doctor, that was at the behest of police and social services. Without a crystal ball they couldn't predict what SB would do.
This is the absolute crux of the matter. There may be shortcomings with SS, with other family members, with friends or whatever, but ultimately there is only one murderer and she is to blame.
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Chatty Member
I’ve just gone on hmp styal page someone has called savanna manvanna and to send her to a mans jail.
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