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If it was left on the floor wouldn’t the two paramedics have seen it as it is claimed SB removed it after everyone went to hospital so in theory it would have been on the floor when they attended. Although they may not have clocked it as their attention was on Star but I don’t think they were asked in court about it which is why I am questioning its significance given that they never really discussed the pad in court much.
Sorry, I have already said that I missed the last few days of the trial transcripts. Was it actually stated during the trial that SB disposed of the pad?

Am I being really thick here or am I missing something with the significance of this? To me it just openly points out the holes in FS’s story that she wasn’t present when star sustained the fatal injury???


Fortunately, we are not Star’s family so however everyone here feels about this, it’s not in our gift to change anything. Star’s family can and if they want to they will.
Yes I do agree that's why I said everybody's different and deals with grief differently but also people do do things that are extreme n normal people would take the family's feelings into consideration I'd hope.


What. The. Actual. Fuck.
I actually think the second one is someone taking the piss. The way it starts “ahem ahem”. There’s just something niggling at me that their intentions aren’t maybe as good, however fecked up, as Layla’s 🤷🏻‍♀️

Larson Croft

Chatty Member
Also what I don’t get either is SB had time to go get a coffee on the arrival to the hospital!!? I mean FS rang her to inform her of Stars death and she stopped off for a coffee on the way.

Karma Cola

New member
I think there were various reasons BE was not called
Prosecution - might have revealed stuff that could have shown SB in good light, or might not have co-operated or told untruths to help SB case if she was still on good friendly terms with SB
FS defence - she might have had jealousy against FS or thought of her as splitting them up, also what if she said SB was not abusive to her or controlling
SB defence- she might have revealed aspects of the relationship that was not good

Depending on how she felt about SB, how controlled she was could be dependent on what she revealed, I think they would have all have been dubious about her being called as a witness
Conspicuous by her absence to say the least.


VIP Member
If they (SB) have previous convictions will these be disclosed after the verdicts so as not to sway the jury if they knew about them prior to making a decision?


Active member
I'm holding back from saying anything because I can't help but wonder if this girl has low IQ or special needs and doesn't realise that it's completely inappropriate to pose as Star. It's just a really strange thing to say...I'd expect it more from a child, not a 17 year old girl.
She might have thought it was something David would like.


Active member
The question the juryasked on Friday about the phone call to YS makes me think that the Jury are questioning who they actually think was in the room when Star died. I don’t know, since that question I’m worrying they’re still not certain about the final blow or not 🥴
Why exactly does that worry you?